Jennings Dual Language meeting January 10, 2015
Daisy Torres, Katy Catlett, Maribel Olivero, Luz Rivera, Carol Wheeler-Flood, Haydee Ayala, Deifilia Sandoval, Margaret Bucaram, May Reitz
Update: handbook- Daisy’s office will update the handbook. Do we want to look at the name of our program and see if we want to make any changes.
MAGNET SCHOOL: Who are We? Think of ways to promote Jennings.
Luz- talked about the image we have of Jennings. Look at the brochure that needed updating. It was only in English so she translated it into Spanish also. We found that many parents did not understand what the Dual Language program was about.
We are looking at presentations for our Open House tour: January 21, February 4, February, 19. March 2, March 17, March 31.
Julianne Henckel has a contract with radio station to promote the schools.
The applications have been updated to include Spanish and Haitian-Creole.
Keep in mind that we have students at the Early Childhood school who are in the Dual language program. We need to be clear to parents that if they end up at Harbor school they are guaranteed a slot at Jennings.
La Cosecha- Daisy and Maribel attended. Maribel attended many workshops that talked about intervention.
We are hoping to get Collier and Thomas for our first pd in August.
Katy shared that Collier’s came to Omaha and after their presentation many schools wanted to change their programming to dual language.
In Kate’s district they teach by quarters, where content is taught in one language.
She gave us an overview of what OPS offers from K-12.
She showed us a sample schedule where they have group A and group B. The groups change weekly.
Group A:
Calendar (15 minutes) reading (130) math (60) lunch/recess (40) switch (5)
writing (60) recess (15) math (60)
Group B:
Calendar (15) reading (130) science/social studies/intervention (60) lunch/recess (40) switch (5) writing (60) recess(15) science/social studies/intervention (60)
We need to trust that they can get the math in Spanish and it will transfer to English.
We need to stick to one language inside the classroom and out.
Next steps for New London Public Schools.
Katy saw that we’re working on language objectives and she noticed that we’re speaking more Spanish.
They do not encourage English students past first grade to enter the dual language program if they have no Spanish background.
How long did it take for the 50/50 model to be efficient? It was more efficient to go to quarters. They looked at their reading unit and looked at what would be taught in one language. Still a work in progress.
Some programs that they use in OPS:
K-2- “Journeys”, “Senderos” (Houghton Mifflin)” Estrellitas”, “Rigor”
Non negotiable: Dual Language Program Beliefs Statement
Administrators, teachers, and staff within the DLP of the OPS are dedicated to ensuring that each child acquires the skills and knowledge to succeed in a global society by working towards the following goals:
· High Academic achievement
· Bilingualism
· Biliteracy
· Cross- cultural Abilities
Benchmark is done in both languages so we see where they are. Fontass and Pinell. (k-2), Rigby EDL (3-6) MAP (be able to assess students in Spanish for math. This company does have a comparable assessment in both languages)
Achieve 3000 in both languages for the upper grades. It gives them a lexile score.
EDL to be given to all students to assess Spanish. DIBELS to assess English.
OPS give students math assessment in Spanish.
Next meeting- March 14, 2015
Revisit the handbook.
Update home language survey
Belief statements- non negotiable
Discuss how the tours are going
DL trend data: how have ELs performed in MAP reading and math?