Essay Outline- Block Structure and/or Point Structure

Name: ______

Thesis Brainstorm:

Hook: To introduce the essay and it’s big ideas. I usually do this when I begin writing, not on the outline as sometimes you don’t know what you want to say yet!
Question: ______
Title and Author (both): ______
Background Information regarding setting and info relevant to thesis:Setting, summary of plot in regard to your question. Should be 3-5 sentences.
Thesis: ______
Body #1- Story #1 or Topic #1
Topic of this paragraph:It seems like the fear of physical pain is enough to keep a leader powerful.
Evidence: For example, in Macbeth, he ………..
More details of the evidence: He also……
Quotes to support:“All my pretty ones?” (Act 4, Scene 2, line 45)
Explain how quotes support topic sentence: Poor Lady Macduff and her family: killed because Macbeth wanted revenge and to send a message to Macduff not to mess with his power.
More Evidence: (either more details about Macbeth if you think it will expand our argument OR move onto Jack and his use of beatings)
Jack also used the fear of physical violence to control the boys on the island…..
More details of the evidence:
Jack beats……
Quotes to support:“Why did he tie up Wilfred?...... (page 159) ______
Explain how quotes support topic sentence:Jack orders the beating of Wilfred to show his control…….
Body #2- Story #2 or Topic #2
Topic of this paragraph: ______
Evidence: ______
More details of the evidence: ______
Quotes to support: ______
Explain how quotes support topic sentence: ______
More Evidence: ______
More details of the evidence:
Quotes to support:______
Explain how quotes support topic sentence: ______
Body #3- Story #3 or Topic #3
Topic of this paragraph: ______
Evidence: ______
More details of the evidence: ______
Quotes to support: ______
Explain how quotes support topic sentence: ______
More Evidence: ______
More details of the evidence:
Quotes to support:______
Explain how quotes support topic sentence: ______
Restate Thesis in a different way from the introduction: ______
Summarize your evidence from the essay: ______
Extend, go beyond, larger meaning, show insight, A FINAL THOUGHT THAT IS RELEVANT TO ARGUEMENT: ______

Brain storm Ideas:

Formulate Ideas:

Idea/connection / Literature #1 / Literature #2