Criteria for Chapter Communication Awards for 2015-17

Newsletter and Print Publicity Award

All newsletters and submissions to the Xi State News and local newspapers dated from April 1, 2015 through March 15, 2016 will be considered for the Xi State Communications Awards in 2016.

You must email or mail copies of your chapter’s newsletters as well as copies of your submissions to Xi State News and to your local newspaper to your assigned Xi State Communications Committee contact person by March 15, 2016. Articles published in local newspapers must mention Delta Kappa Gamma. For your chapter to get credit, the Communications Committee contact person must receive a copy of your submissions.

Criteria for the Highest Honor Award:

·  At least five chapter newsletters in a year

·  At least two submissions to Xi State News and/or local newspaper

·  Quality content areas in chapter news coverage

o  President’s message in every issue

o  Preview of next month’s activities in every issue

o  Preview of future events in every issue

o  Member news in every issue

o  Chapter activities in at least one issue

o  Legislative updates in at least one issue

o  Educational issues and concerns in at least one issue

Website/Social Media Award

The Communications & Publicity Committee will look at chapter websites on a regular, monthly basis, so as to give a website award in addition to the newsletter award for excellence.

Criteria for Highest Honor Award:

·  Meets international Society website standards (certification) and

·  Has a current (updated at least monthly) website, AND/OR

·  Has a verified and active social media network.

Websites that are not certified by International will be considered for points, but the chapter must give the URL of the website to their C&P representative so that the site may be checked on a regular basis. The committee representative must also know the location of the social media network (Facebook, Tweeter, etc.) and given access to that network for verification purposes.

Revised December 2015