January 13, 2014 2-3:30 PM
Present: Trina Pundurs (UCB), Xiaoli Li (UCD), Sarah Sheets (UCM, chair), Jim Clark (UCR-vice chair), Elaine McCracken (UCSB, Recorder), Marcia Barrett (UCSC), Becky Culbertson (UCSD/SCP), Bea Mallek (UCSF)
1. Announcements
- Linda Barnhart, Head of Metadata Services at Geisel Library, will retire from UCSD at the end of June 2014. It is likely that UCSD will recruit to fill this position.
2. SCP Update (Becky)
- YBP DDA – SCP purchased 16 new records from YBP. There is a seed project of an initial 800 records, which campuses will receive in the weekly SCP files. After this, SCP expects to send out 12-15 new records per week.
- Airiti files – SCP spotted problems with the Airiti file, and postponed the release of the December/January records, until the issues can be resolved.
- Japanese DDA- Becky announced that EBSCO will handle the Japanese DDA E-book titles. OCLC already has records for most of these titles. UC-Berkeley licensed these tier 1 titles for nine campuses (UCSF opted out). SCP does not have a time frame yet for how long it will take for this project to begin.
- Web of Knowledge (WOK) – Becky reported that there will be no additional (i.e. ongoing) fees for the resources to be added with the continued subscription to Web of Science. The existing Web of Science agreement is thru 12/31/15
- WOK Content to be Added:
- Book Citation Index (2005-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index (1990-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Current Contents Connect (1998-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Current Chemical Reactions (1985-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Data Citation Index (1990-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Derwent Innovations Index (1993-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Index Chemicus (1993-present): New subscription for ten campuses and CDL
- Of the above resources, all are purchase products (with perpetual rights) except for Current Contents Connect and Data Citation Index. The license for all products includes all new content added during the subscription term with continued subscription to Web of Science.
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) – SCP has purchased e-books published in 2014. Three campuses have purchased books from 2013.
- Wiley O-books—access is not yet in place for the 2014 o-books.
- SAGE- CDL purchased the 2014 titles, as well as 40 back-file titles from 2013.
- Elsevier—CDL will continue to receive titles in the Freedom Collection. The package has changed somewhat – some titles were removed, and others added. SCP will send out delete records for these. There are approximately 900 new titles that will be added this year, and SCP will send out records as the title access is added.
- Psychiatry Online – CDL purchased, but access is not ready yet.
- Morgan & Claypoole – CDL purchased Collection 6
- ACS Symposium – ebook records will be added
- CRC A-NET—the 2013 pilot will not be continued. Kate will send out deletes.
- China Census Database – the details are being worked on.
- Knovel Database – UC campuses will continue to receive records for titles in this package.
- Becky also reported that most records for the ArtSource and Education Source packages weresent in the January 6 and January 13 files.
3. 007 discontinuance on print serial records (Becky) – The February 3, 2014 SCP file is the last one that will have records which Becky has added an 007. Campuses that need an 007 in their records will need to add themselves beginning with the February 10th file. Please alert your Systems liaisons now so they have time to update their load script.
4. Alternate date for February call due to Presidents’ Day holiday will be Monday, February 10, 2014, 2-3:30.