Request for Proposals

9-1-1 Logging Recorder System

Cowley County Emergency Communications

Cowley County, Kansas


August 26, 2014



Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page v





RFP# 2014-004

Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page v

Cowley County, KS July 2014

Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder

RFP 2014-004

Table of Contents


1.1 Purpose 1

1.2 Statement of Needs 1

1.3 Project Knowledge 1

1.4 RFP Dates 3

1.4.1 Publish RFP 3

1.4.2 RFP Questions 3

1.4.3 RFP Submission 3

1.4.4 Proposals Opening 4

1.4.5 Proposal Evaluations 4

1.4.6 Proposal Evaluation Criteria 4

1.4.7 Final Selection 5


2.1 Acceptance of RFP Terms 6

2.2 Award of Sub-Respondents and Other Contracts for Portions of the Work 6

2.3 Supervision and Construction Procedures 6

2.4 Responsibility for those Performing the Work 6

2.5 Progress and Completion 7

2.6 Protection of Persons and Property 7

2.7 Proof of Insurance 7

2.8 Industry Standards 7

2.9 New Materials, Supplies, or Equipment 7

2.10 Implied Requirements 7

2.11 Changes in the Work 8

2.12 Claims for Additional Cost or Time 8

2.13 Minor Changes in the Work 8

2.14 Amendment 8

2.15 Compliance with Laws 8

2.16 Conflict of Interest 8

2.17 Contract 8

2.18 Contract Termination 9

2.19 Failure to Deliver 9

2.20 Expenses 9


3.1 Completeness and Accuracy of Information 10

3.2 Summary of Features 10

3.3 PSAP Location 10


4.1 Overview 11

4.2 Minimum Requirements 11

4.3 Design Capacities 11

4.4 Demonstrations 12

4.5 Supported Radio Consoles 12

4.6 Supported 9-1-1 Call Handling Systems 12

4.7 Supported Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems 13

4.8 Remote Access 13

4.9 Access Levels 13

4.10 System Alarm Monitoring 14

4.11 Uptime 14

4.12 Interface Standards 14

4.13 Recording Formats 15

4.14 Recording Function 15

4.15 Simultaneous Record and Replay 15

4.16 Search Criteria 16

4.17 Redaction of Recordings 16

4.18 Reports 16

4.19 Redundancy 17

4.20 Expansion 17

4.21 Lockable Cabinet 17

4.22 Environmental Requirements 18

4.23 User Interface 18

4.24 Workstation Software 18

4.25 Plug-ins 18

4.26 Spare Parts 19

4.27 External Alarm 19

4.27.1 Email/Page/Text Messaging 19

4.27.2 Visual 19

5. Installation 20

5.1 Turnkey Installation 20

5.2 Punch Blocks 20

5.3 Backboard Space 20

5.4 Wiring Patch Panel 20

5.5 Wiring Certification 21

5.6 Termination Labeling 21

6. Grounding and Lightning Suppression 22

6.1 Power Load 22

6.2 Common Ground Point Requirements 22

6.3 Equipment Electrical Ground 22

6.4 Adherence to Codes 23

7. Training 24

7.1 End User Training 24

7.2 Train-the-trainer 24

7.3 Training Times 24

7.4 Training Materials 24

7.4.1 Hard and Soft Copies 24

7.4.2 Feature Guide 25

7.5 Training Criteria Review 25

7.6 On-line Training 25

8. Installation and Implementation Responsibilities 26

8.1 Project Management 26

8.2 High-level Project Plan and Gantt Chart 26

8.2.1 Project Plan 26

8.2.2 Gantt Chart 26

8.2.3 Within 30 Days 27

8.3 Biweekly Progress Reports 27

8.4 Respondent Change Order 27

8.5 Limited Interruption 27

8.6 Responsibility for Damages 28

8.7 Technician Qualifications 28

8.8 Respondent Personnel 28

8.9 Storage 29

8.10 Delivery 29

8.11 Packaging and Shipping Material 29

8.12 Inventory Control 29

9. Testing 30

9.1 Preliminary Test Plan 30

9.2 Component Testing 30

9.3 Cutover Testing Responsibility 30

9.4 Final Test Plan 31

9.5 Pre-cutover Acceptance Criteria 31

10. In-Service Acceptance 32

10.1 Fault Categories 32

10.2 Final Test Acceptance 32

10.2.1 Initiation 32

10.2.2 Resolution 33

10.2.3 Priority 2 – 4 Faults 33

10.3 Measurable Testing Criteria 33

10.4 Software Backups 34

10.5 Point of Contact 34

10.6 Documentation 34

10.7 Maintenance Support 35

10.7.1 Warranty 35

10.7.2 Pricing 35

10.8 Spares Availability—24/7 – Two Hours 35

10.9 Spares Availability—24/7 – Eight Hours 36

10.10 Repair and Advance replacement 36

10.11 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) 36

10.12 Warranty Non-covered Items 36

10.13 Post-cutover Repair logging and reporting 37

11. Post-cutover Support 38

11.1 Trouble Escalation Procedures 38

11.2 Routine Maintenance 38

11.3 Technician List – Training and Experience 38

11.3.1 Employee List 38

11.3.2 Evaluation 39

11.3.3 Installation and Repair Teams 39

11.4 Configuration/Upgrade management 39



Prepared for Cowley County, KS by Mission Critical Partners, Inc. Page v

Cowley County, KS July 2014

Request for Proposal for Logging Recorder

RFP 2014-004


1.1  Purpose

