Management Plan for Instructional Unit—EDU 415/615


This assignment is designed to demonstrate a teacher candidate’s knowledge of and skill for management approaches that address academic, physical, emotional, and social dimensions in the promotion of learning in one’s subject area in an urban classroom. The materials submitted will be used to demonstrate the teacher candidate’s knowledge and basic skill in meeting Minnesota Board of Teaching Standards of Effective Practice for Beginning Teachers regarding “Learner Environment” (standards 5—A through R) and the Mission Standards of the Metropolitan State University Urban Teacher Program. Because this plan is in an urban setting, two additional dimensions should be addressed: (a) accounting for differential experiences of students from diverse communities and diverse abilities (“Culture” & “Ability”) and (b) linguistic requirements for the accommodation of individuals with emergent English learning skills (i.e., “English language learning”). Below is a framework the student should use to assure that the plan developed addresses all dimensions:

How does this plan address each of these dimensions?

Environmental Dimensions / Cultural / Ability / English Language Learning


Students should make use of the following in developing their plan:

·  The framework above

·  Emdin’s Text

·  At least 5 additional empirical research studies documenting the efficacy of the instruction and management approaches presented in the plan

·  Any relevant information gathered from the student’s field experience in this and other classes

Assignment Content

The unit plan should have the following general components:

·  Subject area of content

·  Range of content coverage, that is, the concept, skill, and/or knowledge set that the unit is about

·  Academic activities to be employed

·  Classroom Composition—the characteristics of the students with specific numbers and student types by gender, race/ethnicity, language, and ability (i.e., students on IEPs, 504s, or GT)—this description should follow the general characteristics expected for field experiences in the urban teacher program available from the UTP Field Experience Coordinator, but should reflect the student’s unique interests in addressing this issue

·  Available resources—this component should be informed by your field experience interviews with teachers and personal experiences with current schools

·  The physical plan—setup—for the space to be used including the nature of physical grouping and how resources will be arranged

·  A description of the general management practices to be used based on your review of text and research

·  A description of specific approaches to promote social and emotional dimensions and how they will be integrated into the unit

·  Identification of relevant dimensional arrangements necessary for the specific students from diverse backgrounds and abilities in your identified classroom composition

Assignment Structure

The submitted materials should comprise the following three components:

·  The unit plan itself

·  Graduate Students: A professional but brief paper (5-7 pages) describing the rationale for the management aspects of the plan based on the resources used (see Resources above) and including specific reference to research used to justify the management and instruction presented

·  Undergraduate Students: Annotated Bibliography readings and research articles used in developing the plan.

·  A written and/or pictorial description of physical classroom environments and materials employed in the unit plan (any physical materials used can be digitally photographed or scanned for printing or saving as files)

Submitting the Assignment

The assignment should be submitted as an electronic portfolio. The electronic portfolio can be submitted as a .zip folder, flash drive (it can be picked up for return after the semester, or group of electronic documents (see me for help if needed)


The assignment will be scored for existence of all components, unit and management content, written work. Written work will be reviewed for professional writing conventions including use of appropriate headings, APA style citations, and bibliography.

Due Date

This assignment is due at the end of the semester by April 25th, Midnight.