Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness

Instructor: Kenda Adkins

Phone: 281-604-7563


Conference Time: 4th period (10:00-10:55)

Room 82 B Building

Course Description

Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness allows students to use principles of lifetime wellness and nutrition to help them makeinformed choices that promote wellness as well as pursue careers related to hospitality and tourism, educationand training, human services, and health sciences. The students will use what they have learned in at least one cooking lab per six weeks.

Mrs. Adkins’ Expectations

Each class will create a social contract in which we will agree on how we are to treat each other and be treated. We will answer the following questions:

  • How should the other students treat you?
  • How should you treat the other students?
  • How should the teacher treat you?
  • How should you treat the teacher?

The students and Mrs. Adkins will then sign the social contract agreeing to abide by and be held accountable to these socially accepted behaviors within the classroom. Work must be turned in on time, and the students are expected to participate in classroom discussions and group work.

The students must use the proper safety procedures while in the food lab and will be required to return a copy of the safety rules signed by student and parent. They must also do the following:

  1. Follow all rules in the LPHS Student Code of Conduct
  2. Come to class on time each day with supplies
  3. Respect and be polite to all people, including fellow students, teacher, substitute teacher, guest speakers, and classroom visitors
  4. Refrain from using inappropriate language, including profanity and racial slurs
  5. Refrain from any act of incivility that would interfere with learning or teaching
  6. Always give your personal best daily; never settle for anything less

Consequences for not following these expectations will include:

1. Verbal warning

2. Parent contact (phone or e-mail)

3. Detention assignments

4. Parent/teacher/student conference

5. Office referral

Leaving the Classroom – Restroom Breaks

Students will receive two (2) passes for each grading period to leave the classroom for restroom breaks. It is the student’s responsibility to store the passes in his/her folder until needed. Lost passes will not be replaced. Students leaving the classroom will be required to sign out on the restroom log. At the end of each grading period, students may redeem unused restroom passes for extra credit. One unused pass will be equal to five points added to a major grade, and two unused passes will be equal to ten points added to a major grade.

Supplies Needed

  1. Green folder with pockets
  2. Notebook paper
  3. Pens & pencils
  4. Box of tissues
  5. Spiral notebook

Grading Procedures

The average for this course will be determined as follows:

*Daily Grades – 50%

Students will be given daily assignments to complete in class on a regular basis. These assignments will include reading/writing assignments, in-class group work, unit questions & vocabulary, discussion/participation grades, and occasional homework assignments.

*Major Grades: Quizzes, Tests, and Projects– 40%

Students will be given quizzes, tests, and projects throughout the grading period. Projects may include power points, group projects, and labs regarding lesson content.

*Writing Assignments: 10%

Students will be given various writing assignments throughout the grading period. This may include journal writing, essay writing, and summaries.

Daily Objectives & Class Calendar

Students will be provided calendar pages to keep in their green folders. Upon entering class each day, students will copy the day’s objectives and assignments on their calendar. Students who are absent may access the day’s objectives and assignments from Mrs. Adkins’ webpage.

Academic Dishonesty

Students who engage in any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, on any assignment will receive a zero for that assignment and will not have an opportunity to resubmit the assignment. I have a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty just as you will find in many college classrooms as well.


I am available for tutorials each morning from 7:00 – 7:20 a.m. and on Wednesday & Thursday afternoons from 2:20 – 3:20 p.m. Students and parents may also contact me via e-mail in the evenings if they have questions or concerns regarding course assignments.

The La Porte Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

El Distrito Independiente Escolar de La Porte no discrimina sobre la base de raza, religión, color, origen nacional, sexo u incapacidad para proveer servicios educacionales, actividades y programas, incluyendo programas vocacionales, de acuerdo con el Titulo VI del Acta de derechos civiles de 1964, como fue enmendada; Titulo IX de las Enmiendas educacionales de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de rehabilitación de 1973, como fue enmendada; y el Titulo II del Acta de americanos con incapacidades