For each question, find the answer in the Laws packet, write the answer AND the law where you found it. Due: Friday, January 8.

What law deals directly with global warming?

What happened in Bhopal, India, in 1984?

What company dumped tons of toxic waste and paint sludge in Mahwah, NJ?

The great whales, sea lions, and dolphins are protected by what law?

What do people sometimes do with stolen cactuses?

What law helps make highway construction more environmentally friendly?

What do the Virginia big-eared bat, the key deer of Florida, and Kirtland’s warbler have in common?

How many hulls do new oil tankers need and what accident prompted this requirement?

Why is ``open dumping’’ dangerous to human health?

What happened in London in 1952 that influenced U.S. environmental policy?

What law gives tax incentives and loan guarantees for energy production?

What are the four main goals of the Environmental Protection Agency?

Water projects below what size don’t need Congressional approval?

How many hours does an employer have to notify federal authorities about a fatal accident at an industrial plant?

What often happens to oil, plastics, and animal wastes that are not properly disposed of?

What do mine owners have to do with closed mines?

Waters off of what city used to contain a 106-mile-long ocean waste dump site?

Name 3 ways that drinking water sources can be harmed or contaminated.

What invasive species prompted a law?

What federal agency inspects most food products (except meat, poultry, and eggs)?

Where are estuaries found?

What law requires business owners to make annual reports about the amount of waste they generate?

What agency replaced the Atomic Energy Commission?

What is chrysotile?

Migratory birds often use what kind of habitat?

Where is Yucca Mountain and why is it important?

What common environmental pollutant is found in many older homes and can impair learning and attention?

How many miles out to sea does U.S. fisheries jurisdiction extend?

About how much money does it take to register one pesticide with the federal government?

Of 82,000 registered chemicals, approximately how many have been tested for human health effects?

A law has the goal of improving habitat for what species in the Columbia River and its tributaries?