Great Fun4


Foreign Language Section


Teaching Programme – Great Fun 4


I. General Objectives

Get to know the main characters of a book.

Familiarise yourselves with the structure and rhythm of the lessons.

Revise the key vocabulary from the previous levels.

II. Contents

Block1. Read, speak and converse

Understand and use different greetings.

Introduce yourself.

Revise colours and numbers.

Revise the objects in the classroom.

Revise the days of the week.

Say what you can do using the work: can.

Complete the self evaluation and evaluation activities.

Recite and present the chant from the presentation.

Listen toa dialogue and repeat it in pairs.

Perform a chant to learn the names of characters.

Listen to and perform a dialogue.

Perform actions in order to be able to identify other students.

Block 2: Read and Write

  • Use segmented phrase cards to practise the structures of a dialogue.
  • Complete a musical activity to revise numbers and colours.
  • Revise the classroom vocabulary with the help of the poster and flashcards.
  • Play a memory game to revise classroom objects.
  • Invent anagrams in small groups.
  • Play a guessing game to revise the days of the week.
  • Complete the initial evaluation exercises in the Workbook.

Block 3. Knowledge about language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­Vocabulary and structures:

·Chameleon, Rob, Leo, swim, climb, change.

­Active language

·Good morning. How are you? I’m fine.

·It’s (Milly).

·Look at me!

·I can swim.

­Receptive language:

·Good morning.

·I’m fine.

·It’s (Milly).

·Look at me!

·I can swim.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­Use the appropriate greetings on arriving and departing.

­Actively participate in games and activities n the classroom.

­Show a positive attitude towards English.

Block 4. Socio-culturales and intercultural consciousness

­Encourage students to participate in games and activities in the classroom (Lesson 1: Beginning the lesson; Revision Activity; Lesson 2: Starting the lesson; Extension Activity; Lesson 3: Revision Activity).

III. Basic competentes:

Competence in linguistic communication:Listen to a dialogue and repeat it in pairs. Play a memory game to revise the objects from the classroom.

Mathematical competence:Play a musical game to revise numbers and colours.

Knowledge and interaction with the physical world:Revise objects from the classroom.

Digital competence and treatment of information: Language acquisition and learning activities in the TIC classroom.

Social and citizenship competence: Show a positive attitude towards English. Use appropriate greetings for arriving and departing. Introduce yourself.

Cultural and artistic competence: Invent anagrams in small groups.

Competence in learning to learn: Complete the self-evaluation Quiz.

Independence personal initiative: Understand and use different greetings.

IV. Evaluation criteria

Answer the teacher’s questions whilst completing the initial evaluation exercises in the Workbook. (Workbook, pages 4 - 6).


I. General Objectives

Present the theme of after school activities.

Recognise a variety of free time activities.

Enjoy listening to a story in English.

II. Contents

Block 1. Read, speak and converse

­Use the following demonstrative adjectives correctly:this, these, that and those.

­Practice and consolidate the verbs for action.

­Answer the question:What’s he / she doing?

­Describe actions in the present continuous.

­Correctly use the expressions: I like / I don’t like.

­Use the short answers:Yes, I do; No, I don’t; Yes, he/she does; No, he/she doesn’t.

­Recognise and produce the /ð/ sound.

­Recite a tongue twister to practise the /ð/sound.

­Repeat the chant from the previous unit in groups of three.

­Listen to a chant to identify some after school activities.

­Listen to dialogues to identify the classrooms in the school.

­Ask and answer questions in pairs.

­Sing and perform a song from the unit.

Block 2: Read and Write

­Use an illustrated dictionary.

­Complete the self-evaluation and evaluation activities.

­Perform a chant in groups.

­Identify objects with the help of a tape.

­Create flashcards to identify the objects in the classroom.

­Perform actions in order to identify various students in the class.

­Do warm-up activities with various actions.

­Make a graph to show the favorite sports of the whole class.

­Play a whole class action game.

­Listen to a story from the unit and complete the corresponding quiz.

­Play a table game to consolidate vocabulary.

