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Coordinate OHS trainingArens’ work tools

Arens’ decision / Arens used:
  • decision tool
  • action plan
  • list of compulsory and optional training.


I need to find out the OHS training needs of my team and set priorities for training.

Up Front! Toolbox: Coordinate OHS training – Arens’ work tools1

 ANTA 2004

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Decision tool

Up Front! Toolbox: Coordinate OHS training – Arens’ work tools1

 ANTA 2004

To save these work tools to your computer – pull down the File menu and choose Save As … and give it a file name of your choice

Action plan

Table: This is my action plan

What I want to achieve
(Outcome) / How I will go about it
(Action) / Who I need to involve/ consult
(People) / What resources do I need
(Physical resources) / Finish by date
Get a list of mandatory OHS training and optional OHS training / Approach HR / HR / Lists / 05/04/05
Coffee cup meetings with workgroup to ask them to assess their current skills and knowledge / Organise meeting / All staff in workgroup / Lists of training from HR
Skills audit forms / Give three weeks for team members to provide evidence
Find out skills that are required to complete work tasks safely / Inspect work area and check previous OHS records / Admin (for records)
Me / Hazard reporting forms
Injury register
Compensation claims / During three weeks above
Training priorities identified / Compare existing skills with training offered and skills required / Me and then consultation with workgroup / Lists of training from HR
Completed skills audit forms / 10/06/05
Training and development options organised and conducted / Give prioritised list to HR
Organise mentoring/ coaching where appropriate / HR
Work group / Evaluation forms / Organised by

Training list

Here’s the list of training provided by HR. You can get this from your local WorkCover, too.

List of mandatory OHS training and optional OHS training.

Mandatory OHS Training / Optional OHS Training
OHS Induction / Hazardous Substances
Greencard / Risk Assessment
Manual Handling / Equipment Certification
SOPs (Chainsaw Operations) / Confined Spaces
Plant Operators’ Licences / Explosive Power Tools
OHS Consultation (for committee members) / EWP (Elevated Work Platforms)
Risk Management for Supervisors and Managers


I really take my position here seriously and was really thrown when given the task by HR to determine the training needs of my workgroup. I realise now that the answer usually involves some communication and consultation with my team.
By approaching HR and obtaining lists of OHS training available, it made my task seem a lot simpler. Also, by using the skills audit form, the Training Needs Analysis didn’t seem to be such a huge problem that I thought it was going to be.
Including my workgroup in deciding on the training that would be appropriate and relevant means they will be more committed to doing it and some of them really feel they are getting a lot out of it. I know that rostering can be a nightmare at the best of times but it is an essential part of my job, and if attendance at training is required and there is no disruption to productivity, it should not present a problem.

Up Front! Toolbox: Coordinate OHS training – Arens’ work tools1

 ANTA 2004