CEESA/ECIS Literacy Coach Conference

Literacy Coaches Cohort 2 (Year 2)

Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 Location: Sofia, Bulgaria


Coaches and teacher leaders will:

1.  Explore planning for and conducting demonstration lessons

2.  Analyze and rehearse steps in a coaching cycle:

a.  Note-taking , scripting and observing in a classroom

b.  Planning and implementing a demonstration lesson

c.  Providing feedback to teachers

3.  Consider instructional frameworks that may support classroom observation and coaching

***Pre- Reading for Participants: Literacy Coaching: The Essentials, by Katherine Casey

·  Review/Read pp. 74-95 from Chapter 4, "Getting Started: Teacher Strengths and Needs"

·  Read pp. 96-109 from Chapter 5, “Eight Ways to Study Instruction”

Other materials to bring:

Samples of any observation forms/tools you or your school uses

Time/Who / What do I want participants to know and be able to do? / Process: How will I get them there? / Resources/Notes /
Carrie / Do: Welcome and reintroductions
Do: Reconnect as a learning community / “Since we last met, my life has been like (insert book, song, or movie title)”
Popcorn share
9:15-9:20 / Know: Goals and Outcomes for the Day and week / Preview the goals for today and the rest of the week
Demonstration Lesson: Planning, Lesson, Debrief (4 hours, 20 min + breaks + lunch)
9:20-9:30 / Know: Demonstration lessons can help to support teachers as they reflect upon and improve their own practice
Know: Coaches make several intentional moves prior to conducting model lessons with teachers / Review and share:
·  GRR
·  Decision Making Cycle for Effective Instruction
·  Decision Making Cycle for Effective Professional Development
·  Email correspondence & prior communications between Shannon/teacher / GRR (for doc. Camera)
Decision Making Cycle for Effective Instruction
Decision Making Cycle for Effective Professional Development
Know: Coaches use tools to support their work / Preview sample notetaking forms to try during the video / Variety of sample observation forms
9:30-9:40 / Do: Rehearse observing for a demonstration lesson / View video (or portion) of teacher working in classroom and take notes as if you will be preparing for a planning conversation and demonstration lesson. / Video of Sofia teacher teaching
9:40-9:50 / Know: Coaches analyze their notes and plan for possibilities in preparation for planning with teachers
Do: Review notes and begin planning for a conversation with the teacher / LC Reference: pp. 83-92
Small groups review notes and list:
·  Teacher strengths
·  Areas for growth and/or questions
·  Potential leverage points
Share the notes I took and the potential leverage points I identified / Literacy Coaching: The Essentials
Chart paper/markers
9:50-10:10 / Do: Watch planning video / Observe the planning conversation between teacher & Shannon
·  What is teacher's role in the conversation? What is Shannon's?
·  How does a leverage point get introduced?
·  How does a teaching point get decided? / Video of teacher & Shannon
10:10-10:25 / Do: Preview the demonstration lesson and establish observation lens / Overview of today’s planned demonstration lesson
Decide what you would personally like to observe for and how you will gather your notes. Consider:
·  Content and student learning
·  Pedagogy and teacher learning
·  Coaching moves and strategies
Transition to classroom / Minilesson planning sheet (blank in handouts; completed for document camera)
10:25-10:30 / Transition to classroom
10:30-10:50 / Do: Observe and take notes during a demonstration lesson / Model a lesson in teacher’s classroom
10:50-11:10 / Break/Transition to meeting room
11:10-11:40 / Do: Debrief the planning and implementation of the demonstration lesson / Use your notes, your reading, and the handout “Conducting a Model Lesson”
Table talk:
·  How were the elements of a demonstration lesson present?
·  What questions do you have about what you observed?
·  What is one thing that you can apply, either in your own coaching work or in your own classroom?
Whole group share / Conducting a Model Lesson
Takeaway article: Tips for Conducting Demonstration Lessons
