Maria B. Angelova, D.Sc., Professor

Head of department

Tel: (+359 2) 979 31 26


1970 / MS Faculty of Biology, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’
1976 / Research Scientist, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1982 / PhD in Micribiology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1987 / Associate Professor, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1989 / Head of the Department of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
2003 / DSc in Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
2005 / Professor in Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, BAS
1987-88 / Faculty of Biology, Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’
Since 2000 / Supervisor of 3 PhD Students


Ljudmila Slokoska, PhD,Associate

Svetlana Pashova, MS, Research

Jana Gocheva, PhD,Research

Ekaterina Krumova, MS,Research

Radoslav Abrashev, MS,Research

Borjana Spasova, MSResearch Assistant

Jeni Miteva, MS, Research Assistant

Valentina Karakashjan

Main Research Topics

Research within the Group is focused on filamentous fungiat different levels: molecular, cellular, whole organism and biocenotic.

  • Taxonomic identification of fungal species;
  • Fungal morphology, physiology and biochemistry under normophysiological and stress conditions;
  • Fungal cell response against different type of stresses (oxidative stress, heat- and cold shock, immobilization, heavy metals); evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers; antioxidant enzyme defence;
  • Fungal cell factories for production of valuable biological-active compounds by free and immobilized cultures; cold-active enzymes; regulatory mechanisms in the biosynthesis; purification and characterization of enzymes;
  • Fungal biodegradation of natural and synthetic; mechanism of action of fungicide substances; methods for application of fungicides; laboratory expertise, consultations, instructions for preservation and elimination of fungi.

Most Important Achievements

  • Fungal diversity: A sizeable fungal collection was developed along with the isolation of strains from temperate and extreme environments, including Antarctica.
  • Oxidative stress (OS) and relationship with other types of stresses: Filamentous fungi belonging to different genera were used as model microorganisms for investigation of cell response of the lower multicellular eukaryotes against OS. Treatment of the strains with various stimuli generating reactive oxygen species induces a state of OS evaluated by means of specific biomarkers and antioxidant enzyme defence (SOD and CAT). Unusual existence of Cu/Zn-SOD in mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) was evidenced. This is the first identified naturally glycosylated enzyme, isolated from IMS.Our results provide new information that the OS plays a major role in copper toxicity and heat- and cold-shock response in filamentous fungi. Compared to temperate mesophilic strains, Antarctic fungi (psychrophilicand mesophilic) demonstrated adaptations, which permit survival in low-temperature conditions.
  • Fungi as cell factories for production of valuable biological-active compounds: High effective technology forbiosynthesis of naturally glycosylated Cu/Zn-SOD by the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103 was elaborated. The novel enzyme (HLSOD) exerts a far higher pharmacological activity than non-glycosylated enzymes. HLSOD was fully characterized and used in in vivo animal models for the demonstration of its protective effect against Graffi tumor and influenza virus infection. This enzyme improves fertility of ram and bull spermatozoa during liquid storage and cryoconservation. A new direction in our work is related to biosynthesis of valuable cold-active enzymes in psychrophilic and psychrotrophic fungi, using existing collections of Antarctic strains.
  • Fungal biodegradation of natural and synthetic polymers: Due to the current knowledge about morphology and biochemistry of the filamentous fungi, as well as the professional experience some methods concerning the preservation of natural polymers from fungal biodegradation were developed.

Selected Publications

Angelova, M., S., Pashova, L. Slokoska. (2000): Comparison of antioxidant enzyme biosynthesis by free and immobilized Aspergillus niger cells. Enzyme Microbiol. Technol. 26, 544-549.

Angelova, M., P. Dolashka-Angelova, E. Ivanova, J. Serkedjieva, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, R. Toshkova, S. Vassilev, I. Simeonov, H-J. Hartmann, S. Stoeva, U. Weser, W.Voelter. (2001): A novel glycosylated Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase: production and potential therapeutic effect. Microbiology (UK) 147, 1641-1650.

Ivanova, I., M.Angelova, L. Slokoska, S. Pashova, R. Toshkova, P. Dolashka-Angelova, P. Dimitrova, W. Voelter, (2002): Effect of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103 on antioxidant defense of graffi tumor-bearing hamsters, Z. Naturforsch.57c, 197-204.

Toshkova R., Ivanova E., Angelova, M., Dolashka P., Voelter W. (2003): Effect of the fungal Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase on the cell-mediated immune response in tumor Graffi bearing hamsters. Z. Naturf. 58c, 128-134.

Serkedjieva, J., I. Roeva, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka, W. Voelter. (2003): Combined protective effect of a fungal Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase and rimantadine hydrochloride in experimental murine influenza A virus infection. Acta Virol. 47, 53-56.