­Use an illustrated dictionary to consolidate vocabulary and structures.

­Complete the exercises from the unit in the Workbook.

­Complete the self-evaluationquiz.

­Complete the evaluation activity at the end of the unit.

Block 3. Knowledge about language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­Vocabulary and structures:

·Art class, sports club, trainers, paints, computer, dance, music, player, present, birthday, mouse, tomorrow, painting, dancing, playing, warming up, singing, tango, pop, painter, favourite

­Active language

·This / that is my (football).

·These / those are my paints.

·They are (painting).

·I like (swimming).

·I don’t like (jazz).

·Do you like (sports)? Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

·Does (Milly) like Julio Iglesias? No, she doesn’t.

­Receptive language:

·This / that is my (football).

·These / those are my paints.

·They are (painting).

·I like (swimming).

·I don’t like (jazz).

·Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

·No, she doesn’t.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­Recognise the importance of after school activities.

­Enjoy the rhythm of English throughchants, dialogues and songs.

­Show interest in listening to stories in English.

­Understand the importance of evaluation and self evaluation.

Block 4. Socio-culturales and intercultural consciousness

­Encourage students to participate in sports and after school activties.(Lesson 2: Activities 1 and 2; Lesson 3: Activity 1).

III. Basic competences

Competence in linguistic communication:Use an illustrated dictionary to consolidate the vocabulary and structures. Recite a tongue twister to practice the /ð/sound.Ask and answer questions in pairs.

Mathematical competence: Enjoy the rhythms (the mathematics of music) of English through chants, dialogues and songs. Make a table of “favourite sports”.

Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Play warm up exercises with various actions.

Digital competence and treatment of information: Language acquisition and learning activities in the TIC classroom.

Social and citizenship competence: Encourage students to participate in sports and after school activities.

Cultural and artistic competence: Create flashcardsto identify the objects from the classroom.

Competente in learning to learn: Complete the self evaluation Quiz.

Independence and personal initiative: Recognise the importante of after school activities.

IV. Evaluation criteria

Answer the teacher’s questions whilst completing the exercises in the Workbook.

Complete the self evaluation quiz (Workbook, page 12).

Complete the Thinking Caps section.(Pupil’s Book, page 12).

Complete the Revision Sheetfor Unit 1.


I. General Objectives

Recognise and name the five senses.

Learn the alphabet.

Enjoy listening to a story in English.

II. Contents

Block 1. Read, speak and converse

­Identify the possessive with ‘s.

­Signal out possession with the words have got.

­Recognise the verbs associated with the five senses.

­Answer the questionCan you...?

­Use the short answers: Yes, I can / No, I can’t.

­Recite the alphabet.

­Recognise and produce the /s/ sound.

­Develop skills in written comprehension.

­Use the illustrated dictionary.

­Complete the self evaluation and evaluation activities.

­Listen to a chant to recognise the five senses. Listen to a tape to identify the possessions of a group.

­Perform a chant in groups.

­Listen to a story from he unit.

­Listen to phrases and say if they are true or false.

­Sing and perform a song from the unit.

Block 2: Read and Write

­Play an action game to revise the parts of the face.

­Study an illustration to associate different objects with the five senses.

­Make guesses in pairs or in small groups.

­Compare a story with its traditional version.

­Write out phrases to describe one of the characters from the story.

­Do a drawing dictation.

­Play a guessing game to identify the possessions of classmates.

­Read a short text about chameleons.

­Write out and illustrate the questions that appear in the song.

­Recite a tongue twister to practise the /s/ sound.

­Revise the vocabulary with the help of the Alphabet Funposter.

­Trace letters in the air to identify other students.

­Listen to lists of words and describe the secret message.

­Play Bingo and hangman to practise the alphabet.

­Use an illustrated dictionary to consolidate vocabulary and structures.

­Complete exercises from he unit in the Workbook.

­Complete the self-evaluation quiz.

­Complete the final evaluation activity from the unit.

