Application Guide for Keio Exchange Program

2010 Fall

This application guide and the following documents are designed exclusively for students who are officially nominated by one of our partner universities to come to Keio on the student exchange program. Applications must be submitted through an exchange coordinator at partner institutions along with an official nomination letter. Applications sent directly by students will not be accepted.


To be qualified as an exchange student at Keio University, you must meet the following requirements:

1.  Enrolled in one of the Keio’s partner institutions.
(Partner Institutions:

2.  Maintain the student status at your home institution during the study at Keio.


·  The extension of study period is not permitted. Please plan and choose your study period very carefully when you apply.

·  No credits or certificate will be given if you are not enrolled until the end of the course and do not take the exam. No exception will be made for those who wish to leave early due to the difference of academic schedule, graduation from your home institution, etc.
Please check our “Academic Calendar” and “Important Dates”, and consult with YOUR home institution very well in advance.

(Academic Calendar:

(Important Dates:

·  It is important that you choose the program that best suits you. Please read the course description very carefully before you make the decision. Each course has its own conditions and requirements.

(Course Description:

·  Students must be able to obtain sufficient financial support during the study period at Keio. The average cost of living expense would be about JPY 120,000/month if you live in one of the housings subsidized by Keio University.

·  Incomplete application will not be processed. Please read the instructions carefully and prepare the documents as explained. Application documents should be typed by Word or other software. Only if you do not have an access to such tools, please handwrite them NEATLY and CLEARLY with black ink.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Online Registration and Application Documents

Students must complete the online registration in addition to the paper-based application documents. Please read the following instructions very carefully. Incomplete applications will not be processed!

STEP 1. Complete Online Registration

Read the instructions and complete the online registration at the URL below.
Online Registration

Online Registration Period: / Spring Admission: August 18 ~ October 5
Fall Admission: January 28 ~ March 30

STEP 2. Submit Application Documents

All application documents must be original or certified true copies and prepared particularly for Keio student exchange program. Authorized Japanese/English translation is required if the text is not written in Japanese or in English. Documents used for the internal selection at home university will NOT replace the application documents for our program. Please do not send any extra documents unless otherwise instructed.


1.  Official Nomination Letter (Cover Letter) from Home Institution / To be provided by an exchange coordinator at home institution.
2.  Application Form / CCSignature of the applicant and the exchange coordinator are required.
with one official ID Photo / Attached to the form. 3cm X 4cm ID photo, no background, no copy of a colored photo.
3.  Study Proposal / - Use the designated form for the program you are applying.
- KIP applicants who wish to take undergraduate faculty courses conducted in Japanese must write it in Japanese.
4.  One Academic Reference (Recommendation Letter) / The letter must be written and signed by a professor at home institution.
5.  Self-evaluation Sheet for Japanese Language Proficiency / If you have no background in Japanese, simply put “ x ” in all boxes and sign.
6.  Official Transcript / - All academic record from home university. If the latest transcript is not available at the time of the application, the home university must submit the original copy as soon as it is issued.
- If it’s issued in the language other than English, attach the translation.
7.  Certificate of Health / - Must be completed and signed by a physician, NOT a student.
- Chest X-ray result is required. No need to send the film.
For JLP applicants only
8.  Personal Medical Report / - Must be completed by JLP applicants.
9.  For KIP and research applicants -
One photocopied set of Document #2 (ID photo attached) and #3 – 7
For JLP applicants –
One photocopied set of Document #2 (ID photo attached) and #3 – 8 / - Stapled all documents together at the left top of the page.
- For Academic Reference, open an envelope and make a photocopy if it’s sealed.


1.  Application for Certificate of Eligibility
(5 pages)
(Not required for Japanese Nationals) / -This form is required by Japanese Immigration Bureau and MUST be completed exactly as instructed. Refer to “SAMPLE” before you fill out the form.
- This form should be typed by Word or other software. Only if you do not have an access to such tools, please handwrite it NEATLY and CLEARLY.
- For Chinese and Korean nationals, write your name in English and Chinese character as instructed.
- Make sure each page is printed as it appears in the original file. If the form is cut off or reduced to print, your application will not be accepted.
- Ensure each page is printed out as it appears in the original file. If the edge of the form is cut off or reduced to print, your application will NOT be accepted.
- Print out on one-side only.
- If you have dual nationalities, choose 1 nationality (passport) and make sure you write the information on the chosen passport only, including the “Past entry into/depart from Japan” section.
With one official ID Photo
(Not required for Japanese Nationals) / Attached to the form. 3cm X 4cm ID photo, no background, no copy of a colored photo.
2.  Curriculum Vitae
(Not required for Japanese Nationals) / Must use the designated form. Make sure you sign at the bottom.
3.  Certificate of Financial Support / If you check “Self” at Item #26 of the Application of Certificate of Eligibility, please submit the following one document.
- A certificate of deposit balance to declare the amount of your financial resources in order to cover the expected cost of your stay at Keio at least JPY 120,000 (or equivalent in local currency) per month for the expected period of stay (six months or eleven months). A copy of your monthly bank statement will not be accepted.
If you check “Remittance from outside Japan” at Item #26 of the Application of Certificate of Eligibility, please submit the following two documents.
- A certificate of deposit balance to declare the amount of your supporter’s financial resources in order to cover the expected cost of your stay at Keio at least JPY 120,000 (or equivalent in local currency) per month for the expected period of stay (six months or eleven months). A copy of a monthly bank statement will not be accepted.
- A statement (typed and signed) from the supporter to state that s/he will bear the expenses during your stay in Japan.
If you check “Scholarship” at Item #26 of the Application of Certificate of Eligibility, please submit the following one document.
- A statement from an organization or your university to prove the scholarship amount and the period of benefit.
4.  One Passport Copy / Photocopy all pages with personal information and a photo.


Japanese nationals, including those with dual nationalities must enter Japan as a Japanese national with a Japanese passport. If you do not have a Japanese passport, apply at a Japanese embassy or consulate nearby. Do not enter Japan with a foreign passport.

Keio University accepts only limited number of students from CREPUQ partner universities. Please attach the CREPUQ application forms in addition to the Keio application forms.


The number of scholarship available is very limited, so the competition is fierce. Because of this, we strongly urge students to comprehensively plan their financial support before arriving.

JASSO Scholarship

JASSO scholarship is limited but available to exchange students. Please refer to the application guide for more information and application instruction.


There are some off-campus university dormitories that are subsidized by Keio University. Exchange students have priority access to a room in these housing arrangements during their study time at Keio University. The housing application information will be sent to you by e-mail after we receive your complete application.


The application must arrive at Keio University NO LATER than the following deadlines.

Spring Admission: October 5 Fall Admission: March 30

Each partner university has its own internal selection and deadline. Please contact a student exchange coordinator at your home institution for details.


You will find most information on our website. Please read this guide and the information on our website carefully before contacting us. Please inform us of your name and your home university when inquiring.

Office of Student Services (International)

Tel: +81-(0)3-5427-1613 Fax: +81-(0)3-5427-1638


Keio University

Student Exchange Application Form

慶應義塾大学 交換留学生願書



(taken within 6 months, 3cm x 4cm, color, glossy)


(6ヵ月以内に 撮影したもの、3cm x 4cm、カラー)

2010 Fall

Instructions 記入方法:

A)  Application should be typewritten or PRINTED in block letters.

B)  Year should be written in the dominical year.

C)  Proper noun should be written in full, and not be abbreviated.

D)  Check the appropriate boxes.

1.  Full Name 姓名

Family Name 姓 / First Name 名 / Middle Name ミドルネーム
Roman Alphabet
Katakana or Hiragana
Chinese Character 漢字
(*Required for all Chinese and Korean nationals) *韓国籍・中国籍の場合は必ず記入すること

2.  Date of Birth 生年月日 (yy/mm/dd) 3. Nationality/All Nationalities 国籍/全ての国籍

Write all nationalities if you hold multiple nationalities.


