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13:04 Bill Duffy
Just lost the Audio
13:04 Kyle Johnson (SUNYIT)
@Bill Duffy, audio is still good here, local issue?
13:04 _EDUCAUSE_Help
@ Bill, If you are experiencing audio difficulties, please click on the Audio Problems link in the lower left hand corner.
13:04 Bill Duffy
13:06 Bill Duffy
Fine now
13:07 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://net.educause.edu/sac
13:07 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.educause.edu/About+EDUCAUSE/OperationsandBackground/CAUSEHistory/695
13:07 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.educause.edu/About+EDUCAUSE/OperationsandBackground/EducomHistory/696
13:07 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.e-heds.org/
13:07 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Review/EDUCAUSEReviewMagazineVolume40/DataRoadsTraveledLessonsLearne/157960
13:07 Kevin R. Guidry
Did EDUCAUSE inherit all of the CAUSE and Educom data? Is it accessible (by request, I assume)?
13:08 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.campuscomputing.net/survey
13:08 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.educause.edu/issues
13:08 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.educause.edu/ecar
13:10 Kevin R. Guidry
Gonna move to 2005 Carnegie classifications? 2000 classifications are getting a bit old and the new classifications are quite useful, IMHO.
13:10 Kyle Johnson (SUNYIT)
any thoughts about providing access to non-responding campuses for a fee?
13:11 _EDUCAUSE_Help
13:12 Kathy Bergsma, UF
Can primary rep delegate access to someone else?
13:12 Ian McLeod - Camosun College
More important to get them to participate. My major frustration is the lack of comparative data for peer groups when they don't participate each year.
13:12 Becky Granger
@Kathy yes, you can designate others to have access
13:13 Kyle Johnson (SUNYIT)
@Ian McLeod, I agree. I just started at a new institution and they didn't fill it out. Going a year without access is going to be hard.
13:14 Kathy Bergsma, UF
Are only primary reps notified when the survey is launched?
13:14 Becky Granger
@Kyle you can encourage folks at your new institution to complete it anytime. The data won't necessarily make it into the monograph, but you will get service access once you submit.
13:14 _EDUCAUSE_Help
Please continue to send your questions or comments to the chat area and we'll get to them at the next break.
13:15 Kyle Johnson (SUNYIT)
@Becky thanks for that heads up. I'll do that. I'm the one in charge if filling it out anyway.
13:15 Kathy Bergsma, UF
Can you separate networking from security?
13:15 Becky Granger
@Kathy - we notify primary reps and authorized managers, as well as folks who have indicated interest by signing up for core data news
13:15 HVCC-Keith
Does Educause have the ability to let the primary rep know whether the other members at their institution are logging in and using Educuase member services?
13:17 Kevin R. Guidry
How is survey validity addressed? For example, I am skeptical of the question that addresses student computer ownership because I have no idea how the respondents are coming up with their answers.
13:19 Bret Ingerman
ALong the lines of Kevin's question: can we add the ability to go back and moidfy data if we later learn something was not right?
13:19 Becky Granger
@Bret we can give you that ability today, on request.
13:21 Becky Granger
@Bret interesting idea to make it on demand in the app - will put that on the list to think about
13:21 Bret Ingerman
@Becky Good to know. The real issue will be how to notify people who have used the data that it has changed.
13:21 Becky Granger
@Bret exactly - that's always the challenge with a "frozen" data set like this
13:22 Bret Ingerman
@Becky If they allow downloads, then perhaps that is a way to email those that downloaded data from the institution that something has changed.
13:22 Kevin R. Guidry
Why include non-US/Canadian institutions? Are they really comparable?
13:22 Nadine Stern
Is it possible to import some of the data from IPEDS to assure accuracy and consistency?
13:23 Steve Smith
A problem of the survey has always been incorporating data for systems where a central system office may provide erp or network or security services which skews the data for any paerticular campus in the system. We do an estimate of those items per campus but it is inexact for the data and sibsequent comparisons. Further, there is no ability to compare systems in the CDS.
