Section 5.2The Natural Exponential Function


  1. Understanding the Characteristics of the Natural Exponential Function
  2. Sketching the Graphs of Natural Exponential Functions Using Transformations
  3. Solving Natural Exponential Equations by Relating the Bases
  4. SolvingApplications of the Natural Exponential Function

Objective 1: Understanding the Characteristics of the Natural Exponential Function

We learned in the previous section that any positive number bwhere can be used as the base of anexponential function. However, there is one number that appears as the base in exponential applications more than any other number. This number is called the natural base and is symbolized using the letter e. The number e is an irrational number that is defined as the value of the expression as n approaches


The table below shows the values of the expression for increasingly large values of n.

As the values of n get large, the value e(rounded to 6 decimal places) is . The function is called the natural exponential function. Since it follows that the graph of lies between the graph of and as seen in Figure 1.

The graph of the natural

exponential function

n /
1 / 2
2 / 2.25
10 / 2.5937424601
100 / 2.7048138294
1000 / 2.7169239322
10,000 / 2.7181459268
100,000 / 2.7182682372
1,000,000 / 2.7182804693
10,000,000 / 2.7182816925
100,000,000 / 2.7182818149

Characteristics of the Natural Exponential Function

The Natural Exponential Function is the exponential function with base eand is defined as .

The domain of is and the range is . The graph of and some of its characteristics are stated below.

The graph of intersects the y-axis at .

The line is a horizontal asymptote.

The function is one-to-one.

It is important that you are able to use your calculator to evaluate various powers of e. Most calculators have an key.

Objective 2: Sketching the Graphs of Natural Exponential Functions

Again we can use the transformation techniques that were discussed in Section 3.4 to sketch variations of

the natural exponential function.

Objective 3: Solving Natural Exponential Equations by Relating the Bases

Recall the method of relating the bases for solving exponential equationsfrom Section 5.1. If we can write an exponential equation in the form of then . This method for solving exponential equations certainly holds true for the natural base as well.

Objective 4: Solving Applications of the Natural Exponential Function
Continuous Compound Interest

Recall the Periodic Compound Interest Formula that was introduced in Section 5.1. Some banks use continuous compounding, that is, they compound the interest every fraction of a second every day! If we start with the formula for periodic compound interest ,, and let n (the number of times the interest is compounded each year) approach infinity, we can derive the formula which is the formula for continuous compound interest.

Continuous Compound Interest Formula

Continuous compound interest can be calculated using the


Total amount after t years

Interest rate per year
Number of years

Present Value

Recall that the present value Pis the amount of money to be invested now to obtain A dollars in the future. To find a formula for present value on money that is compounded continuously, we start with the formula for continuous compound interest and solve for P.

Continuous compound interest formula.

Divide both sides by.


Present Value Formula

The present value of A dollars after t years of continuous compound

interest, with interest rater , is given by the formula


Exponential Growth Model

You have probably heard that some populations grow exponentially. Most populations grow at a rate proportional to the size of the population. In other words, the larger the population, the faster the population grows. With this in mind, it can be shown in a more advanced math course that the mathematical model that can describe population growth is given by the function.

Exponential Growth

A model that describes the population, P, after a certain time, t, is

where is the initial population and is a constant

called the relative growth rate. (Note: may be given as a percent.)

The graph of the exponential growth model is shown below. Notice that the graph has a y-intercept of .

Figure 3

The graph of the

exponential growth
