Hawk Class Topic Spring 2017

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you have had a fantastic Christmas and the children are all eager to get back to school. This term we are going to be learning about Space in the first half and Superheroes in the second half. Here’s to another great term!

If you have any questions regarding your child or the Curriculum please come and see us. This letter provides a brief curriculum overview of what your child will be covering this term.

This term our topic will be a mixture of Fiction and Non Fiction themes to capture your child’s imagination. Our role play area will be a Space Station.

Communication, Language and Literacy

This term we will be continuing with our Phonics programme and learning to recognise and write new sounds, as well as, continuing to learn tricky words. Your child will continue toread phonic books and simple sentence reading books.

We will belearning facts about Space and the planets and finding out and researching those big questions the children are asking ‘Is the moon really made of cheese?’

Over the term the children will be making a whole class fact file about the planets and space. The children will have opportunities to act out familiar stories and make up their own. They will be designing, labelling and describing aliens and superheroes.


For Maths we will be covering topics such as counting, recognition of numbers, 1 more, 1 less, addition, subtraction, number patterns, ordinal numbers, 2D and 3D shapes, prepositions, money, time and sequencing daily events.

Expressive Arts and Design

The children will be designing their very own rockets, Pom Pom aliens and planets.The children will be making items for their picnic on the moon inspired by the story ‘Whatever Next.’They will be continuing to learn Phonic songs, exploring and changing sounds using percussion instruments and joining in with familiar class songs. They will also bepractising songs for their class assembly and Easter service. They will be making crafts for Chinese New Year.

Understanding the World

The children will be learning about the similarities and differences between themselves and others and among families, communities and traditions.We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year and making lots of Chinese items and trying to write in Chinese and tasting traditional Chinese foods.

The children will be taking part in Pancake Day celebrations and will also be learning about the Easter story and making traditional Easter items.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

This term the children will continue to develop their social skills, confidence and self esteem. They will be discussing what they are good at and what they would like to be better at. Together the children will find ways of helping each other to accomplish their goals. They will also be discussing and exploring their feelings – happy, proud, excited etc.

Physical Development

We will be taking part in regular PE lessons so we would prefer that the children’s PE kit is always available in school. P.E kits will be returned at the end of the half term for washing, unless you wish to wash them more regularly. Please help your child gain independence when dressing themselves e.g. fastening buttons and putting shoes on etc. Please also ensure that a pair of Wellies are kept in school.

This term the children will continue participating in gymnastic sessions, learning balancing and simple gymnastic skills, as well as dance sessions building on co-ordination. In the second half of this term children will be working on having increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing catching or kicking.


All children will now begin to have regular simple homework to consolidate their learning.

Please continue practising sound flash cards, word cards, captions and books. Once they are confident in blending regular words, the children will also have tricky words which are unable to be sounded out and must be learnt by heart. All of these will be checked throughout the week and new words be issued as needed. They will also take home Maths based homework every Friday. This should be returned on the following Monday.

Please feel free to come and visit the classroom after school to see what we have been doing and if you have any ideas or questions our doors are always open.

Mrs Rose and Mrs Taylor