Glogster Cool Tools Session
What is Glogster? Glogster is a Web 2.0 platform that easily allows users to upload photos, videos, text, audio, and other multimedia resources to create an online, interactive poster. You can then easily print out your poster or embed it into a website, wiki, blog, or other social networking space to share with others. Glogster enables users to seamlessly cross the boundaries between print and digital information while sharing and responding to their work in a secure and safe collaborative, multimedia space.
There are two versions of Glogster: the standard version and the EDU version. Teachers should register for the EDU version, and here's why. You can protect the privacy of your students' work, have control over the content being used, and get student logins to see what is being created and edited by students.
Benefits of Using Glogster EDU in Education
v Students can upload endless creative material from numerous sources such as textbooks, relevant photo galleries, reports, journals, desktop files, video clips, music files, etc.
v Students can express their creativity within core subject area learning activities while demonstrating proficiency in key curriculum objectives.
v Students can combine and apply their interests in multimedia composition, remixing, and social networking for academic learning purposes.
v Glogster EDU is housed in a safe and private location that enables teachers to securely administer accounts, groups, and discussion boards.
v Glogster projects align with MA ELA learning standards including:
o Composition Standard 19: Students will write with a clear focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail
o Composition Standard 23: Students will organize ideas in writing in a way that makes sense for their purpose
o Media Production Standard 27: Students will design and create coherent media productions (audio, video, television, multimedia, Internet, emerging technologies) with a clear controlling idea, adequate detail, appropriate consideration of audience, purpose, and medium.
o Additional content specific standards relevant to the content of their composition.
To register for Glogster EDU, go to and fill in the details requested. After you do this, Glogster will send you a confirmation email that contains a link to activate your account. After you have activated it, you will be taken to the teacher dashboard where you can add up to 100 student accounts for free. Glogster will send you another email that has a list of your student accounts and passwords. Keep this safe, or print it out. You will need it for the first time that the students login.
Tutorial: Creating your first Glog
(SOURCE: Jonathan Wylie
Login to the Glogster EDU site with your teacher account to create a sample glog. There is a large pink button in the dashboard area that says, "Create a new glog". Click on that to get started.
Step 1: Prepare your workspace. Your first Glog will have some sample elements already on the page. Delete the ones you do not want by clicking on the image and clicking on the pink trashcan. This deletes any element on your glog. If there is something here you do want, drag it around to where you would like it on your page, and resize it by clicking and dragging the corners.
Step 2: The Magnet Tool. On the left hand side of your page you will see a magnet tool. You can slide this up and down the left hand side of your page by clicking and dragging, or hide it by clicking the pink arrow. The magnet tool is what you need to edit your glog. It allows you to choose the images, text and videos to include in your glog.
Step 3: Create your glog. Each of the buttons on the magnetic tool allow you to customize elements within your poster. For instance, if you click 'wall', you can pick your background image from a gallery of preloaded images, add a picture of your own, or link to a background image on the web. If you click 'image', 'video', or 'sound', you have the similar options, but for images, videos and sound. Choosing 'text' lets you select from a huge number of decorative text boxes, and selecting the 'graphics' button will give you access to a choice of graphical elements to include. Just click on the element you want and it will appear on your page.
Step 4: Editing your glog. Whether it is a picture, text, graphic, sound or video, all you need do to edit it is click on the item. You will see a small menu appear above the object. Your options here are to edit, (change colors, fonts, and add hyperlinks), bring forward, set behind, clone, undo changes, and delete. If you hover over a button, you get a popup explanation of what it does.
Step 5: Save and publish. Preview your work by clicking the preview button. Once you are happy with that you are ready to save and publish, so click the save and publish button! From here you name your glog and assign it a category. Choose either finished or unfinished. If it is unfinished, only the teacher and that student can view it. If it is finished, all students in your class can view it. Once you click save you get some sharing options and an embed code for a website or blog. Only teachers can make glogs public for all to view. You do this by clicking on the student account, clicking on the glog you want to make public, and selecting 'public for all' option at the bottom of the page. By default, all Glogster EDU glogs are private.
Please visit for examples of Glogsters designed by students or teachers and view testimonials from teachers who have used Glogster to creatively engage students with content area learning.
Work independently or with a partner to draft a Glogster that:
· Shares your passion for a favorite book, personal hobby, or important cause;
· Defines a challenging vocabulary word; or
· Explains the value of understanding a certain topic/concept in your discipline
Your glogster should include:
· A title
· A relevant background
· At least two text boxes
· A short video clip or audio clip (downloaded or original)
Toward the end of our session, be prepared to share your glogster and brainstorm other ideas for using Glogster in your own classroom!
Coiro, J. (2010) Cool Tools Demonstration, New Literacies Institute.