OCFS Data Warehouse
IBM Cognos 10: / Predefined Report List

The header row of each section contains the name of the

Folder in which the reports are located in Cognos.

Note: The letter next to the report name refers to whether the data for the report is refreshed daily (D), weekly (W), bi-weekly (2W), monthly (M), bi-monthly (2M), quarterly (Q), annually (Y), or bi-annually (2Y).

Location: All Reports are in OCFS > OCFS Data Warehouse

Caseload Reports


Report Location

W / Current Caseload Summary / Provides the numbers of assigned workers, active cases, open stages, children in open stages, tracked children, and placed children for their current caseload. Workers, cases, and children in any kind of open Intake stage (INT), Investigation stage (INV), Family Services Intake stage (FSI), and Family Services Stage (FSS) are included. Numbers are also provided for each supporting agency that has a worker assigned to the stages. Contains a link to a drill-thru report with more details about the cases.There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Caseload Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
> Caseload Reports > Voluntary Agencies
W / Current Caseload Details by Worker / Provides details about their currently assigned workers, active cases, open stages, children in open stages, tracked children, and placed children. Workers, cases, and children in any kind of open Intake stage (INT), Investigation stage (INV), Family Services Intake stage (FSI), and Family Services Stage (FSS) are included. Details can also be provided for supporting agencies that have workers assigned to the Stages.There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Caseload Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices


W / Caseload Detail - Drill Through
Location:Caseload Reports > Details / There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Caseload Reports > Details

Casework Contact Reports

Contains reports about contacts between child welfare staff and tracked children/biological parents

2M / Tracked Child Contacts by Case / Provides a detailed list of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by Case ID. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Tracked Child Contacts by Child Name / Provides a detailed list of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by child name. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Tracked Child Contacts by Worker / Provides a detailed list of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by worker name. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Tracked Child Contacts by Case / Similar to “Tracked Child Contacts by Case”, but includes contacts by the Case Manager and all staff working with the Case Manager, regardless of agency. This report is for districts only. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Tracked Child Contacts by Child Name / Similar to “Tracked Child Contacts by Child Name”, but includes contacts by the Case Manager and all staff working with the Case Manager, regardless of agency. This report is for districts only. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Tracked Child Contacts Summary / Provides an overview of tracked children with and without contacts from any district or agency staff member. There are two sections of this report – one focusing on the number of tracked children contacted and the other focusing on the number of contacts attempted or made. This report is for districts only; the voluntary agency version is called “Tracked Child Contacts Summary.” / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Tracked Child Contacts Summary / Provides an overview of tracked children with and without contacts from their agency staff. There are two sections of this report – one focusing on the number of tracked children contacted and the other focusing on the number of contacts attempted or made. This report is for voluntary agencies only; the district version is called “Case Manager: Tracked Child Contacts Summary.” / Casework Contact Reports > Voluntary Agencies
2M / Biological Parent Contacts by Case / Provides a detailed list of the biological parents of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by Case ID. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Biological Parent Contacts by Parent / Provides a detailed list of the biological parents of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by parent name. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Biological Parent Contacts by Worker / Provides a detailed list of the biological parents of tracked children and their “Casework Contact” or “Attempted Casework Contact” Progress Notes during a specified month. The report is organized by worker name. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Biological Parent Contacts by Case / Similar to “Biological Parent Contacts by Case”, but includes contacts by the Case Manager and all staff working with the Case Manager, regardless of agency. This report is for districts only. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Biological Parent Contacts by Parent / Similar to “Biological Parent Contacts by Parent”, but includes contacts by the Case Manager and all staff working with the Case Manager, regardless of agency. This report is for districts only. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Case Manager: Biological Parent Contacts Summary / Provides an overview of biological parents of tracked children with and without contacts from any district or agency staff member. There are two sections of this report – one focusing on the number of biological parents contacted and the other focusing on the number of contacts attempted or made. This report is for districts only; the voluntary agency version is called “Biological Parent Contacts Summary.” / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Biological Parent Contacts Summary / Provides an overview of biological parents of tracked children with and without contacts from their agency staff. There are two sections of this report – one focusing on the number of biological parents contacted and the other focusing on the number of contacts attempted or made. This report is for voluntary agencies only; the district version is called “Case Manager: Biological Parent Contacts Summary.” / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Foster Care Children – No Successful Contact Summary / Provides the overall number of children with a CONNECTIONS Program Choice of 'C' (Placement) that have been in continuous care during the month selected without a successful Progress Note Casework Contact entered. This report contains a link to a detail report with worker information for each child. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices
2M / Foster Children Contact Summary / Provides the overall number of CCRS children in care for one or more full calendar months, the number contacted, and the number not contacted. Includes links to detailed reports containing more information on the children.There are VA and LDSS versions of this report. / Casework Contact Reports > Local Districts and Regional Offices


