NOTE: It is always a good ideato check KIM inquiry and programson KYIMS before bringing the client back to your desk.
- Expedited Applications: Remember if any case meets one of the following guidelines it is to be considered as Expedited:
- Total gross monthly income is under $150 per month
(-or- household are destitute migrant or seasonal farmworkers)-and- available liquid resources are less than $100,
- Any time that the client’s actual shelter expenses exceed thetotal monthly income and resources.
- Verification for Expedited cases: Only two items are required to approve an Expedited case:
- Identity: Almost anything can be accepted, and the worker cannot require any specific type of ID
- Work Registration (if not exempt): If the client claims an exemption but does not have verification of the exemption, register the client; the registration can be removed upon receipt of the verification. DO NOT hold the Expedited case pending for verification of an exemption.
NOTE: It is very important, since you do not have case decision, to notify your Supervisor on a daily basis of anyExpedited cases that you have taken during the day. In order to meet issuance time standards, Expedited cases should be signed off the same day as they are taken (especially the day before a weekend or holiday).
- Expedited Applications taken before the 16th:
- If the client can not provide all needed information at the timeof the initial interview, give the client a recertification appointment to bring back the information within two weeks.This must be done on the RFI.
NOTE: Whenever possible, call collateral contacts to verify missing information. If at all possible, try to provide the System with all needed information. This will allow a longer certification period and eliminate the need for a recert interviewin two weeks.
- If you do need a recert interview, make sure you request ALLinformation that you will need to complete the case.
NOTE: A client is not entitled to Expedited service again until he/she has either brought in the verification that was requested at the last Expedited certification or has been certified undernormal processing standards since the last Expedited certification. If the client received Expedited services lastmonth, and is missing any information needed to dispose thecase, remove verification of identity for the head of household and explain the situation in Comments. (It doesn’t matter howmany months have passed since the client last received Expedited benefits, if he/she has never returned that requested verification or has not since been certified under normal processing standards.)
- Non-Expedited Applications:
- Proper use of the RFI (Request for Information):
- Never use a PAFS-2 to request information duringan initial interview. (Unless the System is down.)
- “Other” spaces on the RFI, used by workers to type information, does not hold a case pending, and should not be used for that purpose.
c. The worker CAN NOT specify the type of verification tobe provided by the client (e.g. PAFS-700, PASF-76):
d.DO NOT enter wages until ALL wage verification has been provided.
e.Try to obtain a written statement (e.g. PAFS-700) for any new employment showing the number of hours anticipated to be worked PER PAY PERIOD by theclient and the rate of pay per hour. Also ask the client onwhat day of the week he/she will be paid.
- Non-Mandatory Verification (required if client wants/is alloweddeduction for the item):
a. Any item that is to be used as a deduction: e.g. child care,rent, utilities, medical bills, education expenses.
- Telephone can ALWAYS be verified by client statement.
c.If a client claims to have an exemption from work registration,but the exemption can not be verified, register the client. The registration can be changed whenthe client provides verification of the exemption. DONOT hold the case pending unless the client actually refuses to allow you to do the registration. If a memberis claiming an unverified disability, answer “Y” to “Disability Determination Pending?”
- Mandatory Verification:
a. Residency: Almost anything can be accepted. The worker cannot require any specific type of verification.
- You must verify the living arrangements of every personwho lives at the client’s address.
- You must verify ALL income, including cash fromfamily or friends, investments, property, and INTEREST.
- Try to help your clients (and yourself), whenever possible, by using the following as verification:computer programs, collateral contacts. Remember: You can not request additional verification if you already have access to that information in your office.
- Comments:
- Keep the Comments as brief as possible, stick to the facts, useabbreviations when commonly understood.
- Comments should contain (at least) the following information:
- Make sure to date your Comments.
b. Who has any income and/or resources, listed by the firstname of the member.
c. Who has any deductions, listed by the first name of themember.
d.Explain any collateral contacts that were used, Includingname, phone number, and what was said.
e. Explain any discrepancies, or any manipulations of the System that you made.
f.Explain the reason for any client-requested denial.
A.It is NOT required to re-verify the following at Recert unless a changeis reported; use “PV” as the verification code: RESIDENCY andHOUSEHOLD SIZE.
B.You must, however, verify all income (Mandatory). You must verify all deductions that are allowed. (Use collateral contacts if possible.)
A.Check inquiry for ending certification date.
DAY THAT IT IS REPORTED! If the case change has not beenverified, use the System to generate an RFI.
C.Examine all Eligibility Requirements to determine if the reported change has any effect on other elements in the case; e.g. if wages have been terminated, a member may no longer be paying child care andthat deduction should be removed.
D.Positive or Negative Changes:
- For a positive change (increase in benefits): Remove the verification source code if the change is not verified. Record the date change was reported by the client. All information must be verified prior to making a change to increase benefits. If change is due to loss of wages of a wage earner who is not exempt from Work Registration, remember to explore Voluntary Quit provisions and-or Work Registration. If verification is not returned and entered onto System within 10 days, the System will remove the change but will not discontinue the case.
- For a negative change (decrease in benefits): Get as much information from the client as you can. If verification is not entered on the System within 10 days, the System accepts clientstatement as the verification source and will act on theinformation that has been entered by the worker, processing thechange. The client is not required to verify the changed information until the next Recertification. However, WorkRegistration exemption needs to be done, if appropriate.
E.Always go to Comments and explain what the pending change is about and what screens were used.
F.Keep your Supervisor informed as to the status of case changes.
- Check your DCSR each morning and set the priorities to be completed that day.
2.Never promise anything, just say that you will work that case as soonas possible.
3.Before you give an envelope to a client to return information, markthe outside of the envelope as to what kind of case it pertains (e.g.Application, Recert, Case Change, Member Add) and to yourattention as the caseworker.
4.When mail is received, do a quick check to see if you received everything that you have requested. If everything is there, mark the envelope as ready to work. If something is missing, generate a new RFI to the client, but DO NOT allow extra time to provide the information.
5.Plan a certain time period each day to check the mail and update cases.
6.Keep your Supervisor informed about what is going on in your caseload. It is your responsibility to insure that cases do not go overthe time standards.
7.Do not make piles! If you can take care of something the first time it crosses your desk, DO IT! If you stack it in a pile, you may pick it up several times before you deal with it again, or it may get lost forever.
8.Try to shorten interviews with the client. Stick to the point. Get thefacts. Paraphrase questions when possible.
9.Spot Checks are important and are there to help you. Act on 314/315 Disqualifications and Discontinuances as quickly as possible. Thiswill prevent having to take other actions at a later time. If the FSETPworker sends a Spot Check stating that a client has found a job, or moved, send a PAFS-2 ASAP. Check Batch Matches for KTAP, UIB, and SSI income. If these are on a Batch Match, there is a very good chance that the client is receiving some income which is not being counted in the Food Stamp case.
10.Again, before seeing a client for an Application or a Recert interview, check KIM inquiry and KYIMS so that you have a workingknowledge of the client’s situation.
11.At the end of the day, review your list of priorities, mark off what you completed, and move anything that is left to your list for tomorrow.