Elementary School Access Control Transfers

The following do not pertain to middle schools and high schools, with the exception of McEachern H.S.

  • Employees Transferring Out of Your Elementary School
  • The employee will keep his/her badge
  • The secretary at the current school will access the employee’s badge profile and remove his/her access by:
  • Clicking on the “Area Access” tab
  • Select your school by click on the name, and click the “Delete Area Access” button.
  • Now go to the “Categories” tab and perform the following steps exactly:
  • Click on “+Add To Category” button
  • In the window that appears, type “Temporary” in the search field and click the “Find Now” button
  • Select the “Temporary Category” and click the “OK” button
  • Now click on your school’s name and click the “Delete From Category” button
  • You have now removed this person from your school’s access.
  • If you do not see your school’s name in any of these tabs or you are unable to access the profile, this person was already removed from your school’s access.
  • Employees Transferring Into Your Elementary School
  • Transferring Access
  • The secretary at the new school will access the employee’s badge profile and grant him/her access. If unable to access the badge profile, contact the Badge Office.
  • Change the location field to reflect your school and click the save button located at the upper left corner.
  • Click on the “Area Access” tab
  • If the name of your school is not already listed, click on the “+Add Area Access” button.
  • In the window that opens, click the “NEXT” button, and then click on the “Add Areas” button
  • Search for your school by typing the first word in your school’s name and click “Find Now”
  • Select the appropriate access and click “OK”
  • Click “OK” in the next window that opens (Area Access Permissions), and click “FINISH”
  • Now go to the “Categories” tab and perform the following steps exactly:
  • Click the “+Add To Category” button
  • Search for your school, select the appropriate category, and Click “OK”
  • Select the “Temporary Category” and click the “Delete From Category” button
  • Access has now been transferred to your school with the employees current Access Badge
  • Granting access to middle and high school transfers
  • Submit a request for an Access Badge using the Badge Replacement Form found on the District’s Support Site under Human Resources.
  • Or submit a request to the Access Control Administrator

BOARD OF EDUCATIONRandy Scamihorn, Chair • Brad Wheeler, Vice Chair

Tim Stultz • David Morgan • Kathleen Angelucci • David Banks • Scott Sweeney

SUPERINTENDENTMichael Hinojosa, Ed.D.