Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for

Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations

Section 7: Practice and Demonstration

Logistics Team Leader Instructions

For Training Logistics Team

You may be training several positions under you including: Information Technology Staff, Inventory & Supply Staff, Runners, and Flow Monitors.

Materials needed:

Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for

Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations

Section 7: Practice and Demonstration

  • Appropriate inventory/supply forms

Inclusive Just-in-Time Training for

Mass Prophylaxis/POD Operations

Section 7: Practice and Demonstration

Step 1: Explain the goal of this team:

To ensure that the Point of Dispensing (POD) will be able to process the number of people necessary by maintaining a smooth flow of people and supplies through the POD.

Step 2: Review key concerns not fully addressed in Job Action Sheets:

  • Information Technology Staff- Ensure that they have the appropriate access and information needed to successfully do their jobs including passwords and phone number to access network IT staff.
  • Inventory & Supply Staff-Track the speed that supplies are being used up so additional supplies can be ordered and received before running out.
  • Flow Monitors-Trouble-shoot with team leader on ways to resolve “bottle-necks” or areas where clients are backing up due to a slow process at one place in the POD.

Step 3: Conduct a walk-through of the POD. It is important for your team to understand the process of their position so they can be most helpful to other POD staff and people coming through the POD needing medication.

Step 4: If you have IT staff, let them go so they can get to work making sure the technology is up and going.Use your position specific training materials to practice what each position needs to do. Have Flow Monitors listen in to the Runner training so they can be back up to that position if needed.

  • Distribute and review the documents with your team:
  • Inventory/Supply - Just in Time Training and Bin Card
  • Runners - Just in Time Training and Dispensing Log

Step 5: Answer any final questions your team may have.

INVENTORY/SUPPLY – Just In Time Training

  1. Receiving Assets: POD Security, Inventory & Supply Staff and/or Facilities Staff will receive the delivery at the facilities loading/unloading area.
  1. If needed, this will depend on the size of your POD, ensure proper heavy lifting articles are available, such as gloves, steel-toed boots, and heavy lifting belts, etc. to breakdown the load to a manageable size.
  2. Medications and supplies will be unloaded using the appropriate equipment (e.g., pallet jacks, hand trucks, hand carts, rolling carts, etc.) when possible.
  1. Medication Storage and Security:
  1. POD Pharmaceutical Inventory Room (PIR): Ensure that medications and materials are stored in a securable location, either under lock and key or by assigned Security Staff.
  2. Temperature Control Requirements: Certain medications may require refrigeration or a special temperature controlled room that normally maintains a temperature range between 64º and 75º F, based on pharmaceutical requirements.
  1. POD Medication Receipt and Tracking: BIN CARDS

BIN Cards are used in the same manner as a check book ledger. Supply items will be logged in as a deposit and added to the current running balance column. When supplies are removed from the Pharmaceutical Inventory Room (PIR), they are debited from the current running balance column.

Set Up:

  1. Set up BIN Cards for each supply item type in the PIR. A Bin Card tracks information about eachspecific type of pharmaceutical medication and/or supply item received or dispensed. A Bin Card tracks pharmaceuticals and supplies that are:

a)Stored in more than one box or in different cartons

b)Arrive at different times

c)Received from different sources (Strategic National Stockpile, State, or local caches)

d)Examples include:

  • Vaccine, antibiotics, or anti-virals with the same lot numbers
  • Injection needles of the same type
  • Gloves, caps, gowns, respirators, or other expendable supply items that are of the same type.
  1. Complete the following information on each Bin Card:

a)Item Description

b)NDC/Product Number

c)Lot Number



f)Quantity Received

g)Quantity On Hand


i)Receiver’s Signature

  1. Determine Minimum/Maximum Stock Threshold for each item: Working with the Logistics Team Lead, determine Minimum and Maximum re-supply thresholds for all medications and supply items.

a)This level will be noted on the Bin Card and may fluctuate during the course of response depending on re-supply delivery timing, POD throughput volume, dispensing rates, and/or usage of supplies.

b)This threshold will determine when resources need to be re-ordered.

  1. Place each BIN Card on a clipboard to be hung with the item.


  • Doxy and Cipro are both medications, but are different medication types. Ensure each has its own BIN Card.
  • Medical gloves may be manufactured by two different companies, but they both are the same item type. Only one BIN Card is required.
  1. Once all BIN Cards are Set Up, log the initial supply amounts in the Physical Inventory Start space at the top of the page, then transpose that number to the Balance (Total in Stock) column


  1. As supplies are added and/or removed during the course of each shift, Balance numbers will to be calculated to keep an accurate running total after each transaction.
  2. When the sheet is full, log the balance in the Physical Inventory End space at the top of the page.
  3. Transpose the information at the top of the used BIN Card to a new BIN Card
  4. Transpose the Physical Inventory End numbers to the Physical Inventory Start space and the starting Balance column.
  1. Resource Reordering:During POD Operations, medical supplies may diminish to a level where re-supply is warranted. The Inventory/Supply staff will alert the Logistics Team Lead.
  1. Inventory/Supply Staff, along with the Logistics Team Lead, will determine Minimum and Maximum re-supply thresholds for all bench stock medications and supply items. This level will be noted on the Bin Card and may fluctuate during the course of prophylaxis depending on re-supply delivery timing, POD throughput volume, dispensing rates, and/or usage of supplies.
  2. Once levels drop below their designated thresholds, Inventory/Supply Staff will notify the Logistics Team Lead, who will inform the POD Supervisor. Logistics Team Lead or POD Supervisor will contact the DOC/EOC/ICP to re-order supplies. This may be done by telephone, through fax, or via e-mail; however, documentation must be provided following an order done on the phone.
  1. End of the Shift Inventory:

a.Pharmaceutical Supply Room: At the end of each shift, the outgoing and the incoming personnel will conduct a joint inventory to reconcile supplies.