13:23 Kevin R. Guidry
@Nadine Or at least cross-reference and check CDS data with IPEDS. Good question!
13:23 Becky Granger
@Nadine we do import FTE, Headcount, Carnegie, and Control from IPEDS each year
13:24 Nadine Stern
We don't find we can really "compare" our staffing numbers to other institutions. I think that is mainly because we slice/dice our staff assignments differently from others which makes it hard to compare.
13:24 Kevin R. Guidry
But have you done or do plan to do cognitive interviews to see how respondents are understanding the questions?
13:25 Brenda Helminen (Michigan Tech)
You noted that there is little attention paid to distributed support areas. This can be a complicated and diverse situation across institutions. How will you explore what are appropriate questions to ask in this area?
13:25 David Stack
Agree with Nadine. We go through a very complex effort to remap our staffing and budget from our categories to the CDS categories.
13:31 Steve Terry - U of Memphis
I would advocate changes to the process shorter than every 10 years.
13:31 Kevin R. Guidry
It seems that you need to figure out just how important longitudinal data is to you and your members. It may not be very important at all except in some specific instances.
13:33 Tracy Huntleigh-Smith
I agree - as a New Zealand institution that this data is incredibly valuable for us!
13:34 Steve Carnes, U of MN
Yes. Australia, for instance, is a major player in the creation of technology enhanced learning/collaborative spaces!
13:35 Kevin R. Guidry
Hmmm... I'm not quite convinced. I understand the political ramifications and the desire to compare but I just don't know if it really works in practice at this level of detail. It's an interesting problem! :)
13:36 _EDUCAUSE_Help
Please type your questions for the presenter in our chat space. We'll have a few minutes after this presentation segment to share questions again.
13:38 Nicole Broyles
How was the member advisory group formed? Participation still open?
13:38 Eric Larson
Central IT often succeeds or fails depending on what happens in the Colleges and Auxillary units. Even if the CIO is available, he often doesn't have the information to properly inform Deans and Dept. Heads. Any plans to capture the "Distributed IT" Component?
13:40 Ian McLeod - Camosun College
Kevin, There are certainly significant differences in the way other countries' data sets. In Canada, I find substantial comparative data for peers in Canada, as well as seeing trends in US peers as well.
13:43 JO
Who has access to the wiki for providing input on CDS redesign?
13:44 JO
How can we see what changes have already been proposed, and to make additional suggestions?
13:46 Rita Barrantes - Univ. Houston
Dan, great information. Any plans to conduct these webinars to share progress?
13:47 Mike Adelaine
One change I would like to see in the CDS is questions in the area of Central IT support of research computing such as funding sources for
13:48 Tracy Huntleigh-Smith
We use the CDC as an initial point of comparison - we then go on to contact insitutions directly when we need more specific information. This works really well for us. We dont expect, nor would want the CDC to try to be al things to all people.
13:48 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RRJF9FS
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13:49 _EDUCAUSE_Help
• http://net.educause.edu/coredata/
13:49 _EDUCAUSE_Help
Don’t forget to please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the lower-left corner of your screen. Your reactions and comments are very important to us.
13:56 Jack Corliss, Loyola Chicago
That is what we do for our benchmarking efforts, i.e., private section and public section
13:59 JohnWhitmer-CSU Chico
13:59 _EDUCAUSE_Help
Thanks for attending! This audio presentation and slides will be available from the EDUCAUSE Live! archive later today. Visit http://www.educause.edu/live for more information.
13:59 _EDUCAUSE_Help
Before you sign off today, please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the lower-left corner of your screen. Your reactions and comments are very important to us.
13:59 Kevin R. Guidry
Thanks Dan! You have a tough job but we appreciate your hard work!
13:59 Linda Gilbert
Thank you!
14:00 Pete Marchbanks
14:00 HVCC-Keith
Thanks Dan. Always good
14:01 Jack Corliss, Loyola Chicago
Thanks to Dan and Steve!