Where Are We Going?

“We are searching for—the lost Van Dusen mine. We will free style through the deep wooded mountains. Where we hike, clear trails are few. The key is to find abandon paths, barely visible, they lead to the unknown. Then, we build on the clues to find the mine.” Our young neighbor cautiously said, “Okay.” My youngest, experienced son, knew what to expect, but for my neighbor, it was a first. Before the rising sun, we headed up the mountain, close to our destination, I said, “Look, there’s a mountain lion!” Wide eyed, we stared as the lion darted down the cliff, over the road, and then leaped the guard rail. “Yes, this is a great adventure,” I said. “This is the first I have seen one in the wild.” Besides their prints and left over dinners, this was a first. At sun up, and arriving at the spot, “Which way?” the boys asked. “That way.” I pointed up the ravine. “Follow my lead, we are searching for anything man made.” After instructing them in how to hike safely, and returning to the Jeep in one piece, they listened and obeyed.

Paul said in Second Timothy 3:14, “But you must continue in the things which you have learned.” Paul instructed Timothy to continue on the one and only path, and that is the path of truth; God’s truth. This trail has all the right markers, directional arrows, and will never lead down wrong paths. Timothy heeded to Paul’s words and obeyed. We must learn to understand what it is to continue, never stop, no matter how hard. We have learned the only and right way to live.

Traversing the mountain, heading left and right, we left no stone unturned. Resting at the top and viewing the lake below, we set out west to follow the sloping mountain. Seeing its steepness, we heading back east down a different ravine, stepping over boulders, climbing down old waterfalls, when finally we came out of the forest. We happily arrived at the Jeep. My son asked, “How did you know which way to go? How did you bring us to the Jeep?” Smiling, I said, “I am an adult. I pay attention to land markers to find the best routes. I have learned over the years how to do this correctly and never stray from my training. My goal is to build good memories, lead an adventure, and return in one piece.” He smiled. We had a fun time and returned safely. This life is an adventure and we need to continue in the things we have learned from the Lord. It will lead us on the right path every time.

Paul La Canfora

Copyright © 2016 Wildwood Calvary Chapel

Scripture taken from the New King James Version.

Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Used by permission. All rights reserved.