Cheer Tryout Packet

General Information

  • Tryouts are for students currently in grades 9-11 for the 2016-17 Cheer Squad.
  • Students new to Arleta Cheer are only eligible for the JV Team. Current 11th grade students are eligible to be on JV as seniors.
  • The material for tryouts will be taught at the workshop on Nov 16-17 in C205 from 3:30-5:30.
  • Students will tryout in small groups on Nov 18 in C205, starting at 3:40.
  • Students should wear clothes that they can comfortably dance and jump in (for example, shorts, tshirt and athletic shoes).
  • Students do not have to be academically eligible to make the team, but once they make the team they must become eligible to perform.
  • If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bezerra in C205.
  • If you are missing any item you will not be allowed to try out. Don’t wait on this- get a head start!

Paperwork Checklist

___ Tryout Application

___ Parent permission sheet signed

___ Teacher Evaluation sheet complete

___ KYDS form complete and signed in two places

___ Emergency card complete and signed** not included in this packet (on website)

___ A copy of your transcripts (ask your counselor for this) ** not included in this packet

Tryout Application


Directions: Answer the questions to the best of your ability. Be honest. This just helps us get more information about you. Make sure that you answer all of the questions.

1. Have you done cheerleading before? (If no, then skip #2-3 and go on to #4)

2. If so, what type of cheerleading (ex.School, pop warner, all star, etc.)

3. How many years have you done cheerleading?

4. Why do you want to be on cheer?

5. Whatdo you feel you cancontribute to cheer? (ex: good skills, positive attitude, strong work ethic, leadership, creativity, dedication, team spirit, enthusiasm, etc.)

6. Do you have any conflicts with summer practices? If so, what dates and why are you unavailable?

7. During the school year practices are Monday through Friday from 3:30-5:30. Do you have any conflicts with practices and performances?

8. Dance Team tryouts will be December 7-11. You are welcome to try out for both cheer and dance team, and then decide which team you would like to be on. Are you interested in trying out for dance team as well?

9. If you answered yes for question #8, please rank your preference for which team you would like to be on (put a 1 by your first choice; 2 by your second choice, etc)

____ Varsity Cheer (for returning cheerleaders only)

____ JV Cheer

____ Varsity Dance

____ JV Dance

Tryout Parent Permission Sheet

I give permission for my son/daughter to tryout out for the 2015-2016 cheer squad. I understand that the decisions of the coaches and tryout panel are final and are based on the combination of scores from their tryout, teacher evaluations, and the tryout application.

I understand that if they make the team that they will be required to both enroll in the cheer class and to practice daily after school from 3:30-5:30. I also understand that they will have mandatory practice during summer break. I understand that they will have to commit to the team starting in January 2015 until June 2016. I understand that their commitment includes weekly football game performances that are required. I also understand that there are risks involved in cheerleading and agree to allow them to participate, despite the risks involved. I also understand that the cost for new cheerleaders is between $100-$600 (depending on the uniform and if the girl/boy has been on the team before). I understand that all cheerleaders must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no fails in Advisory in order to participate.


Parent Name (Print)Parent Signature

Cheer Tryout Teacher Evaluation Student Name______

The above person is applying to be part of the cheer squad. Please rate this person in the various categories. Your input is much appreciated. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

1= Poor2=Fair3=Average4=Above Average5=Superior

PERIOD 1Promptness & attendance12345

Responsibility & dependability12345

Attitude toward fellow students12345

Attitude toward authority12345

Work ethic12345

Current grade______Work Habits______Cooperation______



PERIOD 2Promptness & attendance12345

Responsibility & dependability12345

Attitude toward fellow students12345

Attitude toward authority12345

Work ethic12345

Current grade______Work Habits______Cooperation______



ADVISORYPromptness & attendance12345

Responsibility & dependability12345

Attitude toward fellow students12345

Attitude toward authority12345

Work ethic12345

Current grade______Work Habits______Cooperation______



Cheer Tryout Teacher Evaluation Student Name______

The above person is applying to be part of the cheer squad. Please rate this person in the various categories. Your input is much appreciated. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

1= Poor2=Fair3=Average4=Above Average5=Superior

PERIOD 3Promptness & attendance12345

Responsibility & dependability12345

Attitude toward fellow students12345

Attitude toward authority12345

Work ethic12345

Current grade______Work Habits______Cooperation______



PERIOD 4Promptness & attendance12345

Responsibility & dependability12345

Attitude toward fellow students12345

Attitude toward authority12345

Work ethic12345

Current grade______Work Habits______Cooperation______



Student- Please complete the following:

Period / Class / Teacher / Room

Keep Youth Doing Something Inc., “KYDS”

Before and After School Programs

ArletaHigh School

Student Registration Form2015-2016
Student’s Name: ______Grade: ______Parent’s Name: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Home #: ______Work #: ______Alternate #: ______

Student’s Birth Date: ______Student ID #:______Student Cell Phone # ______(Optional)

Emergency Contact # 1 Name: ______Number: ______

Relationship: ______Alternate #:______

Emergency Contact # 2 Name: ______Number: ______

Relationship: ______Alternate #:______

Please list all known allergies and/or medical conditions of the above student. Check here if none known:


Please provide any other information about the student that can help us provide a better before and after school experience:

Authorization to Participate and Consent to Treatment

I give permission for my child to participate in “KYDS”before and after school program activities.I further agree to relieve “KYDS”; its officers, agent, and employees from any liability; including injury to participant resulting from and/or in connection with the before or after school activities. In the event of an emergency, I do hereby authorize “KYDS” personnel to act as agent and consent to X-ray examination, anesthetic, treatment or hospital care deemed necessary. This authorization is given in advance of any specific treatment or care.

I have read and understand the Authorization to Participate and Consent to Treatment.


Print Name Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Photo Release

In consideration of possible participation in the “KYDS” program, I hereby grant “KYDS” or any person authorized by “KYDS”to photograph, film, or tape program participants, and to use, publish, copyright, and distribute images of my son/daughter. I release and discharge the “KYDS” officers, employees, and volunteers from any and all claims in connection with the use of the above images.

I have read and understand the Photo Release.


Print Name Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Note to Parent/Guardian

Should you have any questions, concerns, or wish to check to see if your child is in fact attending “KYDS” programs, please contact:

Site Manager, Chris Sumner, at (818) 686-4461 or (661) 313-3175

*All “KYDS” Inc. before & after school activities are offered FREE of charge. If you are ever asked to pay or have any unresolved concerns, please notify KYDS’ Director, Vikki Balet (818) 908-2029 x 13 or (818) 235-4293*

The Los AngelesUnifiedSchool District, (LAUSD) does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender (including sexual harassment), ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, and mental or physical disability. All students including students with disabilities will be afforded equal opportunity to participate in the after school programs. Significant assistance will not be given to any agency, organization or person that discriminates on any bases in providing after school programs.

“KYDS” Keep Youth Doing Something Inc.,

Después de Programas de la Escuela

Arleta High School

Forma de Registro del Estudiante2015-2016

Nombre del estudiante:______Grado del:______Nombre del padre del: ______

Dirección Ciudad del: ______Ciudad: ______Zona Postal: ______Telefona de Casa: ______Telefona de Trabajo: ______Telefona Alterno: ______

Fecha del nacimiento del estudiante: ______Del estudiante Identificación:______

Numero de teléfono celular del estudiante: ______(opcional)

Nombre de # 1 del contacto de la emergencia:______Número del:______

Relación: ______# Alterno: ______

Nombre de # 2 del contacto de la emergencia: ______Número del:______

Relación: ______# Alterno: ______

Enumere por favor todas las alergias sabidas y/o condiciones médicas del estudiante antedicho. Compruebe aquí si ningunos sabidos:


Por favor proporcione cualquier otra información sobre el estudiante para ayudarnos a facilitar una mejor experiencia antes y después de escuela:

Autorización de participar y de consentir al tratamiento

Doy el permiso para que mi niño participe en actividades del programa de la escuela de “KYDS” antes y después. Acuerdo más lejos relevar “KYDS”; sus oficiales, agente, y empleados de cualquier responsabilidad; incluyendo lesión al participante resultando y/o con respecto de antes o después de actividades de la escuela. En el acontecimiento de una emergencia, autorizo por este medio a personal de “KYDS” a actuar como el agente y consentimiento para radiografiar la examinación, el anestésico, el tratamiento o el cuidado del hospital juzgado necesario. Esta autorización se da antes de cualquier tratamiento o cuidado específico.

He leído y entiendo la autorización de participar y de consentir al tratamiento.


Nombre del padreFirma del padre/del guardián Fecha

Lanzamiento de la foto

En la consideración de la participación posible en el programa de “KYDS”, concedo por este medio a “KYDS” o a cualquier persona autorizada por “KYDS”a la fotografía, a la película, o a los participantes del programa de la cinta, y al uso, publique, copyright, y distribuya las imágenes de mi hijo/hija. Lanzo y descargo los oficiales de “KYDS”, los empleados, y los voluntarios de cualesquiera y todas las demandas con respecto al uso de las imágenes antedichas.

He leído y entiendo el lanzamiento de la foto.


Nombre del padre Firma del padre/delguardián Fecha

Nota al padre/al guarda

Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, preocupaciones, o desee comprobar para ver si su niño de hecho está atendiendo a programas de “KYDS”, entre en contacto con por favor:

El encargado del sitio, Chris Sumner, at (818) 686-4461 or (661) 313-3175

*All “KYDS” Inc. antes y después de actividades de la escuela se ofrecen gratuitamente. Si le piden siempre pagar o tener algunas preocupaciones sin resolver, notifique por favor director de KYDS', Vikki Balet (818) 908-2029 x 13 o (818) 235-4293*

El districto unificado Los Ángeles de la escuela, (LAUSD) no discrimina en base de sexo, de la orientación sexual, del género (hostigamiento sexual incluyendo), de la identificación de grupo étnica, de la raza, de la ascendencia, del origen nacional, de la religión, del color, y de la inhabilidad mental o física. Todos los estudiantes incluyendo estudiantes con inhabilidades serán oportunidad igual producida de participar en después de programas de la escuela. La ayuda significativa no será dada a ninguna agencia, organización o persona que discriminen en cualquier base en el abastecimiento después de programas de la escuela.