1. Introduction

The Nama Khoi Municipal Area is situated in the North Western side of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It forms part of the NamakwaDistrictMunicipality with the town of Springbok as the administrative centre. The municipality includes the communities of Springbok, Steinkopf, Okiep, Rooiwinkel, Concordia, Komaggas, Buffelsrivier, Nababeep, Bulletrap, Vioolsdrif, Goodhouse, Kleinzee and Carolusberg.

The NamaKhoiMunicipality is the largest Municipality (15 025 km2) in the NamakwaDistrictMunicipality with a population of ± 64 000 people.

Springbok, close to the N7, is the most densely populated area, and functions as the sub-regional centre for administrative, commercial and higher order social facilities.

The rural settlements in the municipal area are largely mono-functional rural settlement areas with a poor economic base. It depends primarily on the surrounding agricultural resources to drive their limited economy. Mining used to form the backbone of the economy with tourism being seen as the new frontier for economic development

  1. A historical overview of watersupply

After various studies, if was concluded that there is neither enough nor good quality ground water or other sources of water to sustain the growing population of Namaqualand, except the Orange river. In 1973 a pipeline and water purification plant were constructed by the Department of Water Affairs(DoWA) to supply the main towns in Namaqualand with potable water extracted from the Orange river. The scheme was administered by the DoWA until the Namakwa Water Board(NWB) was established in 1979 and the infrastructure sold to the NWB in 1982.

The NWB supplied potable water to their main consumers which was the then local municipality of Springbok, the Okiep Copper Company and the De Beers Namaqualand mines. The three main consumers were represented by Board members elected by them and appointed by the Minister.

The NWB is a Water Board established in terms of the Water Services Act, Act 108 of 1997(WSA). The primary purpose of the NWB is the provision of sustainable potable water services to the towns of Steinkopf, Bulletrap, Nababeep, Okiep, Carolusberg, Concordia, Springbok and the De Beers Mining operation and settlement of Kleinsee in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape.

The water service area is a water scarce area that is characterized by small towns spread over a vast area. The Water Service Authority (WSA) to whom water is delivered is the Nama Khoi Municipality.The NWB abstracts raw water from the Orange river at a point near Goodhouse. The raw water, abstracted, is delivered to the purification and treatment works at Henkries and after treatment, the potable water is distributed via pipelines to the towns of Steinkopf, Bulletrap, Nababeep, Okiep, Carolusberg, Concordia and Springbok.The total population in the area supplied with potable water is approximately 48 000 people.

Pipelines and their current conditions

The main pipeline that delivers water to the towns consists of a rising mains of approximately 48km and a gravity mains of approximately 64km. The rising mains consist of a 19km, 419mm steel pipeline with coupon lining replaced in sections from 1992 till 2005, and a 457mm steel pipeline with mortar lining which was installed in 1973. The mortar lining pipeline needs replacement as in many places the mortar has come loose and or water seeps between the mortar and the pipe wall causing corrosion.

The gravity mains consist of a 520mm steel pipeline with mortar lining and was installed in 1973. The lining of the mortar has in many instance broken up and water seeps between the mortar and the pipe wall causing corrosion. On part of the pipeline the water pressure was up to 36 bar which was reduce with the installation of a pressure release valve to 23bar in 2005. The pipeline has deteriorated to such a state that frequent pipe burts occur and the supply to towns is constantly interrupted.

The involvement of the Okiep Copper Company(OCC) & De Beers Namaqualand Mines

Since its establishment the NWB had the operations and maintenance done by the Okiep Copper Company(OCC). The Company supplied the personnel, equipment and expertise to operate and maintain the scheme until its downscaling in 1998 when some and in 2004 the remaining personnel and equipment were transferred to the Board.

The De Beers Namaqualand mines built a pipeline, of approximately 80km , from the main reservoir in Nababeep to Kleinzee to supply water to their mining operations and the town,Kleinzee. Although the Department of Water Affairs was subsidizing some of the construction cost, the pipeline was constructed and operated by De Beers.


2008/2009 / 2009/2010 / 2010/2011 / 2011/2012
Potable water / R 3.68 / R 6.37 / R 9.14 / R10.07
Raw water / R 1.47 / R 2.54 / R 3.64 / R 4.01
  1. Future projections

A R160million allocation

Many submissions were made and all spheres of government were approached for possible funding to avoid the impending crises due to the frequent failure of the pipeline. Currently,the number of consumers is not enough to sustainably fund the replacement of the infrastructure.

The Minister of Water Affairs appointed the Sedibeng Water Board(SWB) in January 2010 to compile a report on the infrastructure needs of the Namakwa Water Board. Sedibeng presented the Minister in March 2010 with their report ,indicating that infrastructure, to the value of more than R 500 million needs to be replace within 3 years.

