NOC – Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2011

Tammy Leonard (IL), Amy Carte (OK), Ellen Schneider (Falls Coalition), Jeri Nieves (NY), Cecily Naron (Hager Sharp), Maryann Marion (NJ), Jennye Grider (KY), Jackie McClellan (NC), Kathleen Cody (American Bone Health), John Robitsher (NACDD), Bea Duque(NOF), Pam York (MN)

Tammy welcomed everyone to the call.

Review progress on our May 2011 activity: A gift from daughters to mothers.

Cecily presented three different designs for the “fortuneteller” game. Members gave feedback on their favorite design and made suggestions about rearranging the nutrition suggestions with the most appropriate activities and adding information to the instructions.

The final downloadable document will reside on the NACDD Website with links from various partner sites. An e-mail description of the campaign, including goals and objectives and evaluation method will be part of the package that is distributed through channels. We will try to collect evaluation data on the distribution effort (through the NACDD Website – capturing emails and sending surveys after the campaign) and on the “fun” factor by posts to the BBF Website by girls.

We will review final documents at the April meeting and plan to launch after that.

Distribution channels discussed:

BBF List: Girls scouts, National Association of School Nurses

Amy will contact Boys and Girls Clubs (OK) where a former NACDD staff member now works.

Jackie will help with Cooperative extension programs

Jennye will check with YMCA in her state to find a national contact

NACDD - list


Cecily will ask their talented designer to incorporate suggestions and will draft revised language to go with the food choices.

Jeri, Jackie and Maryann will draft an e-mail (including the goals) for review.

The NACDD helpdesk will assist with the placement of the document and the form to capture distribution.

BBF will include tweets, etc. when the campaign launched.

Jeri welcomed AMY from Oklahoma State Department of Health – Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. She is the liaison for office of women’s health and has been assigned to put together a task force on osteoporosis.

Revised NOC Welcome document

Members suggested changes in description of the Council, reducing the length and duplication, including hyperlinks to other pages or documents (facts, risk factors)


Pam agreed to work on the section that characterizes the risks to men and women.

Maryann agreed to rework “Reasons to Join the Council”.

Tammy asked that any changes in the next couple of weeks be sent to Jeri or Kathleen.

NACDD Website

The new site will be launched around March 1.

State Report Published by NOF

Bea and Roberta described the report of the state program survey that is now available on the NOF Website. They welcomed any feedback and ideas for distribution. They suggested that the report provides a good baseline for getting more funding for states.

It was suggested that the states with funding be contacted to see if any block grant money was going to osteoporosis.

Next meeting: April 21, 2011