SAHA Board Meeting Minutes – March 9, 2011

Present: Golat, Mudrak, Schottenbauer, Paine, Laurvick, Hanson, Christianson, Kurtz, McCoshen, Curtis, Pettit
Absent: Gudowski, Ozzello, Welch, Seifert(excused)

President Golat called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.
Officers Report:
President: Golat began by encouraging board members to get involved with Gilbertson Tournament fundraiser by gathering donations and volunteering. Kurtz requested we purchase tournament boards for this; Motion made by Kurtz, second by Mudrak – Motion passed, unanimous approval.
Golat presented a few ideas new board should consider; purchasing 12 month temp liquor liscense if hosting Clydesdales games in 2011-12 and purchasing flat screen(s) for lobby to display news, upcoming events, advertising, etc.
Golat announced an ad-hoc committee will be formed for 2011-12 season to develop a long range (capital) budget. McCoshen will chair this committee.
Golat gave the floor to John Hack to discuss Monarch Paving bid for blacktop on north side of the building plus adding on in back of the building to the south end at cost of $9,936. Motion by Mudrak, second by McCoshen; unanimous approval.
Past-President: No Report
Rink Management: No Report
Treasurer: Review of February financials; Harrington dollars will increase registration revenue, Ronda did journal entry to apply registration dollars correctly. Motion to approve by McCoshen, 2nd by Curtis, Unanimous approval.
Committee Reports:
Finance/Insurance: We are insured
Tournaments: Badger State Games canceled. Mudrak thanked board members for helping with tournament this past season.
Registration & Website: No Report
Equipment: Jerseys being collected, room will be cleaned up.
Rinks & Facilities: Overhead door will be put back on shed (Seifert).
Pond Hockey: Final 2011 financials were presented. After reimbursements the tournament made $11,300. This will be used to seed capital budget.
Bylaws & Policies: No Report
Development: Curtis organizing Coaches appreciation dinner at ACES. Managers will each receive $20 gift cards.
Fundraising & Publicity: Kurtz is getting team pictures for Telegram.
Volunteer & Manager: No Report
Rules & Referees: Junior Gold player (Wines) on probation until end of 2011-12 season for receiving two match penalties.
Concession: Hack to hire workers for March portion of season during games/jamborees.
Old Business: Age change topic to be presented at annual meeting. Special meeting will be called to vote on if necessary.
New Business: David Strum has stepped forward for Treasurer position in 2011-12.
Meeting Adjourned – 7:12 PM