Number: B1-05 Company:

Date: 12/03
Responsible: Name of person

Position/Division: Name of division

1. Area of application

Pigeon excrement

2. Hazards to humans and the environment

/ Biologically dangerous substances:
Pigeon excrement contains infectious pathogens that can cause lung or intestinal diseases, in some cases only after 3 to 4 weeks have passed. Parasites such as pigeon ticks or mites are also a hazard. Due to the dispersal of pigeon excrement during cleanup, these pathogens can be released into the air.
Dust formation can also cause high concentrations of mould spores in the air. This can additionally lead to allergic reactions, especially in breathing passages.
Hazardous materials: Pigeon excrement has a caustic effect due to its high pH value.
Health hazards:
·  Lung or intestinal diseases
·  Allergic or toxic effect
·  Risk of fire and explosion from dry, dispersed pigeon excrement
Intake through:
·  Respiration (infectious pathogens, dust)
·  Skin, mucous membranes (especially through torn, cut or damaged skin)
·  Mouth
General information:
Pigeon excrement can be carried into staff rooms and driver cabins of construction machines via contaminated objects or clothing

3. Safety measures and codes of conduct

/ Technical safety measures:
·  To remove pigeon excrement, use a vacuum specify here (category H).
Organisational safety measures:
·  Work only with protective clothing
·  Avoid creating dust. For this, use a sprinkler to lightly wet pigeon excrement
·  Working alone is prohibited
·  Smoking, eating, drinking and imbibing of snuff prohibited
·  Store first aid materials, including eye rinsing glasses, away from dust at work
·  Use protective hand lotion acc. to skin protection guidelines before putting on protective gloves and after washing hands.
·  Use specify cleaning agent here to clean devices you have used after work is finished.
·  Clean boots after leaving the workplace
·  Store boots separately.
·  Before each work break: Wash hands and face, disinfect hands, place contaminated protective clothing in the collection containers provided.
·  After end of work shift: Disinfect hands, shower, use skin care products, change clothing.
Handling respirators:
·  At break: set down on designated surfaces.
·  After end of work shift: perform cleaning and servicing, place in clean containers
Personal protective gear:
In the entire area, the following protective gear is to be worn:
·  Safety boots S3
·  Protective gloves please exactly specify gloves fully saturated with nitrile
·  Single-use protective suits specify
·  Breathing protection: blower-supported full mask with particulate filter P2 (TMP2) specify
For further information, see BGI 892 Instructions for handling pigeon excrement /

4. Conduct in emergencies
·  If irregularities occur (e.g. strange odours, foreign particles, formation of smoke or vapours), leave the danger zone immediately and inform supervisors.
·  In the event of fire, exit the work area without delay. Call the fire department (phone112)

5. First aid and health protection

/ ·  If you feel unwell, experience diarrhoea, dizziness or vomiting, inform your supervisor and see a doctor.
·  If contact with eyes occurs, rinse. Consult an eye specialist
·  When holding or transporting an injured person, ensure fresh air is supplied.
·  For injuries involving contamination, inform the rescue personnel of this.
·  Contact a first aid giver. Enter name and phone no.
·  Emergency: 112
·  Remain calm and answer inquiries.
·  Enter all injuries in the first aid book

6. Proper disposal

/ Dispose of used filters from respirators, single-use protective clothing (protective suits and gloves) in designated collection containers specify here.
Dispose of pigeon excrement in containers labelled specify here
After filling container, close with yellow tape and label as “biological hazard”.


inspection date: / Signature:
Contractor / company director