Instructions for authors

  1. The author is responsible for the originality and quality of the papers.
  2. The papers are published in English.
  3. The papers shall not be longer than 15 pages including tables, figures and graphs.
  4. Concerning the content and formal side the paper shall respect the principles usual for scientific papers in the respective scientific branch. The author is left to decide the arrangement of the paper and concrete titles of the respective parts of the paper.
  5. Layout of the scientific papers (recommended):

-Title (brief, exact, factual; it must express the main topic as accurately as possible; it may not contain abbreviations or acronyms with the exception of the most common ones. i.e. DNA)

-Name of the author (authors) without academic degrees (J. Novak)

-Abstract (15–20 lines of text) + Key words (not more than 7 words or collocations)

-The abstract shall not contain anything that is not given in the text of the publication.

-Introduction (wider connections, giving reasons for the investigations and publication of the paper, objectives of the paper)

-Materials and methods (brief description of the experimental material and methods, so that anybody can repeat the work)

-Results (evaluation and exact description of the achieved results)

-Discussion (confrontation of the achieved results with papers published earlier, opinion of the author on the discovered differences, his opinion on the result, outline of the need for future solution or importance for the development of science, society or practice. Tables: in the text indicated as Tab. I, Tab. II, description of table: I: Title of table. Figures and graphs: in the text indicated as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, description of figures and graphs: 1: Title of figure or graph). The results and discussion may be joined together.


-Summary (brief summary of the objective, material, methods and results, with no disputes, facts; 25–30 lines of text).

-Acknowledgements (acknowledgement is necessary if the paper was funded by a grant agency or other foreign sources)

-References (not numbered, only containing the literary sources quoted in the text of the publication)

-Address – full name and postal address, e-mail

5.Original expert paper in humanities does not contain exact approaches in terms of application and methods.

6.Formal elements of the document

1.4 line spacing in the whole text, including the captions and comments, with 3 cm margins on all sides, in 11-point font (for instance Times New Roman). Figures, graphs and tables shall be placed in the text either immediately after the first time they are quoted, description as prescribed (figures and graphs in Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3 …. Tables in Roman numerals I, II, III…) or separately as a supplement Description of figures, graphs and tables(also giving the prescribed description)

Examples of quotations


Chloupek, O., 1995: Genetics diversity, 1. vyd. Praha: Academia, 186 p. ISBN 80-206-0434-0.

b)publications in scientific journals

Benesova, A., 1997: Hodnocení souboru genotypu jabloni vyselektovanych na rezistenci vuci strupovitosti (Venturia inaequalis Cke. Wint.). Acta universitatis agriculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 46, 4: 47–56. ISSN 1211-8516.

c)published lecture

Choct, M. and Annison, G., 1992: Anti-nutritive effect of wheat pentosans in broilers. In: Mulder, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 19th World‘s Poultry Congres. Amsterdam: World‘s Poultry Science Association, Vol. 2, 236–240. ISBN 90-71463-57-5.