Vaughn’s English II Honors – Daily Class Diary

Note: Tues 9/6 opening day assemblies

Quarter 1

Date / Period 6 (E2H)
Wed. 9/7/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / Welcome/syllabus
Thu. 9/8/11 C
(3, 4, 6) / -Letter to teacher
-Reading from Amy Tan’s memoir “Required reading and other dangerous subjects” to discuss how/why we analyze literature
Fri. 9/9/11 D
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/12/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / Dorian Gray
-Collect summer assignment
-Split personality opening question and discussion on doppelgangers
-Students to work in pairs answering questions for discussion
Hwk: finish questions as needed
Tue. 9/13/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / Vocab intro
-Using cards or card app
-Review List 1 together and do cards (by hand or electronically)
-Go over Summer Rdg Essay
Wed. 9/14/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / -Do Now: vocab ex. A
--Pair work to complete Dorian Gray quote analsis
- Write all work in notebook (context and analysis for each)
Hwk: finish quote analysis as needed; study for vocab
Thu. 9/15/11 C
(3, 4, 6) / -Do now: vocab ex. B
-Class split into 3 groups to work on separate activities for Dorian Gray analysis (1-allusions, 2-references to five senses (hedonism), and 3-poetic devices)
Hwk: study vocab; prepare for formal Dorian Gray discussion on Monday
Fri. 9/16/11 D
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/19/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / Dorian Gray formal discussion
-Review basic etiquette/rules of formal group discussion (raising hand, drawing people in, use text to back up opinions, not monopolizing, etc.)
Hwk: Vocab C
Tue. 9/20/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / Do now: vocab D (review both C and D together)
-Review all Dorian Gray quotes to ensure analysis is strong / accurate
Hwk: study vocab
Wed. 9/21/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / Vocab E
-HF intro lecture/discussion
-Huck Finn characters review / discussion highlighting examples that demonstrate Twain’s work exposing hypocrisy in institutions
-Finish character notes for HW; study for quiz tomorrow
Thu. 9/22/11 C
(3, 4, 6) / Vocab Quiz
-HF – work in pairs to analyze quotes
HW: finish quote analysis, if more time needed
Fri. 9/23/11 D
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/26/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / -Announce new paper due date (Oct 13)
-Review beginning HF quotes (1-3) as class (model analysis for class)
-Evacuation drill took up ½ the period
Tue. 9/27/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / -Review physical journey (draw map) and compare to other parallel (internal) journeys the characters make – how do they grow/change along the way? How do themes develop along the journey?
-Start discussion questions
Wed. 9/28/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / -Assign groups to work on all HF discussion questions. Small group discussions.
Fri. 9/30/11 C
(3, 4, 6) / -Formal circle discussion on HF
-Review classwork grade nuts and bolts
-Give back papers (will have one-on-one conferences regarding papers next class)
Mon. 10/3/11 D
(3, 4, 5)
Tue. 10/4/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / -Conference with each student on summer assignment
-Class working on All Quiet Discussion Questions in assigned groups
HW: finish questions as needed
Conference on papers (outline and examples / thesis)
Wed. 10/5/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / -Return vocab quiz 1 and review
-Give out Vocab List 2 and review all words
-Students to work on discussion questions AQ
-Conference on papers
-HW Complete discussion questions
Thu. 10/6/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / -Vocab exercise A and review together
-Class discussion on themes of All Quiet. Thinking ‘outside the box’ about themes other than ‘war is difficult.’
-Students to work on analyzing quotes in handout
-Conferencing one-on-one while class working on quotes
HW: finish quotes
Fri. 10/7/11 C
(3, 4, 6) / -Vocab exercise B and review together
-Writer’s workshop to write thesis statement and outline papers for essay due on 10/13. Those students who have already completed this will work on the next phases of the process, including identifying examples and writing a rough draft.
-Students instructed to bring draft on Wednesday (next class meeting) for peer editing.
HW: essay due 10/13
Tue. 10/11/11 D
(3, 4, 5)
Wed. 10/12/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / -Vocab exercise C and review together
-Review rules of proper peer editing
-Review thesis statements and avoiding a thesis that is too vague, too factual, or too broad
-Writer’s workshop / peer editing session
Final papers due tomorrow 10/13
Note: PSAT day
HW: Finalize essays
Thur. 10/13/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / -Collect essays
-Vocab exercise D and review together
-Open/introduce Frankenstein – give out books, packets, and review
Fri. 10/14/11 B
(3, 5, 6) / NWEA Testing
Mon. 10/17/11 C / -Vocab exercise E and review together
-PPT presentation on intro to romanticism – students to take notes in notebooks
-Class discussion on The Introduction and the Preface of the novel (how and why she wrote the novel, influences, background, etc.)
HW: Read the letters and Chapters 1-2; consider the quote journal during reading and complete as necessary
Tue. 10/18/11 D
Wed. 10/19/11 E
(4, 5, 6) / -Review primary elements of romanticism
-Discuss the myth of Prometheus and how it relates to Frankenstein
-Discuss Shelley’s Framing device and begin reading Rime of the Ancient Mariner
HW: If needed finish reading Rime and answer discussion questions; Read ch 3-5 and quote journal
Thur. 10/20/11 A
(3, 4, 5, 6) / Vocab quiz List 2
Fri. 10/21/11 B
(3, 5, 6)
Mon. 10/22/11 C
Tue. 10/23/11 D / Give out new vocab list 3