Dickson County Youth Athletic Association

Board Meeting Minutes

January 27, 2013

I.  Call to order at 3:00 PM.

II.  Approval of minutes from January 13, 2013 meeting. The minutes were accepted as is, with a motion by Joe, a 2nd by Donnie and all in favor. Approved minutes will be added to the website.

III.  Planet Tees: Anita Holland, owner of Plant Tees and More provided a quote for supplying uniforms for baseball and softball. She will return with samples of several of the shirts and pants offered. Per bylaws, the Board must have a bid from more than one supplier. Ralph will also obtain a bid from The Goal Post.

IV.  Old Business:

A.  Update on the bank accounts. Rather than open a new account at another bank, it was decided to close one of the Tristar Accounts and the Bank of Dickson Account, keeping the general fund account at Tristar. The reason for this is that Tristar will allow a corporation to have a debit card and Bank of Dickson does not. Billy, Shannon and Carrie are on the Tristar account and debit cards will be issued to Shannon and Carrie. Tim Heath is to meet Shannon at the Bank of Dickson to close that account.

B.  Vacant Board position: there is still a one year Director position open. It is up for re-election in June. Several names were brought up, but an agreement could not be made at this time.

C.  IRS: Billy and Shannon are working on the tax exempt status and tax filing.

D.  Board member responsibilities:

1.  The league insurance will be completed and turned in by the due date by Jody.

2.  Franchise fees, which are due May 15th, will be completed by Carrie.

3.  Phone tree: it was decided several meetings ago that we would change from Onecall Now to Callmultiplier, with a significant savings per year. Jody will set the program up in mid to late February.

4.  Website: Carrie is the webmaster, with Jody and Shannon also having administrative abilities. Steve Haley, who initially set up the website, has volunteered to set up the online registration.

5.  Light duty: in the past having light duty meant that the Board member who was on duty turned the lights on and off and did not perform any other duty. This year, if a member has duty, they will be at the park all evening. They will be in charge of turning the lights on and off, setting up the concession stand, and counting money at the end of the evening. This is during season play only, not during practice times. There will be two Board members on duty every night and the nights will rotate so members do not miss their own child playing ball. It is not the Board members’ responsibility to work the concession stand, only to help set up and count money. Board members only work the concession stand if they are working with their team.

6.  Workers for sign-ups:

a.  February 16th: Carrie, Ralph, Donnie, and Billy

b.  February 23rd: Carrie, Joe, Butch, Billy and John

c.  March 2nd: Carrie, Shannon, Donnie, Steve Haley, and Butch

7.  Concession stand: tabled

8.  Ralph: update on sponsorship letters: has sent out 50 letters but needs help with the addresses for three of last year’s sponsors (Innovative Solutions, IFG Financial and Fielder Painting). Former members were contacted for sponsor information.

E.  1099: Shannon has all of the 1099 forms for 2012 ready except for one umpire who needs to provide his social security number.

F.  Pitching mounds: the entire Board is in agreement that new mounds need to be purchased. The concern is that in the past the mounds were left out and tossed over fences to get them out of the way, breaking them. Jody and Joe have been looking at pricing. Four are needed but cost will determine how many will be purchased.

V.  New Business:

A.  Shannon provided the profit and loss statement for DCYAA and we ended the 2012 year with a positive balance.

B.  Reed Berry attended the meeting to discuss a 15U league that will allow 13/14 year old boys to be rostered dually. Everyone is in agreement that this should be pursued for our boys and Jody will work with Reed and Tim Potter on the logistics and bringing it to Dickson.

C.  Article XX: it is felt that there is a contradiction in the Bylaws between Article XX and the duties of the Board. The issue will be taken to the league attorney, Mr. Tim Potter for clarification and any options for changing this difference.

D.  It was requested that everyone check the handout and make sure all of their contact information is correct. Carrie will email the contact list to all Board members.

E.  Future meeting dates and times: there is a conflict between our normal meeting time, Sunday afternoon at 3 PM and the umpires’ meeting. With the signing of the agreement with the City of Dickson, we will once again be able to meet at the Pavilion at Buckner Park.

VI.  Roundtable:

A.  Joe: reiterated that we need more than one bid for the uniforms. Ralph agreed to get a bid from the Goal Post.

B.  Carrie: update on registration: flyers are made and Dennis is printing. Ralph suggested that we print enough to hand out at the basketball games.

VII.  The next meeting is Thursday February 7, 2013 at 6 PM at the Pavilion.

VIII.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM>