
Product Plan Template

Internal and Confidential Document

Version X.X


Revision History

Date / Version / Description / Author

Company Confidential Document i Revision Date: 4/4/2006 10:45:00 AM


Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Executive Summary 1

1.1 Product and Project Overview 1

1.2 Project Objective 1

1.3 Project Summary and Scope 1

1.4 Product Team Organization 1

1.5 Key Risks 1

1.6 Recommendation 1

2. Market Analysis and Product Strategy 1

2.1 Market Overview 1

2.2 Target Markets 1

2.3 Product Strategic Fit 1

2.4 Market Introduction Strategy 1

2.5 Market Expansion Opportunities 1

3. Competitive Analysis 1

4. Product Requirements 1

4.1 Overview 1

4.2 Product Features and Functionality 1

4.2.1 Feature/Function 1 1

4.2.2 Feature/Function n 1

4.3 Platform Requirements 1

4.4 Performance Requirements 1

4.4.1 Sub-system performance 1

4.4.2 Processor and System Performance 1

4.5 User/Deployment Environment 1

4.5.1 Installation Procedures 1

4.5.2 Configuration Options 1

4.5.3 Uninstall Process 1

4.6 Technical Approach 1

4.7 Key Dependencies and Internal Requirements 1

4.8 Risk Assessment and Management 1

4.9 Standards and Agency Approvals 1

4.10 Precedence and Priority 1

5. Documentation Requirements 1

6. Product Configurations and Compatibility 1

6.1 Basic Product 1

6.2 Enhanced Product 1

6.3 Compatibility 1

7. Customer Support Plan 1

8. Project Schedule and Resource Requirements 1

8.1 Project Overview and Detail 1

8.2 Resource Requirements and Gaps 1

8.3 Resource Table 1

8.4 Labor Expense Table 1

8.5 Non-Labor Expense Table 1

9. Financial Analysis 1

9.1 Price Target Requirements 1

9.2 Project and Product Sales 1

9.3 Project Return Analysis 1

9.4 Quantify Risk Assessment 1

9.5 Critical Financial Assumptions 1

10. Requirements Approval 1

Company Confidential Document ii Revision Date: 4/4/2006 10:45:00 AM


1.  Introduction and Executive Summary

The Executive Summary allows the reader to quickly understand the essence of the proposed project including the market opportunity, product idea, recommendation, project scope, and change history. The Executive Summary provides highlights focused on objectives, timing, benefits, risks, and commitments required. The section should be concisely written with an emphasis on context, not details and is typically written after all other sections are complete.

1.1  Product and Project Overview

Summarize in a few succinct paragraphs an overview description of the product and market opportunity.

·  Market environment and opportunity

·  Market timing

·  High level product description and the product's key elements

·  Product's key success factors

·  Benefits to customers

·  Product's strategic fit

·  Value statements

1.2  Project Objective

Describe the key project objectives.

1.3  Project Summary and Scope

Describe the boundaries of the proposed project. Clarify what is not included in the project scope. Define the product elements and release(s), which are in the project scope.

1.4  Product Team Organization

Identify the team members and functions represented

1.5  Key Risks

Identify the biggest potential risks ("showstoppers") from a business and technical view.

1.6  Recommendation

Provide a clear recommendation on whether to proceed to the next phase. The conclusions should be based on the analysis summarized above

2.  Market Analysis and Product Strategy

2.1  Market Overview

Briefly characterize the total available market.

·  What is the size of the market and its growth rate?

·  Who are the major customers and what are the purchase criteria?

·  Where is the market geographically?

·  What are the industry trends?

·  What is the expected product life cycle in this market?

·  What market window exists?

2.2  Target Markets

Characterize the target market segments.

·  What are the target market segments and customer preferences within each? What was the basis for the selection of these target markets? Which of these are new to Company?

·  What is the size of the target market and its growth rate? Is this expected to change over time?

·  Define the customer needs and required applications.

·  In what geographies will the product be marketed? What geographies will be excluded? Which countries will be supported? Which languages will be supported?

·  How are the market requirements and customer preferences prioritized?

·  What are Company's current and desired market positions and market share within each target segment?

·  How will differences across target markets be handled in the product (e.g., cultural and/or language differences across geographic markets)?

2.3  Product Strategic Fit

·  How does the product fit and work with current and future Company products and services?

·  How does the product protect current market segments or enable Company to enter new market segments?

·  How can we minimize product-switching costs for the customer?

·  What is the fit with the corporate product roadmap strategy?

·  How will current Company and competitive products be differentiated from this solution?

·  What current products does this product cannibalize? Describe the expected effect (e.g., volume, revenue, product life, etc.)

·  Identify any unique site requirements.

·  Discuss product name and packaging.

2.4  Market Introduction Strategy

·  What channels will be used to sell the product?

·  What are the requirements of these channels (features, terms and conditions, sales support, etc.)?

·  Describe the distribution strategy?

·  Describe the pricing strategy?

·  Describe the approach to product release? What are the Beta and Early Release plans?

·  What are the feedback mechanisms for the Beta and Early Release cycles?

2.5  Market Expansion Opportunities

Provide a brief, forward-looking discussion of market expansion opportunities (i.e., the "what next?") following completion of this project. What are the anticipated opportunities and how might Company take advantage of those opportunities (e.g., professional services)?

3.  Competitive Analysis

Identify major competitors relative to each target market segment. The current position of competing products should be considered in addition to the expected position of competing products at the time of release. The competitive analysis should include the following:

·  Identify existing and potential competitors.

·  Describe current and expected competing products.

·  Document the competitiveness of the proposed product relative to identified competition. On what dimensions does the product need to compete, e.g., price, performance, quality, etc.

·  Analyze market shares of competitors in target markets.

·  Identify strengths and weaknesses of Company and the competition; include product features, access to channels, distribution capabilities, quality and reliability, etc.

·  Compare performance, features, quality, and price trends for competing products.

·  Discuss the strategies, future direction, and anticipated responses of competitors.

·  For each target market, how will Company differentiate its product from the competition? What is Company's competitive advantage?

·  If this is not a replacement product, will Company be first to market?

·  If this is a replacement product, how will Company "redefine" the market such that we are first to the redefined market?

4.  Product Requirements

This section is designed to provide readers detailed information about the product including functional requirements, product description, and high-level design. Project boundaries should also be addressed. Clearly identify mandatory aspects of the product (versus nice-to-have).

4.1  Overview

Provide a summary profile of the product features, functionality, and performance objectives and the corresponding customer benefits or needs that are addressed. Reference the Product Definition/Requirements document for more detail.

4.2  Product Features and Functionality

4.2.1  Feature/Function 1

From a customer perspective, describe in detail, the content and operations of Feature/Function 1. If the list of features and functions is lengthy, develop logical groupings to present the information in an orderly fashion.

4.2.2  Feature/Function n

4.3  Platform Requirements

Describe compatibility requirements. Be sure to indicate what platform the software is required to run on. This includes not only the hardware platform but also other required software such as an operating system. Do not forget to consider all other software and the minimum and recommend configurations.

·  Determine platform hardware requirements for the product (e.g. CPU, memory, local storage, graphics sub-system, sound boards, input and control devices, 3rd Party components, etc…)

·  Determine software requirements for the product (e.g. OS, additional software applications, libraries, codecs, etc…)

·  Determine network requirements for the product (e.g. bandwidth, protocols, connection type

4.4  Performance Requirements

Describe performance requirements for the product and the various sub-systems.

4.4.1  Sub-system performance

Provide target sub-system performance. For example, provide CPU performance (peak and sustainable) targets in % of processor used.

4.4.2  Processor and System Performance

Provide aggregate system performance. For example, provide aggregate system performance of all sub-systems combined.

4.5  User/Deployment Environment

Describe the user environment for this product. Where will this product most likely be used? Describe in detail how the user will interact with the product, including keyboards and screen inputs and other such necessary devices to get information into and out of the product.

4.5.1  Installation Procedures

How will the end user get the software? (Download for local installation, remote installation over network, portable storage media)

If it is a download, what is the download process?

If it is a remote installation, what is the process?

Will the user have to register the software during installation? If so, what is the process?

Will the user have to accept a license agreement during the installation? If so, what is the process?

If addition 3rd party software is needed and not present, what is the installation procedure for the additional software?

4.5.2  Configuration Options

What configuration options will the user have?

When will the configuration be set?

What are the default settings and how will they be determined?

How will the user change the configuration settings after installation?

4.5.3  Uninstall Process

What is the uninstall process?

4.6  Technical Approach

This section summarizes the technical approach. The focus is only on the approach; reference other documents for high-level and detailed designs. This section summarizes the system specification sufficiently to permit an informed decision, without overburdening the reader with detail. The following are key points that should be covered:

·  Define key technologies that will be used. How developed are the technologies, and are they ready to be used in a development effort?

·  How does the use of these technologies fit with the Company strategy?

·  To what extent are the technologies new? Why?

·  How will previous technologies be leveraged?

·  Recommendation of "make versus buy"?

·  What are the alternatives? Why were they chosen?

·  What architectural work has been completed? What remains to be completed?

·  Describe any special process requirements.

·  Describe the roles and qualification process for key partners, suppliers and vendors.

·  Identify opportunities for innovation patents, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing, and trademarks. Identify and plan to resolve any possible infringements.

·  Describe any standards to be complied with.

4.7  Key Dependencies and Internal Requirements

Identify any dependencies within Company:

·  Dependencies on other product teams

·  Describe the plan for managing the dependencies

·  Do other Product Teams depend on the work of this Product Team?

·  What are the ramifications of missed completion dates?

·  Are there any unique internal requirements?

4.8  Risk Assessment and Management

This section summarizes the market, technical, legal, or other risks and issues, assesses the priority of each (high, medium, or low) and provides brief plans for mitigating the risks or resolving the issues during the next phase.

·  Identify any major unresolved technical risks and relationship issues in priority order.

·  Discuss trade-offs in meeting market needs and product goals.

·  Provide risk management and uncertainty resolution plans. What will be done to resolve uncertainties?

4.9  Standards and Agency Approvals

Identify all industry standards that must govern design and development work. Outline any regulatory approvals needed prior to offering the product into specific markets. These standards and approvals include those domestic and international bodies that may impact the determination as to whether the product can be accepted into the market.

4.10  Precedence and Priority

Provide an overview of the various product features in table form that assigns each feature or function to a specific version of the product. If this is a large table, attach it as an appendix at the end of the document.

5.  Documentation Requirements

Describe documents that will be included with the product. Consider both user documents and manuals that are required to train and support factory authorized service personnel. Consider language version requirements, which will be different depending on the geography. The documentation deliverables may include:

·  User's guides

·  Programmer's guides

·  Administrator's guides

·  Developer guides

·  Service guides

·  Customer letters

·  Flyers

·  Installation guides

·  Online Help

·  ReadMe Files

·  Release Notes

6.  Product Configurations and Compatibility

6.1  Basic Product

Describe the base offering to the customer, including all components that are sold in the most basic configuration. Include items developed in this project, developed in another in-house effort, or acquired from a third-party vendor.

6.2  Enhanced Product

Describe any additional components that will be added to the base product that are sold in an enhanced configuration. If there are multiple enhanced configurations, provide a description of each version separately.

6.3  Compatibility

Describe those items not offered as part of the base or enhanced product, but with which the base and enhanced product must be compatible (that is, applications, utilities, infrastructure elements, and other products).

7.  Customer Support Plan

This section summarizes the approach and philosophy to guide the customer support effort for each target market.

·  Discuss the overall customer support objectives.

·  For each target market, discuss the customer preferences for initial customer support.

·  Address any unique customer support requirements that Company has not dealt with before. Will additional support training be required?

·  Describe testing procedures to ensure maximum customer usability of the product.

·  Describe the warranty plan. Estimate warranty costs for the product.