Block 3. Knowledge about language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­Vocabulary and structures:

·Tongue, grandad, cake, pizza, tail, shadow, rain, letter, baby, elephant, island, kite, queen, sweater, vampire bat, xylophone, zebra, lucky, long, windy, hear, see, smell, taste, feel, spell.

­Active language:

·Lucky you, lucky me.

·We are lucky!

·It’s Rob’s (radio).

·You’ve got very big (ears).

·He can taste the pizza.

·Can you say the alphabet?

­Receptive language:

·We are lucky!

·It’s Rob’s (radio).

·He can taste the pizza.

3.2. Reflection on learning

­Show interest in learning something about the five senses.

­Respect the belongings of your friends.

­Show interest in listening to a story in English.

­Participate in games and activities in the classroom.

Block 4. Socio-culturales and intercultural consciousness

­Encourage students to learn something about the different characteristics of animals (Lesson 3: Activity 2; Study activity).

III. Basic competences

Competence in linguistic communication:Write out phrases to describe one of the characters from a store. Identify the possessive with ‘s. Identify and pronounce the /s/ sounds. Signal possession with the verb:have got.

Mathematical competence: Play Bingo and Hangman to practise the alphabet.

Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Read a short texto on chameleons.

Digital competence and treatment of information: Language acquisition and learning activities in the TIC classroom.

Social and citizenship competence: Play a guessing game to identify the possessions of classmates.

Cultural and artistic competence: Complete a drawing dictation. Compare a story with its original version. Trace letters in the air so other students can identify them.

Competente in learning to learn: Complete the self-evaluation Quiz.

Independence and personal initiative: Complete the evaluation activity at the end of the unit. Complete the self-evaluation quiz.

IV. Evaluation criteria

Answer the teacher’s questions whilst completing the exercises in the Workbook.

Do the self evaluation quiz (Workbook, page 18).

Complete the Thinking Caps section.(Pupil’s Book, page 18).

Complete the Revision Sheet at the end of Unit 2.


I. General Objectives

Learn the names of some professions.

Tell the time.

Enjoy listening to a story in English.

II. Contents

Block 1. Read, speak and converse

­Revise greetings in English.

­Answer the question:What does he / she do?

­Tell the correct time using the expression: o’clock.

­Use the expression:half past in order to tell the time.

­Name the activities regarding daily routines.

­Learn the names of other members of the family.

­Use short answers.

­Recognise and produce the sounds: /r/and //.

­Understand a story in English.

­Use an illustrated dictionary.

­Complete the evaluation and self-evaluation activities.

­Play a game in pairs to revise the five senses.

­Listen to a dialogue to revise greetings in English.

­Study an illustration to identify different professions.

­Relate people to their jobs.

­Play a whole class game to revise numbers.

­Sing and perform a song from the unit.

­Listen to a store from the unit and complete the corresponding quiz.

­Recite a tongue twister to practice the /r/and // sounds.

Block 2: Read and Write

­Read a short text about a child’s daily routine.

­Perform actions and times of the day to allow students to identify them.

­Create a table to describe the activities that are performed at various times of the day.

­Play a traditional game to tell the time.

­Invent anagrams in small groups.

­Use an illustrated dictionary to consolidate the vocabulary and structures.

­Complete the exercises from the unit in the Workbook.

­Complete the self-evaluation quiz.

­Complete the final evaluation activity from the unit.

Block 3. Knowledge about language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­Vocabulary and structures:

·Bus driver, cleaner, cook, secretary, baker, auntie, uncle, garden, plant, country, morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight, midday, get up, go, have lunch.

­Active language

·Hi, Mr Brown! Hello, Mr Grey.

·See you tomorrow.

·He / she’s a (bus driver).

·It’s (ten) o’clock.

·It’s half past (eight).

·I get up at seven o’clock.

·I go to bed at ten o’clock.

­Receptive language:

·See you tomorrow.

·It’s (ten) o’clock.

·It’s half past (eight).

3.2. Reflection on learning

­Understand that all jobs are important in a community.

­Recognise the importance of daily routines.

­Enjoy the rhythms of English through chants, dialogues and songs.

­Show interest in listening to stories in English.

