A Meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held in the Jubilee Room, Dunholme Village Hall on 18thMarch 2015.
Present:Mrs J Wright (Chairman), M. Prestwood,B. Lewis, Mrs H Nicholls, F Elkington. T Brumpton, A Sawhney and M. Burre
Clerk:Mrs L Richardson
Also present: 9members of the public
15/03/01Chairman’s Remarks
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that no further information had been received from the letters written regarding the relocation of the Post Office.
15/03/02Apologies for absence
On a proposal from Cllr Prestwood, seconded by Cllr Mrs Nicholls following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept apologies of absence from Cllr Barrett.
15/03/03Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Mrs Wright, Lewis, Prestwoodand Elkington declared an interest in agenda item 11 as members of the DDIBC.
15/03/04To approve notes of the meeting held on 18th February 2015
This was deferred to a future meeting.
12/03/05Report from representatives from outside bodies
Cllr Mrs Wright gave the following report on behalf of District and County Councillor Sue Rawlins:-
WLDC – the litter picking team have got as far as Nettleham on the A46 and are making their way towards the Dunholme area.
A large development has been granted of Prebend Lane in Welton and they are requesting £500,000 towards the improvement of the Welton junction of the A46.
15/03/06Clerks Action Plan
Speed Signs – There is a backlog of cases at the minute and rather than working in order of the application received they are working in areas so some places are being done sooner rather than later. Dunholme are still on the list to have site visits completed.
Village Hall Lease – McKinnells have been instructed to undertake the work required on the village hall lease. The solicitor currently has a large case on and so will contact us after to start the proceedings.
Litter bin near Ryland Road bus stop – This has been requested and the relevant team will do a site visit in the near future and install a bin if possible.
Post Office – A letter has been received from the Co-Op stating their negotiations with the Post Office havem gotten no further and they are still being offered a contract that they cannot work with.
Dyke and field maintenance – Veolia are currently chasing up their sub-contractor and will inform us with further information when they have it.
15/03/07Financial Matters
a) To consider paying the Clerks monthly salary via a rolling standing order
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Prestwood following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to pay the Clerks monthly salary via a rolling standing order.
c) To agree accounts for payment
On a proposal from Cllr Prestwood, seconded by Cllr Elkington following a vote,it
Was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following payments:-
26.00TalkTalk businessTelephone and broadband charges
200.00Welton & Dunholme
Methodist ChurchFinancial Donation
2124.00Continental Landscapes LtdVillage and Play area Maintenance
17.55Dunholme Village HallSports Pavilion water charges
875.00Veolia LtdVillage Maintenance
93.20HMRCPAYE Tax liability
112.00J. AtkinCaretaker salary
435.02Mrs L RichardsonClerks salary and expenses
60.00Lincs SecurityAnnual CCTV contract
103.93Cllr A. SawhneyPrinter expense re Neighbourhood Plan
6000.00DDIBCLease payment
2500.00DDIBCLoan Repayment
0.29HSBCBowls Hall Fund Interest
0.75HSBC14 Day reserve account Interest
0.42SantanderBond holding account Interest
Lincs Co-Op- Update regarding Post Office relocation
WLDC – Election Notices
Various booklets and leaflets
15/03/09Planning Matters
132426 – Land South of Dunholme Close, Welton – Change of use from agricultural land to public open space.
132425 – Land adjacent to Dunholme Close, Welton – Outline planning for erection of 12no. dwellings – access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent application.
Following a vote (4 for, 2 against, 2 abstain) it was agreed that no comment would be submitted to WLDC regarding the above applications.
15/03/10To receive and agree upon a standard complaints procedure for the Parish Council
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Burre following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the standard complaints procedure compiled by the Clerk.
15/03/11To receive quotes and take any necessary action regarding the replacement of the gas wall heater at the Indoor Bowls Club
This was deferred to a future meeting
15/03/12To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the relocation of the village post office.
No update to minute – See Clerks Action Plan – Minute reference 15/03/06
15/03/13To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan
a) To discuss and take any action regarding the report received from Community Lincs
Cllrs Lewis and Sawhney expressed their concern over the findings in report and believe that it is not a true representation of the village. They are therefore going to
go through the document and report and relevant changes they think are necessary at a future meeting.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a possible meeting with the proposer of the sustainability document regarding the East side of the village
It was unanimously AGREED not to arrange a meeting at this point but to invite the proposer to our next meeting to speak in the public forum and take any necessary action following.
c) To take any other necessary action
On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Sawhney following a vote, it was unanimously RESLOVED that the Parish Council will undertake a questioonaire within the village to go alongside the Community Lincs report as part of the public consultation. Cllr Sawhney will finalise the questionnaire and once circulated and agreed by all other councillors the Clerk will get them printed and arrange delivery of the questionnaires. These will then be collected by Councillors and other volunteers at a later date.
15/03/14To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the trimming of the hedges around the village
Concern was expressed regarding the cutting of the hedge along the side of the cemetary on Ashing Lane and the loss of privacy. Cllrs Mrs Nicholls and Prestwood agreed to meet there and see if anything could be done to the area including tidying up the corner where new fencing etc is needed. A site visit would then take place with a contractor to determine what work is needed and the associated costs.
15/03/15To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the spring/summer planting of the village containers.
It was agreed to get quotes for the planting of the containers for next month’s meeting to be considered.
15/03/16To receive an email from a local resident regarding the DIG and DOSC position
Following legal advice from LALC, the Parish Council cannot legally or morally get involved in this situation as we are not an impartial body but represent the whole community.
15/03/17To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the use of Facebook for community engagement
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Elkington following a vote (6 for 2 against) it was AGREED to set up a page on Facebook to update people on the work of the Parish Council. This is to be reviewed in 2 months to ensure that the page is used to its full potential.
15/03/18To receive and decide upon a quote to undertake hedge cutting around the village
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Lewis following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept a quote from C. Pickering to undertake hedge trimming along Ashing Lane, Manor Farm entrance and around the DDIBC.
15/03/19To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the relocation of the Parish Council Noticeboard
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Brumpton following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to contact the Lincolnshire Co-Operative for permission to move the Parish Council noticeboard onto their store wall.
15/03/20To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish Meeting
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wright, following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED that the APM will take place on Wednesday 8th April 2015 at 8pm (following the normal monthly meeting). A budget of £30 was set for the purchase of refreshments and £30 budget was set for the award for the Annual Community Awards. Cllr Mrs Wright offered to purchase the wine and soft drinks and Cllr Barrett will be asked to provide the glasses. The winner of the community awards was chosen.
15/03/21To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the delivering of the election nomination papers
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Prestwood following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the Clerk would deliver the nomination papers to WLDC on Tuesday 7th April and so papers would need to be with her before then.
Cllrs Mrs Wright, Prestwood and Elkington confirmed that they would not be standing for election this year.
15/03/22Village Maintenance
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Elkington following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following village maintenance is required:-
- The markings of the mini round a bout on Scothern Road need re painting.
- The footpaths on Market Rasen Road are in a poor state and need resurfacing.
- Cllr Prestwood stated that he is happy to carry on maintaining the sports pavilions after his retirement from the Parish Council.
- The skips areto be ordered once again for the 11th April 2015.
15/03/23Other Urgent Matters
Signed by the Chairman ...... Wednesday 8th April 2015