Behavior Intervention Plan
Developed by:

This behavior intervention plan has been created to support the goals and objectives in the IEP dated - and should be considered an addendum to the IEP. Progress will be noted at each grading period.

Problem Behavior(s):

Hypothesis Statement:

Desired Behavior(s):

Accommodations to assist the student in displaying the replacement behavior:

(It is important that teacher(s), assistants, and school staff follow these accommodations and/or recommendations consistently

clear, concise directions / supervise free time
frequent reminders/prompts / avoid strong criticism
frequent breaks/vary activities / predictable, routine schedule
teacher/staff proximity / specified study area
re-direct the student privately / preferential seating
modify assignments / avoid power struggles
review rules & expectations / specifically define limits
provide alternate recess / avoid physical contact
provide cooling off period / provide highly-structured setting
communicate regularly w/parents (document) / other

I. Preventative Strategies/Modifications

Strategies and modifications most conducive to the learning of the student(ex. Arrange for someone to meet at bus, creates a “quiet place”, modify activities/expectations, use a picture chart, give a job or task)

II. Method of Teaching Replacement Behavior and By Whom:

direct instruction, by: / social skills, by:
anger management, by: / providing cues, by:
role-playing, by: / modeling, by:
decision-making lesson, by: / use of a mentor, by:
other , by:

III. Encouragement of Appropriate Behaviors (level 1)

Level 1 Interventions are most effective when child is fairly calm and still responsive to verbal redirection. These interventions often serve to prevent further escalation.

(ex. frequent verbal cueing, preparation for transition, use descriptive praise, use of proximity, redirecting)


IV. Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviors

  1. Limit Setting (level 2)

When a student is having trouble complying and the previous interventions are not effective, setting limits is appropriate. Using a firm voice tone and eye contact, with time for compliance, the techniques followed will make these techniques the most effective.

(ex. Clear non-verbal cueing, clear directives, give choices, use a firm, but gentle voice, clarifying positive and negative consequences)


  1. Time Out/Removal (level 3)

At this stage, the student has become agitated, and is very angry. The behavior has escalated. He/she has become very disruptive and tends to display more noncompliant, aggressive, and loud voice tone. The student is unable to follow directives or choices. At this time, it is necessary to remove the student from the current environment. This time is also necessary to assist him/her with regaining control of his feelings or behaviors.

(ex. Clear limits of when and where time out will be, a clear warning, noncompliance=office)


*Child will return to class and resume activities as long as he is in control and responsive to adult redirection.

IV. Consequences

  1. Positive consequences for positive behavior

verbal praise / immediate feedback / computer time
earned privileges / earned tokens/points / positive call or note/home
tangible rewards / free time / positive visit to office
  1. Negative consequences for inappropriate behavior

loss points/tokens / loss of privileges / time out
phone call home / detention / sent to office
in-school suspension / escort to another area / out-of-school suspension

V. Plan for Involving Parents

Involving parents with behavior concerns and achievements is essential and necessary.

(ex. Phone calls, behavior charts, email, collaboration with parents, meetings)

Signatures of IEP Team members who attended this meeting on date:

LEA Rep. ______

Special Ed. Teacher______

Reg. Ed. Teacher ______

Parent/Guardian ______

Student ______

Other ______

Review Dates
  1. Describe student’s progress toward goal:
  1. Were the steps in the BIP implemented as indicated (be specific):
  1. Describeany modifications, deletions, or revisions that the committee feels would enhance the effectiveness of the plan based on new information gained from initial BIP:
  1. Revisions:

Date of Revisions:

Signatures of Team:

LEA Rep. ______

Special Ed Teacher______

Reg. Ed Teacher ______

Parent/Guardian ______

Other: ______

** At the meeting, the IEP Team may choose to continue to use the BIP (including any revisions), revise the BIP again or start the process over (new functional assessment and BIP) based on new information.