Stefanov R., Angelova, M., Stefanova Z., Subev M., Dolashka P., Voelter W., Zachariev Z. (2004): Cu/Zn-Superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103 improves ram spermatozoa functions during liquid storage. Andrologia2, 51-56.

Dolashka-Angelova P., Stevanovic S., Dolashki A., Angelova M., Pashova S., Krumova E., Serkejieva J., Zacharieva S., Voelter W. (2004): Structural and functional analyses of glycosylated Cu/Zn-SOD from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103, cultivated in copper stress conditions. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 317, 1006-1016.

Angelova M., Pashova S., Spasova B., Vassilev S., Slokoska S. (2005): Oxidative stress response of filamentous fungi induced by hydrogen peroxide and paraquat. Mycol. Res. 109, 150-158.

Sokmen M., Angelova, M., Krumova, E., Pashov,S., Ivanchev, S., Sokmen, A., Serkedjieva, J. (2005): In vitro antioxidant activity of polyphenol extracts with antiviral properties from Geranium sanguineum L. Life Sci. 76, 2981-2993.

Abrashev, R., P. Dolashka, R. Christova, L. Stefanova, M. Angelova (2005): Role of antioxidant enzymes in survival of conidiospores of Aspergillus niger 26 under conditions of temperature stress. J. Appl. Microbiol.99, 902-905.

Gocheva, Y., Krumova, E., Slokoska, L., Miteva, J., Angelova,M. (2006): Cell response of Antarctic and temperate strains of Penicillium spp. to different growth temperature. Mycol. Res. 110, 1347-1354.

Stefanov R., E. Krumova, M. Angelova, P. Dolashka, W. Voelter and Z. Zachariev(2006): Artificial Insemination of Sheep and Cow with Semen Treated by Cu/ Zn-superoxide Dismutase from the Fungal Strain Humicola lutea 103.W J Zoology1, 36-39.

Gocheva, Y., E. Krumova, L. Slokoska, V. Gesheva, M.Angelova (2005): Isolation of filamentous fungi from Antarctica. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 58, 403-408.

Abrashev, R., P. Dolashka, M. Angelova( 2005):Enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities in temperature-resistant variants of Aspergillus niger.Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci.58, 417-420.

Krumova, E., Dolashka-Angelova, P., Pashova, S., Stefanova, L., Van Beeumen, J.,Vassilev, S., Angelova, M. (2006): Improved production by fed-batch cultivation and some properties of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase from the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103. EnzymeMicrobTechnol (inpress).

Main research projects during last 5 years:

Granted by International Organizations

Isolation, purification and medical application of superoxide dismutase from fungi (LST.CLG 973968, with Prof. W. Voelter, Tuebingen, Germany), Science for Peace and Security, NATO;

Recombinant glycosylated Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase: production and structural characterization(LST.CLG.977860, with Prof. B. Salvato, Padua, Italy), Science for Peace and Security, NATO;

Superoxide dismutase by Aspergillus niger: heat shock-induced biosynthesis and structural characterization (LST.CLG 980520, with Prof. B. Salvato, Padua, Italy); Science for Peace and Security, NATO;

Biotechnologische Production einer Cu/Zn-Superoxiddismutase aus dem Fadenpilz Humicola lutea, Aufklärung deren Proteinstructur und Untersuchungen zu ihrer biochemischen und medizinischen Applikation (436 BUL 113/112/0, Prof. W. Voelter, Tuebingen, Germany), DFG, Germany;

Bilateral projects

Superoxidedismutasesfromfugi (Prof. W. Voelter, University of Tuebingen, Germany)

Cold-adaptation of Antarctic fungi and their application (D-r S. Tosi, University of Pavia, Italy).

Granted by National Funds

Regulation of carbon metabolism in Aspergillus niger(К/618), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Molecular structure, conformation stability and properties of Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase by the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103(X-822, with D-r P. Dolashka), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Production of superoxide dismutase by the fungal strainHumicola lutea 103 AL (5012/98), The Technological Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Cu/Zn-containing superoxide dismutase by the fungal strain Humicola lutea 103: production and application in in vitropreservation of male gametes from farm animals (MU К-1004/01), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Modeling and optimization of biotechnological process for superoxide dismutase production by neural network modeling (MU-I-1202/02), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Fungal superoxide dismutase: adaptation to oxidative stress and conformational control of enzyme activity(К-1302), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Biological role of the antioxidant defense in filamentous fungi, isolatrd from Antarctica (B-1309), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Biological function of antioxidant enzymes in cell respons of Aspergillus niger against temperature stress (K-1401), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Metabolic cold-adaptation in Antarctic fung (VU-B-205/06, with Prof. I. Ivanova), The National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science;

Effect of Cu/Zn-SOD produced by Humicolalutea on sperm function and antioxidant defense of Bosstaurus in invitro storage (with Prof. Z. Zachariev), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.