19 ×× / mm / dd / Age 年齢

4. Sex 性別 5. Marital Status 結婚歴

Male 男 Female 女 Single 未婚 Married 既婚

6.  Home Institution 在籍大学

Name of your home institution 学校名 / Expected date of graduation (upon completion of study at Keio) (留学後の)卒業見込み年月日
20 ×× / mm / dd
Major 専攻 / Minor 副専攻 / Year at Home Institution 学年

7.  Period of intended study at Keio 慶應義塾大学での留学期間

2010 Fall Semester (September 2010 – February 2011) ※ Mandatory Orientation in September
2010 Fall Semester & 2011 Spring Semester (September 2010 – July 2011)

8.  Program at Keio 希望するプログラム *Choose ONE program from below

□Japanese Language Program (JLP)
別科日本語研修課程 / □Keio International Program (KIP)
慶應インターナショナルプログラム / □Research Program
* Check your degree program at home institution
□ Undergraduate Student 学部生
□ Graduate Student 大学院生 / * Check your degree program at home institution
□ Undergraduate Student 学部生 / * Check your degree program at home institution
□ Graduate Student
※Do you wish take any JLP course?
□Yesはい □Noいいえ

*Description of each program is available on our website (

9.  Present Contact 現在の連絡先

Present Address
Tel. +
Fax. + / E-mail / Effective 有効期間
From yy/mm– To yy/mm
From 20 ×× / mm to 20 ×× / mm

10.  Permanent Contact 定住所 Same as above 上記と同じ

Permanent Address
Tel. +
Fax. + / E-mail / Effective 有効期間
From yy/mm– To yy/mm
From 20 ×× / mm to 20 ×× / mm

11.  Emergency Contact 緊急連絡先

Full Name 氏名 / Relationship 本人との関係
Address 住所
Tel. +
Fax. + / E-mail

12.  Education (from primary education to present) 学歴(初等教育~現在)

Name of Institution (major) 学校名(専攻) / Location
所在地 / Degree
取得学位 / Period (yyyy/mm)
期間 / Years attended
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
Total years of education

13.  Employment (latest on top line) 職歴(近年のものから)

Name of Organization 勤務先 / Location
所在地 / Type of Work
職務内容 / Period (yyyy/mm)
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m
yyyy / mm ~ yyyy / m m

14.  JASSO Scholarship JASSO奨学金

Do you apply for JASSO Scholarship? JASSO奨学金に応募しますか。

□ Yesはい □ Noいいえ

※If you choose “yes”, you are required to submit JASSO Scholarship Application Form A and Form B.


15.  Read the statement below and sign if you agree. 次の文を読んで署名すること。

“I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and if admitted, I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of Keio University.”


日付 20 ×× / mm / dd / Applicant’s Signature:

(Year) (Month) (Day)

16.  Nomination (must be completed by a student exchange program coordinator at home institution)
※If there is no signature here, this application will not be processed.
I have reviewed the application, and I officially nominate (Applicant’s Name )
to your student exchange program under the bilateral agreement. 上記学生を交換留学生として正式に推薦いたします。
Name of Institution:
大学名 / Department:
役職 / Name:
日付 20 ×× / mm / dd / Signature:
(Month) (Day) (Year)

Continued on Next page→

17.  ✔Checklist: The application must include ALL of the following documents.


Application Documents 出願書類

□  1.Official Nomination Letter (Cover Letter) from Home Institution
□  2. Application Form (This form)
□  with one official ID Photo (Attached to #2, 4cm × 3cm)
□  3. Study Proposal
□  4. One Academic Reference (Recommendation Letter)
from a professor at home institution
□  5. Self-evaluation Sheet for Japanese Language Proficiency
□  6. Official Transcript
□  7. Certificate of Health
□  8. Personal Medical Report (For JLP applicants only)
□  9. For KIP and research applicants-
One photocopied set of Document #2~7 (stapled)
For JLP applicants-
One photocopied set of Document #2~8 (stapled) / □  1. 所属大学からの推薦状または手紙
□  2. 慶應義塾大学交換留学生願書
□  証明写真1枚(願書添付、4cm × 3cm)
□  3. 学習計画
□  4. 所属大学の教員による推薦書
□  5. 日本語能力調査書
□  6. 成績表
□  7. 健康診断書
□  8. 健康に関する自己申告書(別科応募者のみ)
□  9. KIPと研究生応募者―

Visa Documents ビザ申請用書類