Prof Dev ASYE Guidance for Portfolio Submission v 1 May 16
Hampshire Adult Services ASYE programme
Portfolio Submission
All NQSWs must submit an electronic and paper portfolio for moderation.
Paper Portfolio
Table of contents - in the order belowStatement of confidentiality and authenticity – signed by the manager, supervisor and NQSW
The Record of Support and Progressive Assessment– handwritten signatures should be included in all the required sections of the document
The Critical Reflection Log(including three direct observations)- handwritten signatures should be included in all the required sections
Three pieces of service user feedback and three pieces of colleague/ professional feedback
Certificate of attendance at PPGs - to be issued by WFD after the final PPG
Record of Training attended – to be issued by WFD
Copy of PPG PowerPoint presentation, feedback and reflective account
- The contents should be placed in a ring binder with a contents page and section for each part of the portfolio.
- The portfolio should be clearly marked with the name of the NQSW.
- Do not use plastic wallets.
The paper portfolio should be submitted to the Adult Services Workforce Development team, Floor 3 Elizabeth ii Court West, The Castle Complex, Winchester SO23 8UJ
Electronic Portfolio
The record of support and progressive assessmentThe critical reflection log (including all direct observations)
The electronic portfolio requirementsshould be submitted as attachments in a single email to the professional development team.
Date of Submission
The submission date for all NQSW is 1 week, ( 5working days) after the one year anniversary of their employment as an NQSW commencing or, where appropriate, the agreed ASYE programme start date. Any change to this date is subject to the mitigating circumstances processand must be negotiated with the Workforce Development team.
On completion of a successful ASYE year the change from E to F grade is backdated to the date the paper portfolio is received.
Information Sharing
The completed portfolio will be read and initially moderated by a practice assessor who was not involved in the assessment.
The portfolio may also be reviewed by the Workforce Development Officer responsible for the ASYE programme.
The portfolio will be further moderated by the internal moderation panel members, who may include a Workforce Development Advisor, Principal Social Worker and another senior manager.
The ASYE programme is subject to a moderation process defined by Skills for Care. It is possible that, if requested your portfolio will be submitted to an external partner and/or national moderation panel.
Data Retention
Following the internal moderation panel the paper portfolio will be returned to the NQSW,
An electronic copy will be retained by Hampshire Adult Services Workforce Development team in accordance with the departmental data retention rules and a copy will be forwarded to the relevant team manager for adding to ePf record.