b.Countboth whole and partial casesfor all pharmaceuticalsand supplies itemsfor each Bin Card Item. Medications will be inventoried by the bottle; supplies will be counted by the box. All pharmaceuticals must be accurately accounted for.

c.Complete the following information on each Bin Card:

  1. Date
  2. Time
  3. Physical Inventory Count

d.Ensure the Balance (Total in Stock) Columnand the Physical Inventory Count amounts are equal and balanced.

e.Transpose the ending balances over to new Bin Cards for each Supply Item in the starting Physical Inventory Countbalance column at the top of each new form.

f.Gather all POD Dispensing Station Pharmaceutical Supply Order Forms (Dispensing Logs) and Bin Cards for each supply itemused during the shift. Staple the forms together in date/time sequenced order and turn them in to the Logistics Team Lead as a part of the POD’s official record.

g.Exchange additional shift change briefing information.

7. Transfer of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies:

  1. Pharmaceuticals and Medical SuppliesTransfer: As directed by the County, pharmaceuticals may need to be redistributed to other PODs or medical facilities that have a greater need for the stock. If a transfer is requested, the POD Supervisor will:
  2. Request, through DOC/EOC/ICP channels, that an authorized driver, with Law Enforcement escort (if warented), be dispatched to the POD Site for transport.
  3. Make arrangements through the POD Logistics Team Lead to inventory and pull therequired supplies from the ready stock in the Pharmaceutical Inventory Room.
  4. Earmarked supplies will be separated and readied for shipment
  5. Supplies will be subtracted from each BIN Card and annotated for transfer.
  6. The transfer transaction will also be noted on the PIR Unit Log, ICS Form 214 or notebook if the official form is not available.
  7. Alert the Security Team Lead to ready the loading dock, or area, and have adequate security forces available to clear traffic for the detail.
  8. Once supplies have been transferred and signed for by the transfer team, the PIR is no longer responsible for those medications.
  1. Demobilization and Return of Supplies: Once the POD ceases operations and the Pharmaceutical Inventory Room has been inventoried and readied supplies for return, the POD Supervisor will contact the DOC/EOC/ICP for dispatch and Law Enforcement escort to pick up the pharmaceuticals and medical supplies return them to the warehouse.
  2. Final BIN Card Totals will be verified and provided to the dispatch for turn-in along with the return shipment.
  3. Dispatch will verify shipment and sign the final BIN Card documentation, relieving the PIR of responsibility for the supplies.

RUNNER – Just in Time Training

Runners are responsible for distributing pharmaceuticals and medical supplies from the Pharmaceutical Inventory Room (PIR) to the Dispensing/Vaccinations Stations. All Runners will familiarize themselves with these procedures.

1. Operations

  1. POD Dispensing Log: Each Runner with access to the PIR will carry and maintain a POD Dispensing Log on a clipboard, which catalogs withdrawals from the PIR and the dispensing to each Dispensing/Vaccination Station.

a)Each Dispensing/Vaccination Station will contact a Runner to request supplies and/or pharmaceuticals.

b)Runners, using the POD Dispensing Log, will take the supply request from the Dispensing/Vaccination Station (logging each supply line item on a separate line), and the quantities requested.

c)The Runner will take the request to the PIR, where Inventory/Supply Staff will fill the order from the cache on-hand. BIN Cards have been set up for each supply item type in the PIR. Inventory/Supply Staff will log the BIN Card Number and the quantities filled for each line item on the POD Dispensing Log.

d)The Runner will deliver the pharmaceuticals/supplies to the Dispensing/Vaccination Station, where the Dispenser will sign for the items.

e)POD Dispensing Logs will be cross-checked with BIN Cards to reconcile supplies removed from the PIR and delivered to all of the Dispensing Stations during the course of a given shift.

  • End of Shift:
  1. At the end of each shift, each Runner will reconcile their Dispensing Logs and turn them in to the PIR Staff to be merged with the BIN Card records and turned over to the Medical Team Lead.
  2. Pharmaceuticals are accurately accounted for by individual doses.
  3. Medical Supply items, such as gloves, masks, gowns, etc. are accounted for to the nearest box within a case lot.
  4. Inventory Discrepancies: If discrepancies are found in any BIN Card totals, the two inventorying parties will conduct a recount of the disputed supply item(s).
  1. Supply Runners and the POD Dispensing Logs may be involved in this process and become a part of the official POD record.
  2. Runners will use ICS Form 214, Unit Log, or notebook if the official form is not available, to make notes or document supply issues.
  3. The oncoming shift will be briefed on issues occurring on the prior shift.
  4. Runners on the oncoming shift will fill out new POD Dispensing Logs for the upcoming shift.

3.Documentation Records: All POD Dispensing Log documentation will be collected at the end of each shift and turned into the Pharmaceutical Inventory Room, which will compile the documents and turn them in to the Logistics Team Lead.The Logistics Team Lead will make the documents part of the POD official record.

Intentionally Blank

Internal POD Dispensing Log
Date / Time / Pharmaceutical/Supply / Quantity / Lot # / Station # / Runner / Badge / Dispenser Signature

This form is in Word for document sharing purposes, there is an Excel file that could/should be used in an event if available.

Product #: / Minimum Stock (Units of Use)
Lot #: / Maximum Stock (Units of Use)
Date / Time / Quantity Received
(Units of Use) / Quantity Issued / Station Number / Balance
(Total Balance in Stock) / Physical Count / Signature