
Scientific Method Review

Define the following terms:

Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Constant Variables
Experimental Group
Control Group
Quantitative Observations
Qualitative Observations
Line Graph
Bar Graph
Circle Graph

Write T for true and F for false for each statement:

_____A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested

_____An independent variable is the factor that is changed in an experiment

_____A dependent variable is a factor that stays the same in an experiment

_____A constant is a factor being measured in an experiment

_____A control is a standard used to make comparisons

Identify the independent and dependent variables in each experiment described below. Then write a hypothesis. Circle “if” and “then” in your hypothesis and underline the IV and DV in your hypothesis.

Which type of music quiets a crying baby faster: jazz, classical, or rock?



Does the color of recycling bins, red or blue, affect the number of cans recycled at school?



Does the temperature of water affect how quickly food coloring spreads through it?



Is the number of chicken eggs a chicken lays affected by the hours of daylight?



Will a rubber band or string hold more weight without breaking?



Which type of gum contains the most sugar: Brand A, Brand B, or Brand C?



Read each research question below. A set of experimental procedures follows each research question, but the procedures are out of order. Put the steps in logical order by writing numbers on the line.

What amount of sunlight is best for growing pea plants?

____Plant one plant in the full sun, a second in partial sun, and a third in full shade

____Measure and record the height of each plant every other day for three weeks

____Purchase 3 pea plants of the same height

____water each plant with the same amount of water each day

Does the thickness of a rubber band affect the pitch of a note created when the rubber band is plucked?

____observe the pitch of the sound created from each band

____pluck each rubber band

____gather thick rubber band, a think rubber band, and a small cardboard box

____stretch both rubber bands around the box so they are side by side

Read each observation below. Circle whether the observation is quantitative or qualitative.

1.  Marques missed an easy question on the math test. Qualitative or Quantitative

2.  Lisa lost 7 pencils last week. Qualitative or Quantitative

3.  The concrete mix gets hard when mixed with water. Qualitative or Quantitative

4.  The fire alarm is very loud. Qualitative or Quantitative

5.  These grapes are sour. Qualitative or Quantitative

6.  The swimming pool holds five kiloliters of water. Qualitative or Quantitative

7.  There are eight new emails in my inbox. Qualitative or Quantitative

Read each observation below. Then write an inference that could possibly explain the observation.

1.  Observation: The lights in the classroom are off.


2.  Observation: You see a child crying as she and her mother are leaving a store.


3.  Observation: The dog is barking at the front door.

Inference: ______

Answer the question below based on the information given above.

Which data set communicates the information more clearly?______


Using the information below, create a data table for each set of data. Remember to include a title, place the independent variable in the left column and the dependent variable in the right column.

1.  Seeds were planted at different temperatures. The height of the plants was measured after one week. 8*C=4 cm 21*C=7 cm 16*C=9.5 cm 18*C=11 cm 22*C=16 cm 24*C=12 cm

2.  Every other month, bears in the state park were counted.

January=45 bears March=50 bears May=56 bears July=53 bears September =48 bears

November =42 bears

3.  Different kinds of balls were dropped from a desktop. The height of each ball’s bounce was measured.

Baseball=10 cm golf ball=60 cm basketball=48 cm ping-pong=22 cm football=8 cm

Use the three data tables you created above to make a line graph. Make sure you follow the rules for creating graphs (think DRY MIX). Draw your graphs on the attached graph paper.

From each of the charts and graph you created, give a brief summary of what the experimenter can conclude from the data.


J. McNulty 2011-12 Scientific Method Review