*Note – adjustments may be made to meet the schedule of the school and our host teacher / Do: Observe the coach/teacher debrief of the demonstration lesson / Shannon and teacher debrief the lesson;
Observe and take notes:
·  How is content and student learning integrated into the conversation?
·  How are the teacher's pedagogy and her stated goals integrated into the coaching?
·  What do you notice in terms of coaching moves and strategies?
12:10-1:10 / Lunch
1:10-1:40 / Do: Debrief the coaching conversation between Shannon & teacher / Debrief the conversation
1:40-2:05 / Do: Role play coaching conversations / Discuss next coaching steps: what would this look like in a gradual release cycle?
Partners role play the conversation they would have with the teacher if they were going to conduct the next phase of the coaching cycle. Include elements of:
·  Leverage point
·  Content learning for students and teacher
·  Teaching point for the lesson
·  Planning logistics of the coaching/modeling in the classroom
2:05-2:20 / Do: Debrief Role Play / How did it feel to be the coach? What aspects of the role were you confident in? What aspects of the role do you want to be mindful of and practice? What feedback do you want from the teacher?
2:20-2:40 / Break
Instructional Frameworks & Observation
2:40-2:55 / Know: Instructional frameworks are a tool to support observation in classrooms / Share a variety of instructional frameworks:
·  Danielson
·  Marzano
·  5D
·  General Aspects of Teaching Scale
·  High Leverage Teaching Moves
Survey group for use of any of these or others in their schools. Select a framework to use for the video observation series. / Instructional Frameworks handout
General Aspects of Teaching Scale
High Leverage Teaching Moves
2:55-3:15 / Do: Practice observing using an instructional framework / ·  Observe the beginning of Ms. Brewer’s lesson on “Analyzing Texts” using a framework
·  Discuss:
o  What did you notice in the lesson when using the framework?
o  What conversations would you have with Ms. Brewer based upon your noticings?
o  What aspect of the framework would you focus on the next time you observe? / https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2014/08/13/observation-challenge-what-do-you-hear/
3:15-3:35 / Do: Practicing observing, focusing in on 1 (or 2) aspect(s) of a framework / ·  Plan how to organize notes to gather information using 1 or 2 parts of the framework
·  Observe a middle segment of Ms. Brewer’s lesson on “Analyzing Texts”
·  Discuss:
o  What did you notice in the lesson when using the framework?
o  What conversations would you have with Ms. Brewer based upon your noticings?
o  What aspect of the framework would you focus on the next time you observe? / https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2014/08/14/observation-challenge-what-do-you-see/
3:35-3:55 / Do: Practicing observing, focusing in on 1 (or 2) aspect(s) of a framework / ·  Plan how to organize notes to gather information using 1 or 2 parts of the framework
·  Observe near the end of Ms. Brewer’s lesson on “Analyzing Texts”
·  Discuss:
o  What did you notice in the lesson when using the framework?
o  What conversations would you have with Ms. Brewer based upon your noticings? / https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2014/08/15/observation-challenge-seeing-the-invisible/
3:55-4:10 / Do: Reflect on your own practice / Line up partner share. Make two lines facing one another. Respond to the first prompt; one line shifts; respond to the second prompt; same line shifts; respond to the third prompt
1.  In what ways did the use of the framework impact your observation?
2.  In what ways did the use of the framework help you think about conversations with Ms. Brewer?
3.  How did your practice grow and change across the series of observations?
Synthesis & Closure
4:10-4:20 / Do: Synthesize learning and key ideas from today / Give one to get one:
Record three ideas, one each, on a sticky note or note card
Circulate to trade and discuss ideas – each time you give an idea, you also get an idea
Return to table with 3 new ideas. Table talk the ideas
Each table shares out a theme or a trend in the ideas / Sticky notes or note cards
4:20-4:30 / Do: Preview tomorrow
Feedback and reflection / Feedback form

© Shannon Stanton, 2014 CEESA/ECIS Literacy Coaches Thur., Nov. 13, Page 1