End-term exam topics

Contemporary Literatures in English

Code: NMBAN112 K2

Spring: 2012

Teacher Dr TiborToth

Teacher of English Language and Literature Programme


  1. WW2 and its Aftershocks: Representations of Cultural and Ideological Chaos
  2. Pacifist Fabulae and Allegory, Utopistic Barbarism
  3. Articulating the “Inarticulate”: The Experimental Attempts of “Angry Realism” Post War ‘New’ Realism: The Limits of The Angry Young Men
  4. Signalling the Cultural Divide
  5. Liberating Imagination: Representations of the Dilemmas of New Humanism.
  6. Experimentalists? Surrealism, Fantasy, Eroticism, Psycho-Sexual Occultism.
  7. The Metafictional “Offensive” and Its Technical Solutions.
  8. Notes of “Imperialist” Nostalgia.
  9. Feminist Deconstructions of Traditional and Modernist “Feminine” Perspectives.
  10. Postmodernism. Retrospective, or Deconstructive Re-presentations of Realism and Modernism in Literature.
  11. Variants of Colonialism and Postcolonialism.
  12. Anglo-Saxon Traditions of Postcolonial Literature.
  13. The Role of New Internationalism in Contemporary Literatures in English.
  14. The Meeting of Postmodern and Postcolonial Discourses: Magic-Realism.
  15. The Literature of Exile, Alienation and Search for New Identities.
  16. New Poetries in English: The Artistic Interpretation of the Search for Self in the Work of Outstanding Contemporary Poets.
  17. New Developments in Contemporary American, English and Irish Drama.

Recommended Bibliography

Abádi-Nagy Zoltán. Válság és komikum: A hatvanas évek amerikai regénye. Budapest: Magvető, 1982.

---. Az amerikai minimalista próza. Budapest: Argumentum, 1994.

---. Mai amerikai regénykalauz, 1970-1990. Budapest: Intera, 1995.

Bal, Mike. (1985.) 1999. Narratology.Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Beach, Christopher. 2003. The Cambridge Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Cambridger: Cambridge UP

Bertens, Hans. 2001. Literary Theory: The Basics.London and New York: Randon House

Bradbury, Malcolm, 1992: The Modern American Novel.Oxford and New York: Penguin Books Ltd.

Bradbury, Malcolm, 1993: The Modern British Novel, London: Penguin Books.

Goldie, Terry. 1989. Fear and Temptation. Montreal, London and Buffalo: McGill-Queen’s University Press

Habib, M. A. R. 2008. A History of Literary Criticism and Theory.UK: Blackwell

Habib, M. A. R. 2008. Modern Literary Theory: A History. New York and London: Blackwell Publishing House

Hutcheon, Linda, (1988) 1992: A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge.

Imhof, Rüdiger. 2002. The Modern Irish Novel.Dublin: Wolfhound

Leitch, Vincent, B ed. 2001. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.New York: Norton and Company

Loomba, Ania, (1998) 2002: Colonialism/Postcolonialism. London and New York: Routledge.

Mills, Ralph J. 2003. Essays on Poetry.USA: Dalkey Archives Press

Moers, Ellen. 1976. Literary Women.New York: OxfordUniversity Press

Rainwater, Catherine, Scheick, William J. eds. 1985. Contemporary American Women Writers: Narrative Strategies.Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky

Reynolds, Guy. 1999. Twentieth Century American Women’s Fiction: A Critical Introduction.London: Macmillan Press Ltd

Rice, Philip, Waugh, Patricia eds. (1989) 1991: Modern Literary Theory: A Reader.London: Edward Arnold.

Singh, Amritjit, Schmidt, Peter. 2000. Postcolonial Theory and the United States: Race, Ethnicity and Literature. Jackson: University of Mississippi

Waugh, Patricia. 1984. Metafiction, The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction. London and New York: Methuen and Co. Ltd.

Waugh, Patricia. 1992. Practising Modernism Reading Modernism. London and New York: Edward Arnold.


A. S. Byatt: The GameAlasdair Gray: The Loss of the Golden Silence

Alasdair Gray: Lanark 6

Alasdair Gray:Unlikely Stories, Mostly

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World.

