Sunday 20 October 2013 - 10am-4pm, Civic Centre Lawns, Nunawading

Whitehorse City Council’s Spring Festival is a free, fun-filled day that celebrates our wonderful community. This year's event will be held on Sunday 20 October 2013. Enjoy the warmer weather while experiencing a fantastic line up of live music, dance performances, interactive workshops, amusements, children’s entertainment, arts and crafts, and community stalls.

Why participate in Spring Festival?

With approximately 20,000 people in attendance from across the City of Whitehorse and beyond, Spring Festival offers a relaxed and joyous family environment in which to share and show off all that yourstall has. (NB. Please use the Festival Season Food Vendor Expression ofInterest Form if you wish to sell food).

Market Stall Vendor Criteria

  • Trade that fits with the creative community feel of the festival will be acceptance on priority. We encourage stall holders who trade in fresh produce, plants, handmade items, crafts, boutique clothing, decorative home items, books, vintage/collectables and specialty items.
  • A copy of your Public Liability Insurance must be current and attached to your application
  • Electrical appliances used at City of Whitehorse events must be tagged and tested
  • No balloons are permitted at City of Whitehorse events
  • Vendors are encouraged to use recyclable packaging at all City of Whitehorse events


Commercial Market Stalls – Pay a $50 Event Fee. Vendors can hire marquees, tables and chairs through us with our contractor. Your Vendor Fee will then include the calculation of the total marquee and furniture hire that you require plus the Event Fee (see over leaf for calculation of costs). A photo of your set-up may also be requested.

Safety Warning

Marquees, furniture, vans and all other equipment brought onto site by Vendors will be checked by our Safety Wardens prior to trade times. If the Safety Warden deems your equipment to be unclean, unsafe or otherwise unsuitable you will have to remedy the situation or cease trade and leave the site. All stallholders must comply with Council by maintaining all on-site safety directives.

The Festival Coordinator will endeavour to reduce the duplication of items at the event and priority given to handmade, home-grown and, fair trade and locally produced products.

Site information

Once a Vendor has been approved they will be sent a site map showing their exact stall location, load in points, site access and parking allocations if applicable. The Festival Coordinator has the right to determine the location of the food vendor/stall. Please ensure that the information about your stall set-up and total amount of space that you require is accurate and correct including any space you require outside of the marquee on the page overleaf.

Site and Load-in / Bump-out Information:

  • Bump-in time for stallholders is from 7:00amuntil 9:00am (all vehicles off site by 9:30am for attendee safety)
  • Bump-out time for stallholders is from 4:30pm (no vehicles are permitted to move until 4:30pm for attendee safety)
  • The Nunawading Civic Centre site where the Spring Festival is held has a limited number of parking spaces. Stallholders are requested to park off site after bump in of their marquee and equipment to ensure that this limited parking is available to festival attendees.

SPRING FESTIVAL, Sunday 20 October 2013

EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - MarketParticipation

Forms are dueFriday 6September, 2013

GOODS FOR SALE (including price points):
Contact Name: / ABN:
Mobile: / Landline:
Email: / Website:
Postal Address:
Market Vendor Equipment

If you require the hire of equipment from Council, please indicate:
3m x 3m Marquees including set-up, pack down, walls & weights
@ $130 each:Indicate 1. How Many ___ 2. Sub-total$______
Plain White Garden Chairs including set-up and pack down
@ $5 each: Indicate 1. How Many ___2. Sub-total $______
6ft Trestle Tables (183cm) including set-up and pack down
@ $10 each: Indicate 1. How Many ___ 2. Sub-total $______
Event Fee: $ 50.00
Total Fee:$______
Do you require a vehicle to stay on site as part of your display?
What is the TOTAL space that you will require? incl. outside tent
3w x3d 3w x6d 6w x6d other: ___m wide x ___m deep
It will assist with our planning if you can attach a sketch of the‘floor plan’ of your set up or photos from previous years.
Do you require power for your site?
Please attach a copy of your Public Liability Insurance (PLI) to your application – PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PLI
Whitehorse City Council may decline an Expression of Interest at its sole discretion. The Festival Coordinator has the right to determine the final location of the display/stall or performance time.
PRIVACY NOTIFICATION The information requested on this form is being collected for the purpose of organising the Whitehorse 2013 Spring Festival. The information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purpose and will not be disclosed to any other party except as required by law. Should enquiries be received after the Festival regarding your stall, these will be forwarded on to you.

Please return forms to: David Milne, Administration & Events OfficerTel:03 9262 6352

Email: Fax:03 9262 6490

Locked Bag 2, Nunawading DC VIC 3131

Spring Festival EOI current at May 2013 Page 1 of 2