Hampton Middle School

May 7, 2013

HMS Parents:

As you may be aware, the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) report has been posted for public review by the Georgia Department of Education. This school performance measure is a new process for all schools in the State of Georgia and replaces the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports from No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The results of the new report encompass student achievement, student growth, programmatic evaluation, and student achievement variances between groups of students. The scores released this week reflect school performance for the 2011-12 school year only.

With our score of 82.9, it is important to put into perspective what that means. In previous years, our accountability rested with either a “Made AYP” or “Did Not Make AYP” indication. A numeric score allows us the opportunity to further explore and address areas for improvement while also capitalizing on areas where we are currently performing at high levels. Making or not making AYP never gave us the opportunity to fully share how and what we were doing to help our students learn, grow, and achieve at high levels.

While the scores (out of 100 possible points) are meant to be easy to understand, it is important to note what contributes to the cumulative scores.

A school’s score is made up of three major areas: Achievement (70 points possible), Progress (15 points possible) and Achievement Gap (15 points possible). In addition to the three major areas, some schools receive “Challenge Points” to add to their score (up to 10 points). These are possible if a school has a significant number of Economically Disadvantaged students, English Language Learner students, and Students with Disabilities meeting expectations. Schools can also receive points for going beyond the targets of the CCRPI by challenging students to exceed expectations and participate in college and career readiness programs.

We anticipate a new CCRPI score to arrive in October 2013 which will reflect the school performance results for the 2012-13 school year. The diligent work of our students, teachers and faculty will continue, and our scores will help us identify areas of need as we develop school improvement plans.

In the coming weeks, please visit our website for more details about the CCRPI Report and steps we are taking to improve our school performance.

Thank you for your continued support of our school.

Dr. Carolyn D. Flemister-Bell
