The Council


Minutes of the (Special) meeting of the University Council held on Friday26 November 2010.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Professor Memis Acar; Dr Jo Aldridge (ab); Dr Anja Baumhoff; John Blackwell; Penny Coates (ab); Dr Sandie Dann; Arthur Deakin (ab); Brian Dent; Gifty Edila (ab); Sir John Gains; Professor Neil Halliwell; Professor Elaine Hobby; Alan Hughes; Jim Murphy (ab); Jim Mutton; Terry Neale; Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones; Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Professor Ian Reid; Sir Nigel Rudd (ab); Mark Sismey-Durrant; Jackie Strong; Nigel Tamplin; Philip Wilkinson-Blake; Alan A Woods.

In attendance:

Professor Morag Bell; Charlie Carter; Professor Phill Dickens; Chris Dunbobbin; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Professor Chris Linton; Dr Jennifer Nutkins; Professor Ken Parsons; Will Spinks; Caroline Walker; Jon Walker.

Apologies for absence were received from:

Dr Jo Aldridge; Penny Coates; Arthur Deakin; Jim Murphy; Professor Ric Parker.

10/118 Business of the Agenda

Item 10/124.2 was unstarred due to the late circulation of the paper.


Minutes of the (Special) Meeting of Council held on 15 October 2010 [COUN10-M5] were CONFIRMED.

10/120 Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

10/121Redundancy Committee

CouncilNOTED action taken by the Chair between meetings toapprove the recommendations of the Redundancy Committee in relation to the reduction of two FTE posts in ESRI.


10/122Honorary Degrees: Invitations

Pursuant to Statute XVIII, on the recommendation of Senate, and with the advice of the Honorary Degrees Committee, CouncilAPPROVED the issuing of invitations to persons to receive Honorary Degrees at Graduation Ceremonies.


10/123Human Resources Committee

CouncilRECEIVED a report of the meeting of Human Resources Committee held on 2 November 2010:



123.1NOTEDthe action of the Chair of Human Resources Committee in approving an amendment to the Outside Work Procedures section of the Conditions of Service for Academic and Related Staff.


123.2APPROVED a recommendation from HRC, on the advice of the Academic and Related Staff Monitoring Group, that the appointment of an academic member of staff should be terminated at the end of his probationary period on 31 December 2010.


123.3APPROVED the award of the title of Emeritus Professor to:

John Dickens, Professor of Engineering Education, Civil and Building Engineering and Director of the HEA Engineering Subject Centre.

123.4NOTED the action of the Vice-Chancellor in approving the award of a Personal Chair to the following:

Professor Serpil Acar, Professor of Computer Science

Professor Tony Hodgson, Professor of Design and Director of the Loughborough Design School

Professor Caroline Meyer, Professor of Psychology, School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences

Professor Zoltan Nagy, Professor of Process Systems, Chemical Engineering

Professor Simon Watson, Professor of Wind Energy, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Professor Andrew West, Professor of Intelligent Systems, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

10/124Reports of Committees

CouncilRECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

124.1Operations Committee – 11 October and 1 November 2010 [COUN10-P157]

124.2Senate – 16 November 2010 [COUN10-P158]

10/125Any Other Business

Council NOTED the appointment of Professor David Allen as Head of the Department of Politics, History and International Relations for the period 1 January to 1 August 2011.

10/126Date of Next Meeting

Friday, 1 April 2011.

Author – Chris Dunbobbin
Date –December 2010
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