Cowley County, Kansas, is accepting proposals from qualified Respondents to provide an Internet Protocol (IP)-based logging recorder solution.

1.2  Statement of Needs

Cowley County, Kansas, through Cowley County Emergency Communications (CCEC), provides Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) wireline and wireless services from public safety answering points (PSAPs) in Arkansas City and Winfield. These two locations currently serve a combined population of approximately 36,000.

The E9-1-1 customer premises equipment (CPE) currently deployed at both PSAPs is VESTA® Pallas™, manufactured by Cassidian Communications and maintained by AT&T. At both PSAPs, Cassidian Communications also provides MapStar (mapping) and MagIC for management information system (MIS) reports. Although the Cassidian equipment is end-of-life[1], the public branch exchange (PBX) telephony portions will be retained in order to originate and receive administrative calls at the Arkansas City and Winfield police departments. Call recording at each PSAP is currently accomplished via NICE recording equipment. The NICE recording equipment will also remain in place to record administrative calls.

Cowley County (County) is consolidating E9-1-1 call handling and dispatching operations into a single PSAP/communications center located at 321 E. 10th Ave., Winfield, Kansas, 67156. It is the County’s intent to pursue a planned migration to new 911 call handling, 911 Internet Protocol (IP)-based logging recorder system, and radio consoles that will meet today’s needs, migrate to next generation network methodologies, and leverage state-of-the-art technology to achieve cost effective deployment, maximum sustainability, and improved functionality for the residents of Cowley County. Appendix A contains PSAP configuration details.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to facilitate the procurement of a 911 IP-based logging recorder system and associated installation, maintenance, monitoring, trouble reporting, and problem resolution. Respondents are responsible for ensuring proposals are in alignment with the State of Kansas’ RFP EVT0003196 Next Generation 9-1-1 Infrastructure System requirements, published June 5, 2014. The State RFP may be found at:

1.3  Project Knowledge

In order to demonstrate total project knowledge and an understanding of the requirements, Respondents shall provide a response for each paragraph in each section in the RFP.

·  The mandatory features are indicated by the use of the words must, shall, or will. In order to comply, Respondents must provide a detailed written description on how they will meet the requirements.

·  The words should, desired, or desirable represent features that are desirable. These responses will be considered when evaluating proposals, but only after the mandatory features are addressed.

The responses to each paragraph of the RFP can only be:

·  Understood. The Respondent understands the statement. Respondents do not have to supply a written description to these paragraphs.

·  Complies. The Respondent’s proposal complies with the requirement and the product/service is included in the base price, is currently developed, and is available for shipment and installation or activation.

·  Complies with Exception. The Respondent’s proposal either addresses the requirement through another method or is available at a contractually defined date without additional costs.

·  Does Not Comply. The Respondent’s proposal does not/cannot meet the requirement.

Below each requirement will be either one (Understood) check box or three (Complies, Complies with Exception, and Does Not Comply) check boxes. Respondents must respond by placing an “X” in only one check box per requirement. (Double click on the appropriate box, change the default value to “Checked” and click “OK.”) Failure to complete this process properly will be treated the same as not providing an answer.


A response and description to each requirement is required. Do not underestimate the importance of providing details. The details should be sufficient to properly convey the Respondent’s intentions, but should not be verbose in nature. Marketing materials are not considered appropriate in-line responses. Respondents may attach marketing materials as separate, supplemental documents, but details are still required to support the answer.

Respondents must not refer to other sections as a response. Even if the response is an exact duplicate of a previous response, the details must be provided in the same paragraph as the requirement. Respondents must not include pricing information in their description and must not refer the reader to pricing.

