A Piece of Ancient RomeName:

Due: Tuesday, February 4Graded Practice

  1. Find your assigned topic which is highlighted below. It is listed beneath its Galileo source.

Lerner Publishing, Group. "Ancient Rome."Ancient Warfare. 77. US: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000.History Reference Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

Ergonomic Combat Boots, Ancient “Smart” Weapon, The Testudo: An Ancient Roman Tank, Roman Artillery, PSYOP and Dirty Tricks, Building Better Warships

Lerner Publishing, Group. "Ancient Rome."Ancient Communication. 73. US: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000.History Reference Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

Cursive Writing, Writing Materials, First Daily Newspaper

McGill, Sara Ann. "Ancient Roman Religion."Ancient Roman Religion(2009): 1-2.History Reference Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

Pantheism, Holidays

Lerner Publishing, Group. "Ancient Rome."Ancient Agriculture (9780822529958). 79. US: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000.History Reference Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

Spice Lovers, Ice Cubes, The Salt of the Earth, Ice Houses

Johnson, Judy A. "Overview Of Food & Agriculture In Ancient Rome." Ancient Rome: Overview Of Food & Agriculture In Ancient Rome (2011): 1. History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Food and Feasts, Food from the Marketplace, Interesting Facts

DiLascio, Tracey M. "Overview Of City Life In Ancient Rome." Ancient Rome: Overview Of City Life In Ancient Rome (2011): 1. History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Entertainment in Rome, The Role of Religion in City Life

Johnson, Judy A. "Overview Of Family Life In Ancient Rome." Ancient Rome: Overview Of Family Life In Ancient Rome (2011): 1. History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.


McGill, Sara Ann. "Daily Life In Ancient Rome."Daily Life In Ancient Rome(2009): 1-2.History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Education, Family, Housing, Clothing

McGill, Sara Ann. "Leisure In Ancient Rome."Leisure In Ancient Rome(2009): 1-2.History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Sports and Games, Bathing, Theatre, Public Games

Lerner Publishing, Group. "Ancient Rome."Ancient Transportation. 81. US: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000.History Reference Center. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Roads, Ancient TripTiks

  1. Locate the source in Galileo and find the section that addresses your topic.
  2. Your goal is to explain your topic to us through images as well as words.What is significant? What is interesting or unusual? I have an example of a topic from the Elizabethan Age on the board.
  3. On one side of a piece of computer paper, copy and paste the source’s citation. Underneath write your research notes. They may be a combination of quotes and paraphrasing.


  1. If you consult additional sources, please use MLA style to cite them. Add appropriate notes. For example, my topic was Guy Fawkes. I needed to see an example of the mask, so I Googled and found a reliable source (New York Times) that showed a picture of the mask. I created a citation for the source and made a brief note. Wikipedia is acceptable for this assignment.
  2. Print in Portrait or Landscape, your choice.
  3. On the other side, draw images that show the important or interesting aspects of your topic. If you don’t want to draw, you can copy and paste images. The source below contains images that might work for you. You have to scroll towards the bottom of the source’s information to find the graphics.

MacDonald, Fiona. "100 Things You Should Know About ANCIENT ROME."Ancient Rome. 1. US: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.History Reference Center. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

Scroll down to many images that illustrate the topics.

Bring the completed assignment with you to class on Tuesday, February 4. If you do not have it or it is not complete, you will lose 25 points. If you do not turn it in at the beginning of class on Wednesday, you lose 25 more points. You see how this works, right?

(If we have finished presentations, you might have time to work on it some in class Monday, February 3, after the Graded Practice. However, you will not have access to a computer or the Media Center, so you need to have done the research beforehand. )