Lacunae - call for papers June 2015

Because speaking beings inhabit a world of language, there’s a hole in knowledge for each one in his/her own way. Freud’s discovery of the unconscious tells us that this hole concerns sexuality, the body, gender. Neither nature nor nurture respond to or pre-determine the question of what it is and how to be a man or a woman. Thus, each subject has to try to answer it themselves via identifications, object choice, subjective position.

Lacunae, APPI’s international journal of Lacanian psychoanalysis, invites you to contribute a paper, long or short, on the theme ‘Masculinities’ , which will be published in November 2015. You are invited to interrogate the term, which is not a psychoanalytic concept as such, and consider how it might be approached, explored and put to question through and within Freudian-Lacanian practice and theory.

Both Freud and Lacan encountered the limits of definitions of the masculine and the feminine – biological, sociological, psychological – in human experience. In the 21st century, the exposure of semblants in their status as imaginary-symbolic constructions – however freeing they may appear to be – does not make it simpler for subjects to orient themselves in terms of the Real at stake. Each subject confronts a point of impossibility which provokes a singular struggle every time, as the analytic clinic and the fields of philosophy and the arts show.

Papers on other topics will be considered as usual. Papers in languages other than English may be translated by Lacunae’s team of translators, who work with original material in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Lacunae offers feedback on all submissions and operates a blind peer review process to identify those that are best suited for publication at the time.

The deadline for submissions to is Tuesday 11 August. Guidelines for contributors are available at on the Lacunae tab. You can contact us at if you have any queries.


Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland Ltd, c/o KSi Faulkner Orr, Gateway House, 133 Capel Street, Dublin 1.

Directors: Hugh Arthurs, Marlene ffrench-Mullen, Elizabeth Monahan, Pauline O’Callaghan, Brian O’Connor, Harriet Parsons, Patricia Stewart

Registered as a limited company No. 303250 in the Republic of Ireland