Level: / 4
Credit Value: / 15
Pre-Requisites: / none
Module Description
Students enteringHigherEducationwillneed specificstudy skillsto enable themtomaximizetheir learning potential and takeadvantage of opportunities available in anacademicsetting. Many of these skills will also enhance employability and the student’s ability to succeed in the workplace. Studentswillenterwithdifferentlevelsofskillsand experience,therefore it isintendedthatstudentscarry out an audit oftheir own studyandcommunication skills andthe results fromthis will formthe basis ofa personal development plan.Students will gain experience in research using a range of resources - both online and paper-based – and will learn how to evaluate sources to ensure they are valid and reliable.
Communication skills will form an important part of the module, in order that students are equipped to use different styles of written and oral communication as appropriate in a range of academic and professional contexts.
Learning Outcomes
Oncompletion ofthemodule,students will be able to:
- Assess own level of skill in study and communication skills andconstructapersonal developmentplan
- Demonstrate, and use appropriately, a range of methods of communication, including both oral and written
- Use feedback to improve work
- Research, collate and interpret information from a variety of sources
Indicative Content
- Useoflibraryandother informationsources
- Internetresearch skills,includinguseofsocial media
- Types of data
- Assessingreliabilityofsources
- Analysinginformationanddeterminingitsrelevance toagiven task
- Critical thinking
- Reflective and evaluative writing
- Academic essay and report writing
- Business report writing
- Technical writing
- Writing for the Internet
- Harvard referencing–methodandpurpose
- Oral communication, including demonstration and presentation skills
- Group/teamworking
- Learninginanacademic context,includingreadingandnotetaking
- Learning styles
- Timemanagementskills
- Giving and receiving feedback
Learning & Teaching Strategies
The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures, workshops and use of on-line learning materials. Group-based exercises will be used to develop peer-learning skills. Original work produced as part of another module may be used to provide evidence for the portfolio.
e-Portfolio (50%) showing evidence of:
- Personal development plan
- different styles of writing
- use of oral communication skills
- use of feedback to develop work
- evaluation of sources
- evaluation of learning (500 words).
Specific Learning Resources
Highly Recommended
Cottrell,S.(2013)TheStudySkillsHandbook(4thEd).Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan
Barker,M.,Barker,D.andPinard,K.(2011)InternetResearch(6thEd). USA:South-WesternCollege Publishing.
Ramsay, P. Maier, P. and Price, G. (2010) Study Skills for Business and Management Students. Harlow: Longman
Taylor, S. (2012) Model business letters, emails and other business documents (7th Ed). Harlow: Pearson.
Crasswell, G. and Poore, M. (2012) Writing for Academic Success (2nd Ed). London: Sage.
Dean, M. (2010) Inside Track to Academic research, Writing and Referencing. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Trought, F. (2012) Brilliant Employability Skills. Harlow: Pearson
Turk, C. and Tuckman, J. (1989) Effective Writing: improving scientific, technical and business communication. London: Spon Press.