2M / Foster Children In Care / There are VA and LDSS versions of this report / Casework Contact Reports > Voluntary Agencies > Details
2M / Foster Care No Contacts - Drill Through / There are VA and LDSS versions of this report / Casework Contact Reports > Voluntary Agencies > Details
2M / Foster Children No Contacts / There are VA and LDSS versions of this report / Casework Contact Reports > Voluntary Agencies > Details

Aftercare Contacts

W / Close To Home Aftercare Status Children In Care and Contacted Summary / This report is to assist Local District and Voluntary Agency supervisors and managers to identify Close to Home Children in aftercare status and for ACS to monitor case work contacts of these children / Casework Contact Reports > Aftercare Contacts

APPLA Reports

W / Children Aged 16- 21 with an APPLA Goal / This report gives aggregate information on children In Care with APPLA Goal and aged 16- 21 years for a County / Casework Contact Reports > APPLA Reports
W / Children Aged Less than 16 with an APPLA Goal / This report gives aggregate information on children In Care with APPLA Goal and aged less than 16 years for a County / Casework Contact Reports > APPLA Reports

Under 18 Years of Age

2M / Foster Children Contact Summary (LDSS) - Under 18 Years / Provides the overall number of CCRS children in care for one or more full calendar months, the number contacted, and the number not contacted. Includes links to detailed reports containing more information on the children.This report is for districts only and is filtered for children under 18 years of age. / Casework Contact Reports > Under 18 Years of Age

Under 18 Years of Age: Details

2M / Foster Children In Care - Under 18 Years / This report is for districts only and is filtered for children under 18 years of age. / Casework Contact Reports > Under 18 Years of Age > Detail
2M / Foster Children No Contacts - Under 18 Years / This report is for districts only and is filtered for children under 18 years of age. / Casework Contact Reports > Under 18 Years of Age > Detail
CFSR Program Improvement Plan
For each indicator, data is provided on the national standard, New York's rate and a rate for each county. (Based on a frozen file; not updated)
2Y / Recurrence by District / Displays the success rate of the Recurrence of Maltreatment indicator for each District. If a September date is selected at the prompt, the report is based on data for Oct 1-Sept 30; if a March date is selected at the prompt, the report is based on data for April 1–March 31. This report contains a link to a detailed report with recurrence information for each child. / OCFS Data Warehouse > CFSR Program Improvement Plan
2Y / Maltreatment in Foster Care / Displays the success rate of the Incidence of Abuse & Neglect in Foster Care indicator for each District. If a September date is selected at the prompt, the report is based on data for Oct 1-Sept 30; if a March date is selected at the prompt, the report is based on data for April 1–March 31. This report contains a link to a detailed report with general information for each incident. / OCFS Data Warehouse > CFSR Program Improvement Plan

National Indicator Detail Reports

2Y / Maltreatment in Foster Care Detail / Displays all the children included in a District, information about that child and how that child contributed to the district’s rate. If the District is no longer responsible for the child, the values for office, unit and worker will be empty. / CFSR Program Improvement Plan > National Indicator Detail Reports
2Y / Recurrence Detail / Displays detailed information on a child. / CFSR Program Improvement Plan > National Indicator Detail Reports
2Y / Recurrence Summary / Displays all the children included in a District, information about that child and how that child contributed to the district’s rate. If the District is no longer responsible for the child, the values for office, unit and worker will be empty. This report contains a link to a detailed report with general information for each incident. / CFSR Program Improvement Plan > National Indicator Detail Reports

Child Protective Services

Contains reports about CPS allegations and investigations

W / Investigation Timeliness / Provides information on the timeliness of CPS determinations for a specified Intake Date range. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Overdue Reports / Provides detail on CPS reports that are currently overdue and/or overdue as of the date entered at the prompt. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Reports Open 45 days or more / Provides detail on workers that currently have CPS reports open for at least 45 days. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / ACS Reports Currently Overdue / Provides detail on CPS reports that are currently overdue. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / ACS Reports Overdue / Provides detail on ACS CPS reports that are overdue as of the date entered at the prompt. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Report Determinations by Allegation Type / This report provides the number of CPS reports with the determinations for a specific allegation type and year. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Report Determinations by District, Allegation & Year / Provides the number of CPS reports and determinations for a specific allegation type and year by District. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / CPS Reports Year to Year Weekly Comparison / This report provides a comparison of CPS Investigations assigned to Districts statewide during the same calendar week in two consecutive years. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / CPS Cases and Reports Organized by Worker / Provides a detailed list of workers, cases, and reports within a given Intake Start Date Range. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Workers with Open CPS Reports / Provides a detailed list of workers with open CPS reports at the end of the month selected. The user determines the minimum number of open reports by entering the threshold at the prompt (e.g., workers with 15+, 20+, 30+ open reports). Whether a report is considered open depends on its status as of 12:01am on the last day of the month. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Workers with More than 20 Open CPS Reports / This report lists workers with 21 or more open CPS reports at the end of the month selected at the prompt. Whether a report is considered open depends on its status as of 12:01am on the last day of the month. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Workers with 25 or More Open CPS Reports / Provides detail on workers that currently have at least 25 open CPS reports. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
M / Consolidated Investigations Summary Report / Consolidated Investigations is comprised of two reports – a summary report and a drill-through detail report. Together, these reports provide information on consolidated CPS investigations for a month and year. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Current Secondary Assignments Received Summary / This report provides a summary of secondary assignments received by local Departments of Social Services, grouped by the district, which made the secondary assignment. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Secondary Assignments Received During a Quarter / This report provides a detailed listing of secondary assignments received by a local Department of Social Services, grouped by the unit and worker to whom the secondary assignment was made. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
M / First Contacts / This report allows CPS staff to identify how quickly First Contacts are being made by staff within significant categories of contact persons. / OCFS Data Warehouse> Child Protective Services
M / Total Contacts / This report allows CPS staff to identify the total number of Contacts being made by staff within significant categories of contact persons. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
M / Manager Reviews / This report allows NYC CPS managers and supervisors at a regional or district level to identify the degree of compliance with NYC regulations concerning supervisor and manager reviews. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / CPS Report by Zip Codes / This provides the number of CPS Intakes/Reports by County and the Zip Code associated with a child’s home address. This will return information of all Reports for that Zip Code. Regional Offices, Statewide Agencies, and OCFS Offices are not included. This report contains a link to a detailed report with case ID information for each Zip Code. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Children <18 Years Old with Indicated CPS Reports (Based on Intake Date) / This report provides individual level information on children aged more than 18 years with an indicated CPS report during the intake period specified. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services
W / Children less than or equal to 3 Years in Households with CPS Reports (Based on Intake Date) / This report provides individual level information on children aged 3 years or less with an indicated CPS report during the intake period specified. / OCFS Data Warehouse > Child Protective Services

Drill Through Reports