1.  Greed

* Attracts greedy people- doctor, priest, attackers & trackers

* They have their own selfish schemes on how to have the pearl.

-Priest – dishonest & greedy – renovation for the Church

-Doctor- makes Coyotito ill- give powder

-Pearl buyers- cheat Kino – giving a low price

-Trackers –want to kill Kino & family

-Attackers – search & burn Kino’s house – destroy Kino’s canoe

* Destroys the chance of Kino of finding happiness in life

2.  Hope

* A symbol of hope for many people

* A new life for Kino’s family. Through Coyotito’s education – family is liberated from ignorance & poverty.

* Kino hopes to marry Juana in Church & get Coyptito baptized.

* Beggars hope – generous alms from a poor man (suddenly become rich)

* Doctor hope – relive his ‘Paris’ experience through payment of curing Coyotito

* Pearl buyers hope – get a good commission from the sale o f the pearl – hope to seat at the patron’s seat & be in control of the pearl trade

* Neighbours hope – to realize their own dream through the possession of the pearl.

3.  Love












1.  Greed

* Attracts greedy people- doctor, priest, attackers & trackers

* They have their own selfish schemes on how to have the pearl.

-Priest – dishonest & greedy – renovation for the Church

-Doctor- makes Coyotito ill- give powder

-Pearl buyers- cheat Kino – giving a low price

-Trackers –want to kill Kino & family

-Attackers – search & burn Kino’s house – destroy Kino’s canoe

* Destroys the chance of Kino of finding happiness in life

2.  Hope

* A symbol of hope for many people

* A new life for Kino’s family. Through Coyotito’s education – family is liberated from ignorance & poverty.

* Kino hopes to marry Juana in Church & get Coyptito baptized.

* Beggars hope – generous alms from a poor man (suddenly become rich)

* Doctor hope – relive his ‘Paris’ experience through payment of curing Coyotito

* Pearl buyers hope – get a good commission from the sale o f the pearl – hope to seat at the patron’s seat & be in control of the pearl trade

* Neighbours hope – to realize their own dream through the possession of the pearl.

3.  Love












1. When the doctor came to Kino’s house to give treatment to Coyotito, Kino’ rage and hatred melted because he fear for Coyotito’s life. Kino’s lack of knowledge and education forces him to be dependent on the doctor’s diagnosis about Coyotito’s condition. Kino also feels trapped because his lack of education and knowledge makes him feel powerless and helpless in front of people like the doctor. He knew that his son was well; yet due to his own ignorance and lack of education, was frightened for his son when the doctor told him that the poison may not have left his son’s body. He was unable to challenge the doctor.

2. When Coyotito was killed by the trackers, all his hopes and dreams were shattered. His dreamt of his son, Coyotito, going to school to have an education was dashed “ he saw Coyotito sitting at a little desk at school…” pg 25

3. When Coyotito was bitten by a scorpion, Kino and Juana took him to the doctor but the doctor knows that they have no money to pay him, so, he refuses to help them.Kino is filled with anger. He strikes the gate with a crashing blow with his fist. This only hurts Kino’s knuckles. He felt anger and frustration.

4. When Juana try to throw the pearl back into the sea, Kino was so angry. He was filled with murderous rage. His felt that his own wife has betrayed him. In a wave of uncontrollable rage, he hits her in the face with his clenched fist and kicks her in her side. He behaves like an animal, hissing at her like a snake. Pg 58

5. When the trackers were going after Kino and his family, Kino felt helpless and hopeless in the situation. He suggested that he should let the trackers capture him to save Juana and Coyotito but Juana was against the idea as the trackers would still kill him. The thought of losing his family gave him strength to move on and he suggested that they go to the mountains where they would be safe.

6. The finding of the pearl put Kino in conflict with his own self. He becomes obsessed with the pearl.. His obsession with the pearl changes him. His personality changes and he becomes more violent. He becomes violent during several instances in the story and also puts the lives of his family members in danger and later realizes how it has almost destroyed his life. He beats up his wife when he realizes that she is trying to get rid of the Pearl.

Examples of the dangers encountered:

First, they are attacked by intruders at three different times.

Secondly, they burnt his house and destroyed his canoe

Finally, they tracked him down and his family and a stray bullet killed his son.


1. When the doctor came to Kino’s house to give treatment to Coyotito, Kino’ rage and hatred melted because he fear for Coyotito’s life. Kino’s lack of knowledge and education forces him to be dependent on the doctor’s diagnosis about Coyotito’s condition. Kino also feels trapped because his lack of education and knowledge makes him feel powerless and helpless in front of people like the doctor. He knew that his son was well; yet due to his own ignorance and lack of education, was frightened for his son when the doctor told him that the poison may not have left his son’s body. He was unable to challenge the doctor.

2. When Coyotito was killed by the trackers, all his hopes and dreams were shattered. His dreamt of his son, Coyotito, going to school to have an education was dashed “ he saw Coyotito sitting at a little desk at school…” pg 25

3. When Coyotito was bitten by a scorpion, Kino and Juana took him to the doctor but the doctor knows that they have no money to pay him, so, he refuses to help them.Kino is filled with anger. He strikes the gate with a crashing blow with his fist. This only hurts Kino’s knuckles. He felt anger and frustration.

4. When Juana try to throw the pearl back into the sea, Kino was so angry. He was filled with murderous rage. His felt that his own wife has betrayed him. In a wave of uncontrollable rage, he hits her in the face with his clenched fist and kicks her in her side. He behaves like an animal, hissing at her like a snake. Pg 58

5. When the trackers were going after Kino and his family, Kino felt helpless and hopeless in the situation. He suggested that he should let the trackers capture him to save Juana and Coyotito but Juana was against the idea as the trackers would still kill him. The thought of losing his family gave him strength to move on and he suggested that they go to the mountains where they would be safe.

6. The finding of the pearl put Kino in conflict with his own self. He becomes obsessed with the pearl.. His obsession with the pearl changes him. His personality changes and he becomes more violent. He becomes violent during several instances in the story and also puts the lives of his family members in danger and later realizes how it has almost destroyed his life. He beats up his wife when he realizes that she is trying to get rid of the Pearl.

Examples of the dangers encountered:

First, they are attacked by intruders at three different times.

Secondly, they burnt his house and destroyed his canoe

Finally, they tracked him down and his family and a stray bullet killed his son.


1.  One must not be greedy

* Doctor – He will only treat Coyotito if kino has money

* Kino – greedy for material wealth like new clothes, new shoes & new rifle

* Priest – greedy for donations to repair his church

2.  One must not cheat

* Doctor – cheats kino by giving poison to Coyotito and then cures the baby to get payment.

* Pearl buyers – want to cheat kino by offering him a low price for the pearl

3.  One must not envy another’s good fortune

* The neighbours – become envious because Kino has found a great pearl.

* They dream of what they would do with the money if they have the pearl.

4.  One must not kill another human being

* The attackers – willing to kill Kino to get the pearl.

* The trackers – certain to kill Kino’s family when they tracked them down.

5.  We must not have racial discrimination

* The doctor – treats the Mexican Indians as animals & feels he is a superior race.

* The Indian servant (works for the doctor) – initially refuses to speak in Kino’s language.

6.  We must help each other







1.  One must not be greedy

* Doctor – He will only treat Coyotito if kino has money

* Kino – greedy for material wealth like new clothes, new shoes & new rifle

* Priest – greedy for donations to repair his church

2.  One must not cheat

* Doctor – cheats kino by giving poison to Coyotito and then cures the baby to get payment.

* Pearl buyers – want to cheat kino by offering him a low price for the pearl

3.  One must not envy another’s good fortune

* The neighbours – become envious because Kino has found a great pearl.

* They dream of what they would do with the money if they have the pearl.

4.  One must not kill another human being

* The attackers – willing to kill Kino to get the pearl.

* The trackers – certain to kill Kino’s family when they tracked them down.

5.  We must not have racial discrimination

* The doctor – treats the Mexican Indians as animals & feels he is a superior race.

* The Indian servant (works for the doctor) – initially refuses to speak in Kino’s language.

6.  We must help each other







Refers to something that means more than what it is. It is an object, person, situation or action that has meanings.

1.  The pearl

·  Symbolises various things.

·  Most of all symbolizes the purity (good moral values – honesty …)

·  These values are spoiled when the pearl becomes dark.

·  Symbolises hope as Kino feels that his life has been given a chance & his dream can come true with the pearl.

·  Also a symbol of evil as it has become the source of misfortunes that befall his family.

2.  The songs

·  The three songs that echo through the story symbolise harmony and peace

( Song of the Family), evil and destruction ( The Song of the Enemy & The Song of Evil).

·  The various music that whirl around Kino and his family reflects the oral tradition of the community.

·  The music that Kino hears in his head are messages and thoughts that go on in his mind.

3.  Kino’s canoe

·  A much prized possession that has been inherited by Kino from his forefathers. A symbol of livelihood. It is also a cultural link where it shows the traditional occupation that has been held by the pearl divers.

4.  The rifle

·  The symbolism for the rich &the powerful. Only the elite has access to it. By holding a rifle, the upper class people, namely the colonials show power & frighten the subordinate(minor) people.

5.  Coyotito




6.  Scorpion





Refers to something that means more than what it is. It is an object, person, situation or action that has meanings.

1.  The pearl

·  Symbolises various things.

·  Most of all symbolizes the purity (good moral values – honesty …)

·  These values are spoiled when the pearl becomes dark.

·  Symbolises hope as Kino feels that his life has been given a chance & his dream can come true with the pearl.

·  Also a symbol of evil as it has become the source of misfortunes that befall his family.

2.  The songs

·  The three songs that echo through the story symbolise harmony and peace

( Song of the Family), evil and destruction ( The Song of the Enemy & The Song of Evil).

·  The various music that whirl around Kino and his family reflects the oral tradition of the community.

·  The music that Kino hears in his head are messages and thoughts that go on in his mind.

3.  Kino’s canoe

·  A much prized possession that has been inherited by Kino from his forefathers. A symbol of livelihood. It is also a cultural link where it shows the traditional occupation that has been held by the pearl divers.

4.  The rifle

·  The symbolism for the rich &the powerful. Only the elite has access to it. By holding a rifle, the upper class people, namely the colonials show power & frighten the subordinate(minor) people.

5.  Coyotito




6.  Scorpion





1.  Kino

·  a poor fisherman and pearl diver.

·  a loving and caring person – to his wife, son and hiss family

·  has great vision for his family when he found the pearl

·  wants to better his life & his family’s through the sales of the pearl but has to face many misfortunes