Allan Sillitoe: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning,

Allan Sillitoe: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

Anita Brookner: Hotel du Lac

Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange

Anthony Burgess: Earthly Powers

B.S.Johnson: Albert Angelo

Ben Okri: In Arcadia

D. M. Thomas: The White Hotel

David Caute: Veronica or the Two Nations

David Lodge: How Far Can You Go?

David Lodge: Nice Work

David lodge: Small World

David Lodge: The British Museum is Falling Down

Doris Lessing: Canopus in Argos

Doris Lessing: Marhta Quest

Doris Lessing: Memoirs of a Survivor

Doris Lessing: The Four Gated City

Doris Lessing: The Golden Notebook

Doris Lessing: The Good Terrorist

Doris Lessing: The Grass Is Singing

Evelyn Waugh: Unconditional Surrender

Graham Greene: The Comedians

Graham Greene: The Honorary Consul

Graham Greene: The Human Factor

Graham Swift: Waterland

Ian Fleming: The Bond Novels (Casino Royale, Gold Finger et. al.)

Ian McEwan: The Child in Time

Iris Murdoch: A Fairly Honourable Defeat

Iris Murdoch: A Severed Head

Iris Murdoch: The Black Prince

Iris Murdoch: The Flight from the Enchanter

Iris Murdoch: The Sea, the Sea

Iris Murdoch: Under the Net

J. G. Ballard: High Rise

J. G. Ballard: The Drowned World

J. G. Farrell: The Siege of Krishnapur

John Berger: G.

John Fowles: Mantissa

John Fowles: The Collector

John Fowles: The EbonyTower

John Fowles: The French Lieutenant’s Woman

John Fowles: The Magus

John Wain: Hurry On Down, The Contenders.

Kazuo Ishiguro: An Artist of the Floating World

Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day

Kingsley Amis: Lucky Jim, Take a Girl Like You.

Lawrence Durrell: TheAlexandria Quartet (Justine)

Malcolm Bradbury: Dr. Criminale

Malcolm Bradbury: Rates of Exchange

Malcolm Bradbury: The History Man

Margaret Drabble: The Radiant Way

Martin Amis: London Fields

Martin Amis: Money

Martin Amis: The Black Dogs

Martin Amis: Time’s Arrow

Muriel Spark: Not to Disturb

Muriel Spark: The Bachelors

Muriel Spark: The Girls of Slender Means

Peter Ackroyd: Hawksmoor

Peter Ackroyd:, Milton in America

Salman Rushdie: Satanic Verses

Salman Rushdie: Haroun and Other Stories

Salman Rushdie: Midnight’s Children

Salman Rushdie: Shame

Salman Rushdie: The Moor’s Last Sigh

William Golding: Rites of Passage

W. Golding: Pincher Martin

W. Golding: To the Ends of the Earth

William Goldin: Lord of the Flies

William Golding: Darkness Visible

William Golding: Free Fall

William Golding: Rites of Passage

William Golding: The Spire


Arnold Wesker: Roots

Caryl Churchill: Serious Money

David Edgar: Destiny

David Edgar: Maydays

David Hare: Knuckle

David Hare: Plenty

David Hare: Teeth N’ Smiles

Edward Biond: Lear

Edward Bond: Bingo

Edward Bond: Saved

Edward Bond: The Fool

Harold Pinter:North

Harold Pinter: Old Times

Harold Pinter: The Caretaker

Harold Pinter: The Dumb Waiter

Harold Pinter: The Room

Harold Pinter: Wintering Out

Howard Brenton: The Churchill Play

Howard Brenton: The Romans in Britain

Joe Orton: Loot

Joe Orton: What the Butler Saw

John Osborne: Look Back in Anger

John Osborne: Luther

John Osborne: The Entertainer

Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall: Billy Liar

Samuel Beckett: Play

Samuel Beckett: What, Where

Samuel Beckett: All That Fal

Samuel Beckett: Happy Days

Samuel Beckett:Krapp’s Last Tape

Samuel Beckett:Radio

Samuel Beckett: Rough for Theatre

Shaffer Peter: Amadeus.

Tom Stoppard: Jumpers

Tom Stoppard: Professional Foul

Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Tom Stoppard: Travesties

Trevor Griffiths: Comedians

Trevor Griffiths: The Party
