Tadley School PTA AGM Meeting Minutes

8th July 2015

7:15pm start

Tadley School

1.  Welcome and Apologies

Attendees: Melissa Stroud, Christine McGarvie, Sam Ford, Justin Nicel, Jim Lees-Smith, Liz Wirth, Mike Payne, Olivia Doyle, Amanda Davies, Erin Cooper, Jane Saunders, Zoe Elsey, Julie Borland, Mr Rixon, Miss Mohain, Mrs Wood.

Apologies: Clare Hawkins and Leanne Goodchild.

2.  Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the last AGM meeting were agreed as a true record.

  1. Chairperson of the PTA report (Melissa)

Melissa gave an overview of what the PTA is including;

-  The events of 2014/15 including Christmas fayre, fun run, summer fayre

-  Highlights of 2014/15 including changing the Christmas fayre to an evening event, and Bag 2 school.

-  Purchases 2014/15 – M & M productions, leavers book, new starters bbq

-  Gave an insight to KS2 playground, quotes include land clearance, re-surfacing and new play equipment. Further plans to be made soon.

PTA has had a great year and has found the events which were run were very successful. Termly newsletter is going well and getting some good feedback.

Special thank you’s were given to Mrs Wood and Mr Pike for all of their extra help with events and general support, to the school office for ongoing communication help, Kayla at St Pauls for her generosity with the coffee afternoons, the PTA committee plus friends of the PTA,

Finally to the Senior Management team for their support and the parents for their ongoing contributions.

4.  Treasurer's Report (Christine)

Christine produced a copy of the current P & L. The finances are good we have a total of £24000 in the combined savings and current account. Historically the amount in the bank has been large s there has been a lot of over spending in the last few years but not this year. Overall operating costs have been reduced for the last 3 years.

The two big events have raised over £6K this year with the summer fayre £3729 in profit and the Christmas fayre bringing in £2343. Fantastic results.

Some invoices are still outstanding from the £1400 given to the school to be split for year group’s use as they wish.

5.  Appointment of Committee Officers (2015-2016)

Chairperson: Melissa Stroud

Proposed: Christine McGarvie

Seconded: Jim Lees-Smith

Vice Chairperson: Sam Ford

Proposed: Christine McGarvie

Seconded: Justin Nicel

Treasurer: Christine McGarvie

Proposed: Jim Lees-Smith

Seconded: Liz Wirth

Secretary: Leanne Goodchild

Proposed: Sam Ford

Seconded: Liz Wirth

Minutes Secretary: To be incorporated by Vice Chair



Raffle Coordinator – To be incorporated by Secretary

Catering Coordinator – Liz Wirth, Olivia Doyle, Jane Saunders

6.  Appointment of Auditors (2014-2015)

Mr Taylor (Mrs Pither's dad) will audit the accounts.

7.  Any Other Business.

The committee agreed on the regular funding of; FS Coasters, PTA UK Membership, Year leavers BBQ, Year 6 leaver’s books, M & M Productions, £200 per year group extra for use as they wish. AGREED

The committee will not now be funding; Mathletics and Reading Eggs. Mr Rixson explained there has been a lack of usage. AGREED

The PTA will purchase all tea and coffee for events, including the craft afternoon, to avoid issues over cups and supplies. AGREED.

Concerns were raised that the £200 year group spend had not been advertised to parents. Mr Rixson agreed this would be communicated. AGREED

£1400 extra spending for year groups is to be split according to year group size - AGREED

Funding requests

Miss Ash requested £500 for netball kits.

PTA agreed further information was required e.g. cost per person and proposed that a larger amount should be spent on universal kits across the school.

It was suggested that the summer disco should be given back to the children for free. This was not agreed as the disco makes around £500.

Future events

Beetle Drive early in the autumn

Christmas Fayre – 4th December

Bingo? - February

Fun Run – May

Pamper Evening – May?

Summer Fete – 13th June

Meeting Closed: 21:10

First PTA meeting for next year: 22nd September 2015

7.30 pm for 7.45 pm start.