1.4  RFP Dates

1.4.1  Publish RFP

The RFP is being published on Friday, July 25, 2014. This RFP consists of this document (in both Microsoft® (MS) Word and Adobe® Acrobat® formats) and Appendix A – Pricing Proposal, a Microsoft® Excel file.


1.4.2  RFP Questions

The last day to submit questions is no later than 5:00 PM central standard time on Friday, August 8, 2014. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed via email to Beth Leach at and copied to Richard Gaston at . Oral responses shall not be binding on the County. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, an amendment will be sent to Respondents that will require the Respondents to acknowledge the receipt of any amendment.


1.4.3  RFP Submission

Proposals must be received by the County no later than 3:00 p.m. central standard time on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Responses received after that time will not be accepted. Responses shall consist of:

·  A version of this document (in either Word or Adobe® PDF format) with check boxes completed along with detailed responses; and

·  A completed Attachment A – Pricing Proposal in Excel format, in a separately sealed package labeled “Cowley County 9-1-1 Logging Recorder System RFP # 2014-004 Attachment A – Pricing Proposal”

One (1) unbound original and six (6) copies, for a total of seven (7) copies, of the sealed proposal, as well as one (1) electronic copy on CD or USB drive, must be clearly labeled “Cowley County 911 Logging Recorder System RFP # 2014-004”. These copies and the separately sealed Attachment A – Pricing Proposal shall be sent to:

County Clerk Karen Defore

Cowley County Courthouse

311 E. 9th

P.O. Box 472

Winfield, KS 67156

Responses will not be accepted by facsimile or email.


1.4.4  Proposals Opening

Proposals shall be opened at 10:00 a.m. central standard time on Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Only the names of Respondents shall be announced. Proposals that are identified as responsive shall be submitted to the Evaluation Teams within two (2) business days.


1.4.5  Proposal Evaluations

Evaluation Teams will complete their review of all responsive proposals by 5:00 p.m. central time on Thursday, September 18, 2014.


1.4.6  Proposal Evaluation Criteria

The County shall evaluate proposals based on a number of criteria, including:

A.  RFP compliance

B.  Respondent experience

C.  Cost of equipment

D.  Life cycle costs

E.  Unit costs of console equipment components

F.  Capability, features, and functionality of the consoles

G.  Warranty, maintenance, and support

H.  Demonstrated ability to perform the services described

I.  Quality of work as verified by references

J.  Demonstrated history of providing similar services to comparable entities

K.  Willingness to accept the County’s contract terms

L.  Any other factors Evaluation Teams deem relevant

1.4.7  Final Selection

Final selection and notice of intent to award a contract will occur by 5:00 p.m. central time on Monday, September 22, 2014.



Respondents shall provide a response to the terms and conditions, as a whole, following Section 2.20. Any exceptions shall be so noted in the response.


2.1  Acceptance of RFP Terms

A proposal submitted in response to this RFP shall constitute a binding offer. Acknowledgment of this condition shall be indicated on the Letter of Interest or Cover Letter by the autographic signature of the Respondent or an officer of the Respondent legally authorized to execute contractual obligations. A submission in response to the RFP acknowledges acceptance by the Respondent of all terms and conditions including compensation, as set forth herein. A Respondent shall identify clearly and thoroughly explain any variations between its proposal and the RFP requirements. Failure to do so shall be deemed a waiver of any rights to subsequently modify the terms of performance, except as outlined or specified in the RFP.

2.2  Award of Sub-Respondents and Other Contracts for Portions of the Work

Respondents shall furnish as part of their proposal a list of the names of the sub-Respondents or other persons or organizations proposed for such portions of the work as may be designated in the proposal requirements, or, if none is so designated, the names of the sub-Respondents proposed for the principal portions of the work.

2.3  Supervision and Construction Procedures

The successful Respondent shall supervise and direct the work, using the highest skills and attention. The successful Respondent shall be solely responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures, and for coordinating all portions of the work under the contract.

2.4  Responsibility for those Performing the Work

The successful Respondent shall be responsible to the County for the acts and omissions of all its employees and all subcontractors, their agents and employees, and all other persons performing any of the work under a contract with the Respondent.

2.5  Progress and Completion

The successful Respondent shall begin work on the date of commencement as defined in the contract, and shall carry the work forward expeditiously with adequate forces and shall complete it within the contract time.

2.6  Protection of Persons and Property

The successful Respondent shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury, or loss. When or where any direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct by the successful Respondent, s/he shall restore, at her/his own expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, by repairing or otherwise restoring as may be directed, or shall make good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner.