Minutes of the meeting held at
Preston Brook Village Hall
21st June2016 at 7:30pm
Present: J.Sampson (Chair), Craig Wyna(Clerk),M.Byrne, J.Hickman,5 members of public
1)Apologies: D.Felix (work) – accepted, Cllrs M&J Bradshaw
2)PCSO – The meeting was opened up with an update report from PCSO Kyle Holcroft in Emma Hamilton-Kent’s absence.
3)To Consider any declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest made.
4)Approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a correct record and were proposed by Cllr Hickman and seconded by Cllr Byrne.
5)Matters arising
There were no matters arising from the last meeting.
6)Items for discussion
5.1) Village Hall Update –M.Peters advised that the village hall had now agreed its draft constitution for CIO. It was agreed that the hedge across the perimeter of the A56 with the village garden be retained and maintained as in accordance with agreement of the parish council and local authority. Wi-fi – it was determined that there was no urgent requirement for this service but it would be incorporated into the business plan for the new CIO moving forward. Plant sale raised £568 and the 40th anniversary event is to take place on 15 October – message to be communicated nearer the time.
5.2) Bridgewater Green update – Valda McDonald advised that the litter issue in the beds has been resolved. Following investigation by Halton BC, it was determined that the tree on the green needs to be felled due to varying reasons concluded by the local authority. Cost of felling £821.60. Clerk to seek additional quote before concluding next steps. Clerk advised that the land at entrance to the grange was owned by persimmon and the forest area jointly owned by persimmon and morris homes. This is currently with the legal team in terms of potentially taking ownership of the strip at the entrance to the grange. Due to workloads this may take a little longer to deal with but the clerk will follow up.
5.3) Highways England (HE) update – John Tickle briefly updated the council on the outcomes of the meeting that took place on May 24th. It was suggested that a wider update be provided at the next meeting from those others who attended to gain a clearer picture/understanding of what was agreed. Clarification is also sought on the proposed fencing being introduced by HE and its exact location.
5.4) Village hall annual accounts – This was deferred untll the next meeting
5.5) Co-opting of new councillor–John Tickle put himself forward for co-opting. Clerk advised that this could be agreed at the meeting dependent upon the vote. It was put to the vote and all were in favour – this was AGREED. Cllr Tickle was welcomed back to the table. The Chair advised that there were three vacancies should anyone be interested but also requested that this be communicated to others.
5.6) Traffic calming at Hill Top Road – Clerk advised that following the last meeting it had been agreed to review the situation after six months. This meeting was to determine next steps. Whilst initially there had been a marked improvement, it was noted that due to continual ‘knocking down’ of posts etc. the council needed to consider something more permanent. It was concluded that the review was not to consider ‘closing’ Hill Top Road but to consider the no left/right and introduction of permanent & robust posts to deter motorists carrying out the 3-point turns etc. Clerk sought agreement on residnets to invite specifically being PoTH residents and Waterfront/Canalside cottages. This was challenged by Cllr Byrne and as such was taken to the vote – 3 FOR 1 AGAINST, Chair abstained. Chair asked those other residents present of their view this concluded that given road closure was ‘not on the agenda’, then they’d be happy to support the original approach as previously agreed.
5.7) Spar update – Whilst not on the agenda, representatives from Spar attended the meeting following our letter to them on a number of matters. Rebecca Peggs was in attendance as new Area Manager along with Christine, Shop Manager. Their attendance was purely in response to the letter the council had sent them and they advised that they intended to support the community further moving forward. Some of the key points from the letter raised were discussed:
- Litter picking – this was being reviewed but advised that this would continue
- Smoking bins – this wouldn’t be introduced as it would encourage smoking around the entrance ares however, picking up of butts would be regular in line with litter picking
- Car parking – it was agreed that this would continue. M.Pters to send on invoice for payment. It was confirmed that no additional spaces were required
- HGV drop offs – this needs to be reviewed due to issues it’s creating within the estate. R.Peggs to feed back to company
7)Payments made
£294.77 – C.Wyna – Clerks salary
£68.00 – HMRC
£9.99 – A.McNeill – Reimbursement for Bridgewater Green
£25.00 – R.McDonald – Reimbursement for green bin licence for Bridgewater Green
£118.80 – Vidahost - .GOV.UK domain name – reimbursed back to Clerk
Payments received
£6.39 – credit interest
Balance on account after payment/receipt of the above: £25,124.06.
8)Planning applications for consideration
8.1) 16/00207/OUT – Outline application (with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved) for the erection of 2 dwellings at Land between Windmill Cottage, Windmill Lane, Preston on the Hill
Comments from parish councillors: Concerns that the hamlet of the village is now becoming overgrown. This is greenbelt land and identification on proposed approach to jusitifcation being infil as part of the submission is not acceptable. This is over development for such a small rural hamlet and with additional development how are the developers proposing to address the increase in requirement for facilities, amenities, infrastructure, traffic – which is already an issue and the highway which has no pathway and is dangerous due to the current use of highway which is still an ongoing issue for the village.
8.2) 16/00208/COU – Proposed change of use of redundant building to 3 dwellings including partial demolition and external alterations at Windmill Farm, Windmill Lane, Preston on the Hill
No comments or objections.
8.3) Consideration of Section 106 monies for recently approved planning application at Land on Chester Road, Preston Brook (Morris Homes)
Deferred to the next meeting.
9)Correspondence (not dealt with elsewhere)
Clerk read out an email that had been received from a resident of the Bridgewater Green estate re: ball playing. Clerk to check whether complainant has approached parents but also agreed to investigate policy from a highways perspective but not the village green. Agreed to also consider an article in newsletter.
10)Reports from Councillors
Cllr Tickle advised that Peel had undertaken a litter pick at the canal following previous complaints. It was also agreed by those present that Cllr Tickle would continue as parish council representative to the village hall.
Cllr Byrne advised that he had met with Halton BC regarding the bus stop at Preston on the Hill. It was agreed that a shelter would be introduced on both sides of the highway. Clerk to follow up. An additional quote for the Claymoore sign was to be sought and agreement would take place at the next meeting to move this item on.
11)Other business
No other business raised.
12)Items to be included on the next agenda
Hill Top Road/Windmill Lane, sound barriers, hiring agreement, claymoore sign,
13)Date and time of next meeting
19th July 2016 at 7:30pm
The meeting closed at 9:35pm.
Signed by Chair ______