Regeneration and Housing


All Prospective Applicants for Commissioned Grant Aid -

for the period1st April 2016 – to 31st March 2019

Your refMy refExtensionDate

8197MONDAY 6TH JULY 2015

Dear Applicant,


Following the consultation with the voluntary and community sector on future funding arrangements, the Council is now inviting applications for grant aid from voluntary organisations for the period 1ST April 2016 – 31st March 2019. This letter and the documents contained in the application pack sets out the procedure for the application, assessment and consideration of applications for grant aid and provides advice and support on how to apply.

Following consideration of the consultation responses, decisions on funding arrangements were made by the Council’s Cabinet at their meeting on 24th March 2015. For your information you can access this report (item 14), the appendices to the report and the minutes via the Council’s website:

The application pack

This includes this letter; grant criteria, the application form and guidance notes. It also includes guidance from Ealing Community Network on applications by consortia and the grant agreement and conditions of grant aid that will be issued to successful applicants. The latter is included in order for applicants to understand the commitments their organisation is committing to subject to an award of grant and the decision to take-up the offer of grant.

These documents will be available on both the Ealing Community Network (ECN) website and Ealing Community and Voluntary Service (ECVS) website from Monday 6th July 2015 and subsequently as soon as possible on the Council’s website.

The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 12 noonFriday 25th September 2015. Late applications will not be considered.

Please read the application form and guidance notes in full before you complete your application and note the requirements for key documents to be sent in alongside your application form. It is especially important to read the guidance given on consortia bids and if you wish to apply for funding under more than one grant criteria.

Please also note that you will be required to submit a Service Development Plan with your application, including service outputs and outcomes you will deliver for Ealing residents.

The grant criteria documents give you full information on the different service areas where the Council / Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group are inviting applications and the maximum levels of funding which will be available in each grant criteria per year.

Applicants may apply for funding in more than one grant area and under more than one grant criteria. However, it is expected that applicants will focus their applications on the areas where they have sufficient expertise, capacity, knowledge and skills to undertake activities and services that meet specific grant criteria. “Speculative” bids across grant areas are unlikely to be successful.

Please note that if you are applying for more than one grant criteria you will need to complete a separate application for each grant criteria applied for. However, general documents requested to be submitted (e.g. your constitution / governing document) need only be submitted once. Also note that only one service development plan is required which should cover all the grant criteria you have applied for in separate sections relating to each grant criteria.

Completed application forms (which need to be typed) and other required documents should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to:

If you are unable to submit by e-mail please send a hard copy to:

Ben Barcessat

Safer Communities Team

Ealing Council

Perceval House

14-16 Uxbridge Road


W5 2HL

Organisations are not eligible for grant aid if they:

  • Are conducted for profit;
  • Plan to use the grant to further or propagate a religious faith (NB: This will not preclude religious organisations applying subject to the services / activities being accessible to people of all faiths or none – providing that the grant is not used to promote a religious faith);
  • Plan to use the grant to further a political party, or for campaigning for a party political purpose or cause;
  • Are educational establishments that receive the majority of their income from a local education authority, from Government,or from fees.

Assessment process and timetable

All eligible applications will be assessed in accordance with the following scoring methodology:

  • Provides relevant activities / services as required by the grants criteria (up to 20 points);
  • Meets Needs / Outcomes (up to 20 points);
  • Track record, capacity, expertise and knowledge and quality assurance to deliver the relevant activities / services (up to 20 points);
  • Provides value for money (up to 10 points);
  • Commitment to access additional funding streams (up to 10 points)
  • Promotes community cohesion, equality and diversity and social inclusion (up to 10 points);
  • Commitment to explore joint working with other organisations (up to 10 points).

Applicants will be notified of the decision on their application in the week beginning 9th November 2015. These decisions will be subject to any appeals from unsuccessful applicants. Details of the appeals procedure are set out in the guidance notes.Following completion of the appeals procedure successful applicants will be issued with the grant agreement and conditions of grant aid for grants starting on 1st April 2016..

Yours sincerely,

Mark Wiltshire

Head of Regulatory Services

Ealing Council