­Actively participate in manual tasks in the classroom.

Block 4. Socio-culturales and intercultural consciousness

­Help students understand the importance of daily routines (Lesson 2: Activity 1; Lesson 5: Study exercises).

­Encourage students to value work done by the workers in their community (Lesson 1: Activities 1 and 2).

III. Basic competences

Competence in linguistic communication: Recite a tongue twister to practise the /r/and // sounds.Answer the questionWhat does he / she do?

Mathematical competence: Play a whole class game to revise numbers. Enjoy the rhythms of English through chants, dialogues and songs.

Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Perform actions and hours of the day to help students identify them.

Digital competence and treatment of information: Language acquisition and learning activities in the TIC classroom.

Social and citizenship competence: Understand that all work is important in a community.Perform actions and times of the day to help students identify them. Learn the names of other members of the family.

Cultural and artistic competence: Actively participate in manual tasks in the classroom.

Competente in learning to learn: Complete the self-evaluationQuiz.

Independence and personal initiative: Recognise the importance of a daily routine. Complete self-evaluation and evaluation activities.

IV. Evaluation criteria

Answer the teacher’s questions whilst completing the exercises in the Workbook.

Play the self evaluation quiz in the book. (Workbook, page 24).

Complete the Thinking Caps section.(Pupil’s Book, page 24).

Complete the Revision Sheet for Unit 3.


I. General Objectives

Revise key vocabulary from Units 1, 2 and 3.

Widen knowledge on other cultures.

II. Contents

Block 1. Read, speak and converse

­Revise the alphabet.

­Revise greetings.

­Talk about what you like and don’t like.

­Be able to say how old you are.

­Develop written expression.

­Play a team game with the poster to revise the vocabulary from the term.

­Listen to a telephone conversation between two people.

­Perform a dialogue in pairs.

­Invent similar dialogues in pairs.

Block 2: Read and Write

­Study drawings and recognise the greetings used in various countries.

­Look for these countries on a world map.

­Play a whole class game to practise various greetings.

­Read and complete short texts about children in three different countries.

­Create and use segmented phrases to practise the structures from the unit.

­Play a question and answer game in teams to revise the facts learned in the lesson.

­Complete the exercises in the Workbook.

Block 3. Knowledge about language through use

3.1. Linguistic knowledge

­Vocabulary and structures:

·Birthday, flag, London, Tokyo, Madrid, England, Japan, Spain.

­Active language

·Hi there! Who is it?

·What music does (Rob) like?

­Receptive language:

·He likes Came, Came, Came Chameleon!

·How old are you? I’m (ten).

3.2. Reflection on learning

­Show curiosity in learning something about the greetings used in different countries.

­Understand that errors form a part in the process of learning.

­Show interest in evaluating the progress made.

Block 4. Socio-culturales and intercultural consciousness

­Encourage students to participate and cooperate in all the classroom activities.

III. Basic competences

Competence in linguistic communication:Talk about what you like and dont like. Play a question and answer game in teams to revise the facts learned in the lesson. Listen to a telephone conversationbetween two people.

Mathematical competence: Say how old you are.

Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: Look for these countries in a world map.

Digital competence and treatment of information: Language acquisition and learning activities in the TIC classroom.

Social and citizenship competence: Study illustrations to recognise the greetings used in various countries.

Cultural and artistic competence: Create and use segmented phrases to practise the structures from the lesson.

Competente in learning to learn: Complete the self-evaluation Quiz. Show interest in evaluating progress made.

Independence and personal initiative: Show curiosity in learning something about greetings used in various countries.

IV. Evaluation criteria

Answer the teacher’s questions whilst completing the exercises in the Workbook.

Complete the Revision Sheet A at the end of Units 1 to 3.


I. General Objectives

Recognise and name foods.

Understand the importance of a balanced diet.

Enjoy listening to a store in English and widen knowledge on other cultures.

II. Contents

Block 1. Read, speak and converse

­Use the adjectives:hungry / thirsty.

­Ask and answer questions using: Do you / does he like (grapes)?