

Jaya Varma Sinha

Divisional Railway Manager


अ.स.पत्र सं. डी आर एम/16

D.O. No. DRM/16. दिनांक Dated: 06-08-2014

Dear Shri Gupta,

1.0  सामान्‍य /GENERAL

1.1  A new Halt station ‘Shantinagar’ in between Bahirgachhi and Bhayna Stations in Ranaghat – Gede Section has been opened on 23.07.14.

1.2  A new station building has been put in service w.e.f. 14.07.14 at Thakurnagar station.

1.3  Upper Class Waiting Room (AC) of Sealdah station, equipped with new steel made furniture and Wi-Fi facility has been renovated.

1.4 Two new trains, 13131Up /13132 Dn Kolkata - Anand Vihar Express (Daily) from Kolkata and 13119 Up/13120 Dn Sealdah - Delhi (bi-weekly) from Sealdah were inaugurated on 01.07.14 and 06-07-14 respectively.

1.5  To clear rush of passengers one pair special Mail/Exp. train no.03143/03144 has been introduced to run between KOAA and RXL on 27-07-14 ex KOAA and on 28-07-14 ex RXL.

1.6  13103 Up/13104 Dn.(Bhagirathi Exp.) was temporarily augmented by one WGSCZAC Coach from 02-6-14 up to 31-08-14.

1.7  03101 Up/03102 Dn. SDAH – Puri Spl., BSF Spl. and Delegate special from KOAA – NJP were run during the month.

1.8  Additional 54 AC, 29 non-AC and 10 unreserved coaches were run to meet additional demand.

1.9  On date payment involving 44(NR) and 29(ONR) cases for the month of July/14 was held.

1.10  Twelve court cases have been disposed during the month in different Courts and eleven have gone in favour of Railway.


2.1 Commercial:


a)  No. of Suburban Passengers शहरतलीय यात्री:

5.172 Crore Suburban Passengers were carried by the division during the month of July’14. It was 12.34% less than the corresponding month of previous year. During the month of July’14, 2417 ‘IZZAT’ MSTs have been sold, compared to 143571 during the corresponding month of previous year. This decline was due to modified rules for issuing IZZAT MSTs w.e.f.15.10.2013. 22.175 Crore Suburban Passengers were carried by the division upto the month of July ’14. It was 3.90 % and 0.90 Crore passengers less than the corresponding period of previous year. During this period, 13947 ‘IZZAT’ MSTs have been sold, compared to 554633 during the corresponding period of previous year. Growth of Suburban Passenger without IZZAT MSTs was 8.50% for the month of July’14 and 5.35% upto the month of July’14.

b)  Suburban Passenger Earnings शहरतलीय यात्रियों से प्राप्त आय:

Rs. 30.47 Crore was earned from Suburban Passengers during the month of July ’14. It was 8.38% higher than the corresponding month of previous year. Rs. 120.491 Crore was earned from Suburban Passengers upto the month of July ’14. It was 7.48 % higher and Rs. 8.387 Crore more than the corresponding period of previous year.


a)  No. of Non-Suburban Passengers गैर-शहरतलीय यात्री:

0.277 Crore Non-Suburban Passenger were carried by the division during the month of July ’14. It was 3.49 % less than the corresponding month of previous year. Upto the month of July ’14, 1.135 Crore Non-Suburban Passengers were carried by the division which was 2.40% and 0.028 Crore passengers less than the corresponding period of previous year. Growth of Non-Suburban Passenger without IZZAT MSTs was 1.83% upto the month of July’14.

b)  Non-Suburban Passenger Earnings गैर-शहरतलीय यात्रियों से प्राप्त आय :

Rs. 38.513 Crore was earned from Non-Suburban Passengers during the month of July ’14. It was 30.43% higher than the corresponding month of previous year. Rs. 140.256 Crore was earned from Non-Suburban Passengers upto the month of July ’14. It was 19.45% higher and Rs. 22.842 Crore more than the corresponding period of previous year.


a)  No. of Passengers (Suburban & Non-Suburban)कुल यात्री:

5.449 Crore Passengers (Suburban & Non-Suburban) were carried by the division during the month of July ’14. It was 11.93% less than the corresponding month of previous year. During the month of July’14, 2417 ‘IZZAT’ MSTs have been sold, compared to 143571 during the corresponding month of previous year. 23.309 Crore Passengers (Suburban & Non-Suburban) were carried by the division upto the month of July ’14. It was 3.83 % and 0.928 Crore passengers less than the corresponding period of previous year. During this period, 13947 ‘IZZAT’ MSTs have been sold, compared to 554633 during the corresponding period of previous year. Growth of Total Passenger without IZZAT MSTs was 7.83% for the month of July’14 and 5.06% upto the month of July’14.

b)  Total Passenger Earnings (Suburban & Non-Suburban) यात्रियों से प्राप्त कुल आय:

Rs. 68.983 Crore was earned from total Passengers (Suburban & Non-Suburban) during the month of July ’14. It was 19.67% more than the corresponding month of previous year. Upto the month of July ’14, Rs. 260.749 Crore (approx.) was earned from Passenger (Suburban & Non-Suburban). It was 13.61% higher and Rs.31.229 Crore more than the corresponding period of previous year.


Rs. 6.713 Crore was earned from ‘Other Coaching’ during the month of July ’14. It was 37.94 % less than the corresponding month of previous year. It is due to less loading of leased VPs from Sealdah and Kolkata Terminal as a consequence of diversion of traffic to VP Specials running between Patelnagar and NGC via Kolkata. Moreover Rs. 5.37 Crore was earned from BSF Special from Krishnanagar in the month of July’13. Rs. 28.99 Crore was earned from ‘Other Coaching’ upto the month of July ’14. It was 51.31 % and Rs. 30.55 Crore less than the corresponding period of previous year.


Rs. 0.856 Crore was earned from ‘Sundry’ during the month of July ’14. It was 36.51 % less than the corresponding month of previous year. Rs. 4.1998 Crore was earned from ‘Sundry’ upto the month of July ’14. It was 7.08% higher and Rs. 0.278 Crore more than the corresponding period of previous year.


Rs. 18.661 Crore was earned from Goods during the month of July’14. It was 26.56 % less than the corresponding month of previous year. It is due to less loading of Gunny bales at Titagarh and Naihati. Rs. 73.413 Crore were earned from Goods loading upto the month of July’14. It was 19.42 % and Rs. 17.69 Crore less than the corresponding period of previous year. It is due to no loading of Gunny bales at Titagarh and Naihati upto 24.05.14.

2.2 Electrical/TRS:

1.  One new SS rake No 50042-50043-50044 of M/S BEML make has been commissioned at Narkeldanga EMU carshed on 09-07-14 and put into service.

2. As per instruction of Railway Board 14 Nos. trailer coaches (8 nos. type C and 6 nos. type D) have been sent for Southern Railway on 21-07-14.

3. Based on last two year failures a Reliability Action Plan for Mechanical section has been made.

4. With the existing infrastructure, Eleven number defective Air dryer (FITL make 7 nos. and SIL make 4nos.) have been repaired at SPR EMU carshed.

5. On 14/07/2014 Sri P. Biswas LPP while working train no 13131up with loco no 21331 while approaching to DDJ he observed that DDJ- RRI /Home signal was green which meant that the train would go via DDJ- DKAE instead of its scheduled path i.e. NH- BDC. LPP stopped the train immediately right before the signal & informed the same to SS/DDJ/RRI. RRI/DDJ put back the signal and again lowered with one yellow for its scheduled path i.e. via NH-BDC. Thus he saved the train from entering into the wrong path as well as onward detention and inconvenience to the passengers. This was only possible by his high alertness, knowledge of signal & instant necessary action towards incident.

2.3 Electrical/TRD:

1. 3.48 MTs Non- ferrous material has been deposited at HLR/Scrap yard during July’14.

2. Due to improvement in power factor (PF) of traction power supply in Sealdah division, a rebate of Rs. 23.88 lakhs have been achieved in the energy bill from WBSEDCL for the month of June ’14. Total rebate achieved during the year is Rs 74.74 lakhs in 3 month.

3. For prevention of OHE failure, 01 no. catenary wire ending joint at OOR OHE have been replaced at loc. no. 6/27D, 16/9Q in between DDJ – BP section during July ’14.

4. For prevention of OHE failure, 07 nos. contact wire ending joint at OOR OHE have been replaced at loc. no. 39/3, 45/29-30, 56/6B - 10B,46/14B – 16/16B, 44/4 – 44/10, 3/4X – 5X/6, 3/6X – 3/8X in between section BLN- KGK (chord line) , BRP- DH and BT- BNJ during July ’14

5. 05 nos. failure prone 9-Ton anchor insulator (WSI/1/1989, NGK/Japan-1980) have been replaced at loc. no. 81/28B, 23/6B, (02 nos.), 21/26, 29/15 by composite 9-Ton insulator in BT- BNJ section during July ’14.

6. For enhancement of OHE reliability, 08 nos. overage & damaged ATD (5 pulley/3 pulley small/ 3 pulley modified type) have been converted into 3 pulley modified (spoke) type ATD at SPR (05 nos.), BT (03 nos.) depot jurisdiction during July ’14.

7. To minimize the SS rope failure, 11 nos. S.S rope of ATD have been replaced at NKG (01 no.), BP (02 nos.), HLR (03 nos.), SDAH/S (02 nos.), BT (01 no.), BRP (02 nos.) and LKPR (01 no.) Depot jurisdiction during POH of ATD during July’14.

8. 1.76 kms. worn out contact wire & 1.32 kms. damaged & overage catenary wire have been replaced during July’14.

9. 8 nos. cantilever assembly of portal structure & OHE on Platform no. 1 & 2 have been adjusted to make it compatible to continuity of platform shed by departmentally during July’14.

10. For improvement of reliability of OHE, 61 nos. old & over aged cantilever assembly have been replaced during July’14.

11. For improvement of reliability of OHE, 61 nos. old & over aged cantilever assembly have been replaced during July’14.

12. The point no. 120 AB, which was out of order for electric traffic since long, has been made fit for electric traffic at BP. The work was executed departmentally.

13. There was a prolong problem at KYI, where starter signal was placed beyond the overlap, which is not as per recommendation of ACTM. There was operational problem also. To sort out this issue one new insulated overlap has been created beyond the starter signal & near the newly constructed KYI/SSP. The operational problem has been sorted out permanently.

14. The current transformer of SPR/GSS across the Tr-1 and Tr-2.has been replaced by higher ratio CT (02 nos. against each traction transformer). The earlier ratio was 1000/5.75, which has been replaced by 1600/1.

15. The control panel along with all protective electromagnetic relays have been replaced by new contro & relay panel at SPR/GSS.

16. 13 nos. Safety lectures as per safety calendar circulated by Sr. DSO have been organized by depot in charges for up-grading knowledge of staff on TRD safety during maintenance of OHE, PSI and RC equipment.

17. To ensure safety of human being & equipments, total 112 nos. different type of bond (flat bond-112 nos.) have been provided over the division during July’14.

2.4 Electrical/General:

i) Newly constructed FOB at Kankinara station has been provided with electricity with provision of 11 nos. (2x28W) T-5 fittings.

ii)  Submersible pumps of capacity 2500 GPH x 150 ft Hd., 4 HP (make: KSB) has been installed at DDJ Station colony.

iii)  Improvement of illumination with energy efficiency lights & provision of fans has been done at the following stations:

Sl No. / Name of station / Location / No. of lights / No of fans
1 / SDAH stn. / Circulating area, Con course & platforms / 60 (1x400W) HPIT
40 (2x28W) T-5 / 8 (air Circulating fan)
2 / BLN stn. / Circulating area, & platforms / 30 (2x28W) T-5 / -
3 / STBB stn. / PF shed / 7 (2x28W) T-5 / -
4 / AKIP stn. / PF shed / 7 (2x28W) T-5 / -
5 / NBRN stn. / PF shed / 8 (2x28W) T-5 / -

2.5 Mechanical/C&W:

i) Introduction of round the clock shifts at Concor/MJT for minimizing detention:

Round the clock shifts at Concor/MJT has been started from 02/06/14 in-stead of two shifts (Morning & Evening). Loads attended for examination and dispatched at night shift has improved as shown below:

Month / Load examined
During night shift / Load dispatched at night shift
June’14 / 12 / 06
July’14 / 05 / 07

ii) Special drive for joint inspection of Panty Car.

A special drive has been conducted for joint inspection of all Panty cars by the supervisors and officers in the month of July’2014. The following action has been initiated.

Ø  Provision of First-Aid Box.

Ø  Large size bin with lids.

Ø  Cleaning as well as replacement of utensils.

Ø  Smoke detector with audio alarm system.

Ø  Oil separator mechanism for electric chimneys.

The following has also been started from C&W department.

Ø  Special drive for cleaning of entire roof area of panty car.

Ø  Close monitoring as well as special drive for checking of cleanliness of the coaches.

Ø  Buffing work incorporated with mechanized cleaning contract.

Ø  Tank flushing once in a month with stenciled date of flushing.

Ø  Periodic inspection of Panty car.


There is increase in 9% against target in closed circuit rake (CC) ensures more reliability.

2013-14 / Examination
(Avg. Monthly) / %age of improvement w.r.t Target / %age of improvement w.r.t previous year
(up to this month) / 2014-15
(up to this month)
22 / 24 / 24 / 9 / --

iv) Examination of Premium Rake:

Despite reduction of man power, this department is able to execute 52% more Premium Rake examination as compare to 2013-14.

13-14 / Examination
(Avg. Monthly) / %age of improvement w.r.t Target / %age of improvement w.r.t previous year
(upto this month) / 2014-15
(upto this month)
- / 52 / 79 / - / 52

iv)  Wagon ROH handled by division: