Application for Tennessee Scholars

The benefits of graduating as a Tennessee Scholar are scholarships, job preferential hiring, a better preparation for success in college, and/or the workforce, rewards and recognition from business, gives you a global competitive edge, and the chance to a better career. If you are interested in the rewards and benefits of graduating as a Tennessee Scholar, please complete this application return it as soon as possible to your school counselor. All rewards, scholarships, and benefits associated with being a Tennessee Scholar are non- competitive.

First Name______Middle______Last______


City______State ______Zip ______

County ______School______

Email ______

Tennessee Scholars 2014 graduates and beyond
English / 4 credits in standard or above
Math / 4 credits (Alg.I,II, Geometry, & 1 higher math required)
“Bridge math does not count for TN Scholars” Sails math will count only if they complete the dual credit portion of the course. but will not count for entrance to NCWA colleges for athletics
Science / 3 credits in lab science
Biology and Chemistry required plus 1 other lab science
(Physics Preferred)
Social Studies / 3credits
Must meet state requirements
Personal Finance / .5 credit
Additional Classes
Or Dual Credit / Must two from the following:
Career Technical Dual or online
Advance Placement International Baccalaureate
Fine Arts Service Learning
Foreign language / 2 credits in same language(CANNOT OPT OUT)
Fine Arts / 1 credit (CANNOT OPT OUT)
Physical Education and health / Must satisfy the requirements for state
Attendance / 95% Required(9days per year or no more than 36 total days in 4 years)
Discipline / No “out of school suspensions”
Volunteer Service / 80 hours
Average / Maintain “C” average in all Tennessee Scholars NO D’s or F’s

I understand the criteria to graduate as a Tennessee Scholar. I agree to complete these requirements in four years of high school. Please return this application to your school counselor. Go to the website and download a check list for your records.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date

Parents please read and sign the Agreement of Support !!!!!