Terlux for versatility ...

... in sports and leisure

The luster and transparency of Terlux impresses at first glance. Closer examination reveals its excellent impact strength and rigidity - vital attributes for sports and leisure applications. Toys, with their especially strict safety requirements and sports equipment subjected to high mechanical stresses, are ideal applications for Terlux.

In addition to these advantages, Terlux can create exciting metal effect colours

(e.g. flitter) and can be readily printed.

Terlux is found in a variety of sports and leisure applications. These include laminates for skis and snowboards, aquarium accessories, hobby model construction, musical instruments such as recorders as well as fashion accessories such as watches.

... at home and in the office

Household and office equipment is in constant use. It must have the durability which everyday use demands, but it also has to be pleasing to the eye. With Terlux - no problem. The excellent processing properties of this tough material make it possible to create products which are ergonomic in use and, above all, beautiful to look at.

Terlux can be coloured, opaque (frosted glass) or tinted, with exciting colour

effects and the versatility to meet every requirement.

Terlux also features good electrical insulation properties.

Terlux is used in many areas of the home, e. g. in vacuum cleaner casings, internal elements for refrigerators and decorative articles, wherever excellent transparency is important.

Office uses of Terlux include writing and typing equipment, mobile phones, transparent covers for PCs and copiers and other translucent components.

... in cosmetics and hygiene

Cosmetic products hold the promise of beauty and charm. In this market the presentation of products is vitally important.

Elegant and eye-catching packaging is needed to transport these very special products. Terlux offers great freedom of design and lets you create high-gloss surfaces with exceptional depth of colour.

In the hygiene sector, too, Terlux is the ideal material. It resists most chemicals, as well as toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Terlux is used in a wide variety of cosmetics packaging as well as in transparent vanity case inserts and trays, illuminated displays for electric shavers, toothbrushes, paper towel and soap dispensers, as well as in numerous items of fashion jewelry and accessories.