Club Development Coach

Background Information

The gymnastics club, North Leeds Gymnastics Academy (NLGACC), has been established just over twleve years based at Boston Spa School. The aim of the gym club is to:-

Encourage children to develop, thrive and reach their full potential in a positive, friendly setting run by a team of committed coaches who inspire, enthuse and deliver high quality gymnastics.

The club has already achieved GymMark Status (BG accreditation for high standards) and pride itself in the work it does within the local community. Should you require more information about the club please

Day to Day Role

A typical full day would involve an afternoon session at a school or at Pre-school, followed by an after school club, then some sessions at club.

At the school sessions there would be two teachers to work with who will have different programme requirements dependent on their own level of experience and training (often referred to as ITT- Initial Teacher Training and CPD – Continuous Personal Development). Once a programme has been established on week one, the coach would either work to a set of curriculum based lesson plans.

At the end of a half term period the coach would have a weeks holiday and then once the schools re-commenced, would start a new set of programmes with a new set of schools.

In the club, a level 2 coach (minimum) is required to help continue to development of the gymnasts. Working with girls grades level gymnasts, boys competition squad, regional floor and vault champions as well as opportunities to work with the recreational squads.

N o r t h L e e d s G y m n a s t i c s A c a d e m y

‘The spirit of Gymnastics’

3 Laurel Close, East Keswick, Leeds, LS17 9HS Telephone: 07946082801 (mobile) / 01937 572018 (office)

E-mail :

Application Form - Community Sports Coach


Coaching Qualifications (please list all disciplines)………………………………………………………….…………………….



Please attach separate sheets to fully answer any of the questions if necessary.

Please provide a CV to accompany this application and please outline below outline any additional coaching experience/ life experience (working with children/ other sports/ dance etc…) that you feel may be relevant.

Please highlight your personal strengths and qualities as a coach that you feel you could bring to this role

Please see over page P.T.O

Why do you want this job? (what motivates you to want to take on this role?)

Please add provide any additional information below you would like to support your application.

Please return all paperwork (APPLICATION FORM, CV, & PERSONAL DETAILS FORM) to 3 Laurel Close, East Keswick, Leeds LS17 9HS for the attention of Lisa Davis.

Job Application

Personal Details Form

A. Personal Details Male Female

Full name: …………………………………………………………. Date of Birth:……………………………………………………...

Address: …………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………..……


…………………………………………………………………….……………………. Postcode: ………………………….

Contact Tel. № ……………………………………………….…Mobile Tel № ……………………………………………………...…….

B. Additional Information

Any long term medical conditions? Yes No

If yes please specify ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….…



Part of your job will involve setting up and assisting with set up of gymnastics equipment, if you know of any medical reason why you may not be able to do this please specify





Do you have a current YesNo

British Gymnastics CRB?If Yes, please provide date of issue………………………………………….

Are you currently an active YesNo

member of BG? If yes please provide your BG No…………………………………………….

Do you have a valid first YesNo

Aid qualification?If yes please provide date of course undertaken………………………….…….

(If you have attended a course over 3 years ago, it is no longer considered valid, but for your information please provide dates of latest course have attended…………………………………………)

Do you have a valid Safeguarding YesNo

and Protecting Children qualification

(the old Child protection course)?If yes please provide the date of course undertaken…………………

Please return all paperwork (APPLICATION FORM, CV, & PERSONAL DETAILS FORM) to 3 Laurel Close, East Keswick, Leeds LS17 9HS for the attention of Lisa Ann Davis.