The following allocation(through the RBIG program) was made to the Sedibeng Water Board to upgrade the infrastructure of NWB:

2010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / 2013/14
R 3 000 000 / R 16 000 000 / R 41 000 000 / R 103 000 000

Proposed masterplan

Ongoing consultation for the distribution of the available funds for the replacement of the most urgent infrastructure is taking place between the DoWA, Sedibeng Water, NWB and the Nama Khoi municipality. The Sedibeng report is used as a guide to facilitate the process.

Due to the lack and distribution of funding, only the replacement of part of the main gravity feed pipeline and distribution lines between Okiep, Nababeep, Carolusberg and Concordia will receive priority.

A report is being compiled by BVi Consulting Engineers to indicate the most suitable future water supply for theNamaqualand

The involvement of BVI

BVi Consulting Engineers, a national consulting firm with a office in Springbok since 1991, was involved in the replacement of part of the rising mains and other projects for the NWB. When the last personnel and infrastructure were transferred to the NWB in 2004, the chairman of the NWB was also the then CEO of the Namakwa District Municipality(NDM) and therefore the management and administration were handled in part by the NDM. In 2008, at the expiring of the NWB members’ term of office, new board members were appointed. Some of them did not have the managerial and administrative capacity, previously supplied by the NDM .The NWB had advertised for a CEO but could not find a suitable candidate and BVi was appointed to supply this services on a part time basis.

BVi has been appointed by the SWB to oversee the replacement of the current infrastructure. It has also been appointed by the DoWA to do a report on the future water supply to Namaqualand.This report will be used as a masterplan for the replacement of the infrastructure.

Talks with Sedibeng Water Board(SWB)

In accordance with section 46 of the Water Services Act, Sedibeng Water Board has been instructed by the Minister to take over the responsibility,assets and liabilities of the NWB with immediate effect on 3 March 2011.

This process,which will lead to the disestablishment of the NWB, once all transfers and other legal matters have been completed, is currently underway.

4.Huidige waterverspreiding

Die Namakwa Waterraad(NWR) verskaf die water deur middel van ‘n 138km pypleiding vanaf die Oranje-rivier by Henkries tot by Okiep.Hiervandaan word water deur die munisipaliteit aan ongeveer 55000 duisend inwoners versprei met behulp van damme en/reservoirs.

Die munisipaliteit het damme en/of reservoirs in die volgende dorpe:

a)Steinkopf: 1

b)Bulletrap: 1

c)Okiep: 4

d)Concordia: 2

e)Nababeep: 1

f)Springbok: 3

g)Carolusberg: 1

h)Matjieskloof: 1

Totaal: 14

Die NWR het ook ‘n paar damme, wat gebruik word met die verspreiding van water.Wanneer krisisse soos pypbarste ontstaan gebruik Nama Khoi vyf waterlorries om die water by sy verbruikers te kry.

‘n Telemetriese stelsel is sowat ‘n jaar gelede in gebruik geneem, sodat amptenare onmiddellik op ‘n rekenaar by die munisipale kantoor kan bepaal, wat die watervlakke van die groot damme is.

Die Blue Drop-opleiding vind gereeld plaas sodat amptenare geskool word ten opsigte van die gehalte en graad van water, wat aan verbruikers verskaf moet word.

The Blue and Green Drop Certification Programmes are challenges as listed in the Municipal Turn Around Strategy. Quality of drinking water is non-negotiable and received undivided attention.We achieved only 22% in the assessment for water quality management.

Training of employees to develop their career pathing is a challenge due to the set criteria for participation in job related training courses.

The existence of the Namakwa Water Board as the water services provider needs to be clarified as a matter of urgency to secure bulk water provision.

5Recent developments with regard to waterprovision

The NWB has recently been disestablished and taken over by SWB. In the meantime, R160 million was made available by the DWA for the refurbishment of the aging infrastructure of the NWB.

The money will be spread over a three year term and a feasibility study has been conducting by SWB to determine the optimal refurbishment of the present infrastructure.The transfer of management, staff, assets and liabilities are also being done.

On the 13th of April, a team from SWB visited the area and held talks with the Nama Khoi municipality. Resultantly, SWB will send a delegation to assist the municipality with the Blue Drop Evaluation System and the purification of water. The establishment of an accredited laboratory for the Namaqua area was one of the other issues discussed with SW.

The next round of talks with SWB is scheduled for the 4th of May.

The above-mentioned developments clearly indicate that the waterprovision in the Nama Khoi area enters a brighter future.